ICK! Diarrhea for 3 days!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rayelynn, Mar 9, 2008.

  1. rayelynn

    rayelynn Well-Known Member

    My poor son has had diarrhea for three days now. I am calling the doctor first thing in the morning. Day One was vomitting and diarrhea, now just diarrhea. He and Lynae both have been fighting colds: runny noses, goopy eyes, cough, etc. He has been drinking enough, eating a little. To make it worse, it has caused a very painful diaper rash. He screams everytime we change his diaper and put cream on him. My heart is breaking for my little bubby.

    I am thinking that maybe it is rotavirus. What do you think?

    Both kids have had their eyes matted with goop for nearly a week. Both have had runny noses, cough, sneezing, etc. Only Lucas has the diarrhea and previous vomitting.
  2. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Could it be rotovirus? Definitely sounds like some sort of a virus...

    I hope all is well soon. :hug99:

    Sending get well soon vibes!
  3. ehm

    ehm Banned

    Are they on meds for the eye goop? One time one of my children had some eye issues, we couldn't really tell what it was and it didn't seem to be pink eye/conjunctivitus but we did end up getting a script for an ointment and the outward signs of the goop went away almost immediately (I still continued treatment for the designated time but it seriously was like an eye miracle drug).

    Have you been giving him milk? Sometimes that can be the last lingering aspect of an illness. I usually hold off on milk (and most dairy except for yogurt with active cultures because the good bacteria can help rid the bad bacteria) until one whole week after everything else seems back to normal.
  4. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    Garrett had it for 7 days. It was horrible. We went to the doctor and he told us same old same old - Pedialyte for 24 hours and then plain oatmeal or rice for the next 48. He still continued with the diarhea until I thought he might dehydrate so we went back. Regular pedi wasn't there and he said no way he had been sick that long. Well I keep written records of things like this so I can tell their mom when she gets home. I know for a fact just how bad it had been for 7 days and the first two days he ran 102 fever with it as well. I was so ticked with that doctor. I was changing 15-20 dirty diapers a day. I hate it when a doctor tries to make you feel like an idiot. G lost a lot of weight and his smaller brother caught up and actually went ahead of him in weight - that was a first.
  5. rayelynn

    rayelynn Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys! I took Lucas and Lynae to the dr. today for congestion, cough, goopy eyes, yellow snot, etc. Lynae hasn't had diarrhea, but Lucas has enough for both of them. The dr. said they both have horrible ear infections and that is the root of all of their problems. The goopy eyes is from the infection oozing out (ick!) and the yellow snot is too. The vomitting and diarrhea is most likely also due to the ear infection. The bacteria are moving on since they have conquered the ears. She recommended a probiotic called Culturella and gave me a script for antibiotics. The dr. said the probiotic is good to have around for anyone who gets an intestinal bug. She said it takes care of diarrhea really quickly. I haven't been able to give it to them yet. They are asleep in the car. Their daddy is outside doing yard stuff so he is keeping an eye on them.

    I'll keep you posted on how the probiotic works. With the intestinal crud going around, it could be useful to all of us.

    Raye Lynn
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