Ideas for fall activities

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by christie76, Aug 19, 2010.

  1. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to think of some sort of activity to do with the girls this fall/winter, so we aren't stuck in the house. I looked into gymnastics and it's $150 each for 9 weeks. The class is 45 min. long and you go around with them. Seems kind of expensive to me. Dance is $30/month each and runs from Sept.-June. It's 30 min. and they go in by themselves. My other thought is maybe joining the Y, which is $100/month for a family membership. I like the idea of having up to 2 hours to myself, but I'm not sure I want to make the commitment. It's about 25 min. away and I know myself too well. I'd be good about doing it in the beginning, but as it gets colder the idea of packing them up to go workout, doesn't seem exciting. I know it would be good for the whole family, though. I would kind of like them to be in a structured activity and the Y would just be like daycare. I wish they had preschool for 2 year olds around here. Any other thoughts? I'm sure we'll end up doing nothing, since I'm totally indecisive:)
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Check if your Y has classes for kids too... the one here does, but for 3 yo only. I'll probably join, but it's cheaper here and 10 minutes away. Other than that, I'm in the same boat, classes seem to cost way too much for me. Check the library too, mine will have a toddler program in the fall, which I'm hoping to be able to join (you have to register).
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Check out what your local library has to offer? Ours has several weekly story time/craft sessions each week. Or story time at a local book store?
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I totally agree with checking out your library! Also we have bouce house type places going up everywhere and my kids love that. They have specials during the week which makes it cheaper and it's good for getting a lot of energy out.
    Out of dance or gymnastics I would go with the Y because you all could get something out of it. GOod luck!
  5. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Bounce places are sooo expensive here, it's driving me nuts! $9 a kid when you stay 3 hours tops = ouch.
  6. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Do you have a Children's Museum nearby? Our yearly membership for me & the boys is only $60, yet it's $15 each time we well worth it! We go a LOT in the winter!

    We also have a local indoor sports center that hosts mornings for $3 a kid. They have an entire soccer field FULL of things for little kids, including inflatables, bikes, blocks, balls, etc etc. They also do parachute games once a morning. We do that a LOT in the winter, too.

    Our local Parks & Rec offers classes for 2-5 year olds monthly. They're $5 a kid for an hour, but that includes all the arts & crafts they do (and get to keep). Each one is themed & they're a lot of fun. We signed up for almost all of them last winter.

    Like others, we have 2 local libraries with story times that we can go to. Our Sports Center also hosts Music in Motion weekly that I may look into signing the boys up for.

    We don't have any bounce places by us, but they sound like fun. I bet those would be an awesome energy burner!

    What else do we do in the winter? Oh, the mall play place. Ours opens an hour before the mall (so at 9) & is freshly sanitized & fairly empty at that time. I think it's boring, but the boys love it.

    We do a LOT of play dates...whether at any of the above places or at other people's houses. Other kid's toys are always more fun, right :)?

    I'd call around & see what you can find. You may be surprised! Good luck! It gets REALLY cold where I live so we can't do a lot of outside activities in the winter, but I don't mind bundling mine up to go places. You may not mind either if they get super stir crazy :)!

  7. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    we love library story time

    We are looking int rec center gynmastics iti s $30 for a 6 week sesssion so $5/session. I know most places have a 2 yr old class that you may have to go with them

    We also had a children't museum pass that just expired, they kids loved it.
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