I would rather walk on nails in my barefeet than try to feed Olivia her solids....

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kellyx2, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. Kellyx2

    Kellyx2 Well-Known Member

    She throws a complete temper tantrum and it is completely out of control. It's not like she doesn't like the food...she's opening her mouth for every bite. She is just whining and whining, face is beat red from grunting, etc. Has anyone experienced this? It's the same tantrum she has when I try to put her bib on before her bottle...the same tantrum if she wants her binki and I don't get it fast enough...the same tantrum at night when she is tired. I honestly don't know how to handle it. If I completely distract her while eating, then she's okay. Sometimes I put her in front of Sesame Street in the bouncy chair and she is bouncing away while I struggle to get the food in her mouth and not all down the front of her. I'm ready to put her in daycare so they can feed her solids!!!! HELP!
  2. JuJu55

    JuJu55 Well-Known Member

    Oh no! I don't really have any advice, just wanted to say I'm sorry. My little one does not throw tantrums but loves to get that big mouthful of food and spit it everywhere. It will get easier though once she gets used to it. Hang in there!
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    That's infant impatience for ya - not much you can do. Just try to prevent waiting too long for feedings. Sometimes that helps.
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Have you tried giving her goldfish or cheerios on her tray? That should keep her busy between bites.
  5. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    It sounds to me like you would be better off to give her a bottle first and then try some baby food after....she won't be so impatient is her belly is a little full.....hth....
  6. Kellyx2

    Kellyx2 Well-Known Member

    I've tried cheerios on the tray and she doesn't even look at them.

    She gets her bottle first and solids 30 minutes later.
  7. AmyD

    AmyD Well-Known Member

    If there's a second where she stops whining or grunting, that's when I would try putting a bite of food in her mouth and giving her a lot of praise. You have to be fast! That's what I've tried with my one DS who throws temper tantrums. When he's pitching a fit, I won't look at him or give him attention, and the second he stops to take a breath, I load praise on him. It's been working with him. I've stop reinforcing the negative behavior. Worth a try for Olivia.
  8. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Maybe she's just not hungry 30 minutes after her bottle, have you tried stretching it a little longer?
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Originally posted by becky5:
    Maybe she's just not hungry 30 minutes after her bottle, have you tried stretching it a little longer?

    That's a good thought....what about feeding before bottles when she IS hungry. Don't do a lot of solids but get a few happy bites in and then have the bottle ready and give that to her while she's still happy and make a positive correlation!
  10. Don2worrybhappy

    Don2worrybhappy Well-Known Member

    We only do solids twice a day. I wait until after their naps. That way, I know their stomach is pretty empty. Then, I nurse them after their meal.
  11. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I think, since she's 7 months, you'd be fine to give the solids a little break....for your peace of mind.
  12. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    give the solids a little break....for your peace of mind.

    I was thinking the same. Although my girls are much younger than yours, I had one that did this so I stopped them for a few days to let her regroup. And if she starts it again, I quit again for another day or so. I just make sure she is still getting as much, and maybe a little bit more, formula.
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