Bea has a lovey, her blanket. When she is upset or tired, she will take the corner and rub her eyeball with it. If I tell her not to do that, it's icky, she puts the corner of the blanket in her ear. What is wrong with this child? I have no idea why that is comforting to her. She also will touch her eye with her fingers sometimes. It's a wonder she doesn't have an eye infection.
My oldest DD has a very soft baby from when she was a baby, it's washable and is very loved now that she is 6, but it has a little hair at the top and she has always taken some of the hair and stuck it in her ear. It must be a comfort thing.
One of my twins licks her lovey or anything fuzzy if she is trying to fall asleep. When I check on her in the night I can here her sloppying away...just like a doggy!! I have wondered if maybe I should tell the DR...anyone else have a licker???
My twins (2 1/2) both have their fuzzy blankets they sleep with. My son has to find the tag on his when we tuck him in and he rubs it with his fingers until he settles in. I think that touch is such a huge sense to kids in this age..... I think (it's been a while since school, but I'll try) there sense of touch is more sensitive in their faces/heads right now & it is a way to self sooth.
I'm sure its comforting to her. I would be concerned with her scratching her eye though. I'd be able handle the ear thing better.
Yup! Ben has a stuffed dog, "Blue Dog", that has a tail on it. He always used to stick the tail in his eye. We were so sure he would get pink-eye from it but he never did. Now, he always sticks the tail in his ear. Thank heavens it's washable. I vaguely remember having a blankie when I was little and I loved to put the corner in my ear. I guess it's common. For what it's worth, Ben didn't get pink-eye until he started preschool and caught it from the other kids.
How funny -- Sarah and Amy suck on their loveys, but (as far as I know) don't put them in their eyes. That would wig me out too -- not the ear so much.
OK, glad to know it's normal. I figured she just likes the sensation, but I do worry about her scratching her eye. It's kind of a rough blanket, I don't even know why she likes it so much.
Brody has a 'horsey' (now retired) that he chewed out the beads, then proceeded to chew the legs off, of which he would also stick those same legs in his ears. He would chew any area that had the beads. Thus the early retirement of this luvey.