ID twins and their own images in the mirror...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ChaoticMum, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    I have always loved my babies reactions to seeing themselves in the mirror - the laughing and pointing and giggling and amazed face. Until the Duo!! They have absolutely NO interest in their reflection at all - I am not surprised because they see that face all day, every day without a mirror! LOL

    Here's my question - when do they start to realize that the person in the mirror is THEMSELVES and when do they realize that there is another person who looks just like them? What are their reactions? What kinds of stories do all you BTDT mums/dads have from when your ID's figured it out?
  2. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    During the past year my two have slowly started noticing that they look alike, it has been a lot of fun to watch. They are almost 3 now and when I show them pictures of themselves they have no idea who is who, they'll guess and say, "That's Finley, that's me." but they are only right 50% of the time! :laughing: They have also started telling people that they are the other one, when asked. For example, if a child at their preschool says, "Who are you, Finley or Sullivan?" - Sullivan will say, "I'm Finley." It's pretty funny, I think. As far as the mirror goes, over the past 6 months they have started looking in the mirror at the same time and saying things like, "I'm Sullivan (pointing to himself) and then he'll say, "You Finley" (while pointing to himself in the mirror). It's a lot of fun to watch! :)
  3. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Mine were interested in the mirror, but said the other one's name to the mirror for quite a long time. Same for pictures. If I said who's that, they said the other's name, even for pictures of both of them. Like, who's that--"Gabby", and this? --"Gabby". It was sometime after two that they could accurately identify themselves in the mirror and in pics. Now they mostly can not identify themselves in pics that were taken before they were 4.
  4. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Mine know who they are in the pics of themselves recently as long as they do not have hats on. I think that is because they remember the pic being taken tho. Also, when I ask them if they think they look alike, they laugh and say "NOO!!!" Soo funny!

    They're 38 months. Oh and they also know they're twins and totally know what that is and everything.
  5. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    Love this thread - I had noticed that my mono-dis were not all that interested in the mirror when compared to my older two children, but hadn't given it much thought. Makes total sense that they just assume it's the other baby and think it's no big deal ... funny.
  6. learnest

    learnest Member

    So glad you brought this up, i have thought about it before and wondered if other identicals do that to. Yeah forever my girls just had no reaction what so ever its so neat though i think its so awesome to watch my girls and see how much alike they are you know one wants mom the other wants mom one wants juice here comes the other running! I feel so lucky and blessed to have my girls well all of my kids of course. It seems like now they are finally knowing its them in the mirror as long as im there with them and we stick our tongues out and make funny faces and they just crack up laughing!
  7. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    My two know who is in the mirror, although for a very long time thought it was their twin. Now they are unable to correctly identify themselves in pictures, until they learn that particular one. It's like they have to memorize them to know who's who. I ask every once in a while if their brother looks like them, and they always give a blank stare back at me. I find it fascinating... They are mirror twins, so I'm wondering if that is what causes them some confusion.
    Isn't it fun to watch?!
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I don't think that my girls still understand that they look alike. To them, they are just Sarah and Allison. They have a hard time identifying each other in a picture, but I still don't think they "understand" that they look just alike. They talk about how their friends keep getting them mixed up and how they are twins, but I really don't think even at this age they truly understand that they look alike.

    ETA: boy, did I make myself crystal clear on how they don't understand :D
  9. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    Mine are too little yet, although they'll look at photos on the wall and Mary will say "Sissy" to both of them.
  10. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    my boys are the same. They are always in the same room, same toy, if one comes for a snack the other is right behind. Not sure if this is their own 'twin' thing or if its just normal of kids their age. I've never done daycare so I've never had 2 the same age together before.

    LOL Yep...I think so! LOL
  11. mikeyswife1999

    mikeyswife1999 Well-Known Member

    Lol, I'd noticed that, too, and wondered if it was a normal ID thing. I'm glad mine aren't the only ones.
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