ICP (Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy)?!?!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by sreal02, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. sreal02

    sreal02 Well-Known Member

    Have any of you experienced this?!?! It started about two weeks ago, and has increased in severity. My hands (palms), feet, legs, arms.....are itching so bad I feel like I'm going crazy. I do not have a rash of any kind, it feels like it's coming from under my skin. I'm so miserable. Honestly, i'm not normally a whiner/complainer and I've been doing so good this entire pregnancy, and now this. I went to my OB & she didn't seem too concerned, and told me to take Benadryl. That didn't help at all. I went back & she had me do some labs to test my bile acids (liver). Then she gave me an RX for Medrol (steroid). That helped for a few days---but the terrible itching returned when I still had two pills left to take. I still haven't heard back on the tests yet. It's the weekend, so I have to wait until Monday to call. My hands hurt so bad from the itching and I feel like I want to curl up in a ball & cry. Sorry to sound like such a Drama Queen. :( I'm only 29 weeks 4 days, so I have a ways to go.

    I went online & read about the ICP--which sounds scary and exactly like what I'm dealing with! I'm worried my OB isn't taking this seriously. Any suggestions?

    Thanks so much,
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't have any advice, I'm sorry you are dealing with this! I can suggest trying an oatmeal bath, put some regular oatmeal in a sock or stocking and tie is shut. Throw it in your bathtub and run some warm water, as much as you can so you can really soak your body. Something in the oatmeal helps with itchiness (big bites, hives from allergic reactions...etc) so it might help your itchies too!! :hug: Then you can try putting calamine lotion on when you get out, it may help as well! :(
  3. sreal02

    sreal02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Danibell @ Feb 14 2009, 02:03 PM) [snapback]1190002[/snapback]
    I don't have any advice, I'm sorry you are dealing with this! I can suggest trying an oatmeal bath, put some regular oatmeal in a sock or stocking and tie is shut. Throw it in your bathtub and run some warm water, as much as you can so you can really soak your body. Something in the oatmeal helps with itchiness (big bites, hives from allergic reactions...etc) so it might help your itchies too!! :hug: Then you can try putting calamine lotion on when you get out, it may help as well! :(

    Thank you. ;) However, I've bought the Aveeno Oatmeal Skin Relief bath treatments and they don't help at all. I have to take a quick shower in practically cold water or else the itching is even worse. Argh! I even bought the Aveeno Overnight Anti-Itching skin lotion & slathered myself in it after soaking in the oatmeal treatments and that only helps for a little bit. I did order some lotion called Sarna, but I'm still waiting for it to arrive. I had to order it online. I feel so hopeless. :(

    Thanks so much for the suggestion though. :)
  4. pclark

    pclark New Member

    Please do not delay in calling your doctor about this. My daughter-in-law had this with all three pregnancies. With the first it was mild and she delivered a full term baby. With the second and third, the babies were born at 36 and 37 weeks because of this condition. Both babies were fine, but they were in distress and had a lot of meconium which had to be suctioned at birth. She was followed closely but had to really push the doctor to test her. There is a site called itchymoms.com which may give you some extra information. The Sarna lotion provided some relief. Benadryl did not. Best of luck to you and your babies.
  5. momof5

    momof5 Well-Known Member

    I had it and it SUCKED! Luckily I was already on bedrest in the hospital for TTTS and I got IV Benadryl. I itched so bad my skin BLED. It was because my bile salts were not binding. 6 weeks later I had emergency surgery to remove my gall bladder and my suregon said the two are related. Good luck to you, keep up with the Bendaryl and keep us posted!
  6. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I had it too and it's really bad. I couldn't sleep more than an hour and I also scratched my skin raw (even in my sleep). Benadryl gave very, very temporary relief and I was pink with calamine lotion. When I came down with it we already had delivery scheduled anyway due to Sierra's growth so it only pushed up my birth by a few day. Unfortunately, the only cure is to have the babies and it's important to do so because the liver issues are bad for you and for them. You'll be 30 weeks though so, although there'll be some NICU time and a lot of stress, they should be fine. Very few twins born after 30 weeks have any problems but they do need to be watched closely. Definitely call and get those test results first thing on Monday.
  7. sreal02

    sreal02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(scgrandma @ Feb 14 2009, 10:05 PM) [snapback]1190331[/snapback]
    Please do not delay in calling your doctor about this. My daughter-in-law had this with all three pregnancies. With the first it was mild and she delivered a full term baby. With the second and third, the babies were born at 36 and 37 weeks because of this condition. Both babies were fine, but they were in distress and had a lot of meconium which had to be suctioned at birth. She was followed closely but had to really push the doctor to test her. There is a site called itchymoms.com which may give you some extra information. The Sarna lotion provided some relief. Benadryl did not. Best of luck to you and your babies.

    Thank you! I have been to my OB & she did the testing, but it was just the beginning of last week & the tests take a week or so to come back. I feel so bad for your DIL--having it with 3 pregnancies! I can't imagine!! I have visited the itchymoms.com website & that is where I found out that my OB ordered the correct tests for the bile acids. However, I'm just concerned that she won't prescribe the Actigall that is necessary for this DX. My Sarna lotion arrived!! I slathered my entire body in it, and man was I on FIRE!! lol It must have been the Menthol that is in it. I was shocked....but after the burning sensation wore off the relief started! The relief is only short term, I really need some meds. :(
  8. sreal02

    sreal02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(momof5 @ Feb 15 2009, 12:24 AM) [snapback]1190442[/snapback]
    I had it and it SUCKED! Luckily I was already on bedrest in the hospital for TTTS and I got IV Benadryl. I itched so bad my skin BLED. It was because my bile salts were not binding. 6 weeks later I had emergency surgery to remove my gall bladder and my suregon said the two are related. Good luck to you, keep up with the Bendaryl and keep us posted!

    It does SUCK!!! Do you know if they gave you the Actigall? Apparently, that is the RX that is supposed to be prescribed with ICP. I stopped taking the Benadryl since it wasn't even making a bit of difference.

    Thanks for the Good Luck vibes!! ;)
  9. sreal02

    sreal02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Ali M @ Feb 15 2009, 01:32 AM) [snapback]1190467[/snapback]
    I had it too and it's really bad. I couldn't sleep more than an hour and I also scratched my skin raw (even in my sleep). Benadryl gave very, very temporary relief and I was pink with calamine lotion. When I came down with it we already had delivery scheduled anyway due to Sierra's growth so it only pushed up my birth by a few day. Unfortunately, the only cure is to have the babies and it's important to do so because the liver issues are bad for you and for them. You'll be 30 weeks though so, although there'll be some NICU time and a lot of stress, they should be fine. Very few twins born after 30 weeks have any problems but they do need to be watched closely. Definitely call and get those test results first thing on Monday.

    I've scratched myself raw & bleeding in my sleep, too. When I get enough relief to actually sleep! Benadryl didn't work for me either. I started using the Sarna lotion, which does give some relief. I've read @ itchymoms.com that the RX, Actigall, is what should be prescribed & that is basically the only thing that helps. This medication relieves skin itching, and helps correct liver function abnormalities. However, you do have to deliver by 37 weeks, no later. So, fortunately, I wouldn't have to have these little guys at 30 weeks, but definitely by 37 weeks to prevent any stress or negative consequences for the babies. It's so scary!! I'll definitely be calling on Monday, and trying to find out my test results & asking about the Actigall. I just hope they don't blow me off & chalk it up to another itchy pregnant mama.
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