I wonder..may not be constipation

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by LB, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    I posted a concern about Noah being constipated...well we gave him the suppository and he went. He's been getting basically no milk and prune juice mixed with water...all the fruit he wants etc...however
    I noticed that when I thought he was "pushing" I held him and he appears to be squeezing his butt cheeks together so tightly that nothing can come out. Now he's had a diaper rash for about 2 week (b/c in the beginning he was going too much so I tried the BRAT diet and then I thought he wasn't going and in that time he got the diaper rash and it's been incredibly difficulty to get rid of) and I wonder if he's been trying to hold it in this whole time b/c of the rash! He cries (more like screams) at ever diaper change and it seems like I'm changind his diaper A LOT b/c of small "smears" that are occuring in his diaper. So I think he CAN go but is trying to keep it in...sometimes I'll see him laying on the floor after he eats with his legs stiffened and he's crying.
    So if it is the case that he is truly trying not to go I'm guessing I have to just try and clear up the rash first? What do you think? I've tried the baking soda in the tub water and last night he didn't even want to sit in the tub (which he loves) b/c his bottom hurts so much..poor guy.
  2. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Poor baby. I'd definitely try to get that rash cleaned up and see if that is what is causing it. I know lots of people have lots of good ideas, but I use a prescription c-nystatin-hc-zno prescription that always clears everything up with one, sometimes two applications.
  3. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    If he's holding his butt tight in an effort to keep from going, I would say that's a sure sign that he's afraid to go. Poor little guy. Here's that thread that was posted recently about ways to get of really bad diaper rash... http://www.twinstuff.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=58414

    Aw, man, I really feel terrible for your son. Having a bowel movement is just such a basic need, especially for babies. I hope it clears up for you guys real soon.
  4. annieuetz

    annieuetz Well-Known Member

    Could he be allergic to something he is eating. My girls' bottoms are always raw or red when they eat one of their allergens and constipation can be a symptom of an allergy.
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    It could be the rash! It might be a yeast rash and need two forms of relief. Monistat type cream rubbed as well as you can and then THICK layer of THICK cream (not the watery cream, the really thick stuff - regular desitin!)

    If you can let him go without pants for a few min. after getting him cleaned up, you will have some extra help with that rash!!
  6. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    so much for the calmoseptine being the miracle diaper rash cream!!!! Now that Noah started to let himself go again the diaper rash is back in full force...small dots of bleeding included! The poor guy screams if we even take him near the tub or even change his diaper! I haven't been putting any soap in the tub either..just water. I feel so bad for him. I called the after hours nurse and she suggested 3 soaks in baking soda and water a day, followed with lotramin and air drying as much as possible.
    I'm so confused! The nurse at the pedi's office was telling me to use calmoseptine, one told me nystatin and now this! That's another tube of stuff to run out and buy and it may not work either? Is there something else that's similar to it that I might have at home already?? I feel like such a horrible mom...I have no idea what to do.
    I'm wondering if it could be a food allergy but not even sure what it could be???
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :hug99: I believe that Lotramin, Nystatin, and Monistat all treat yeast infections, so if you have any of those I would definitely try one after doing the baking soda soaks.
  8. annieuetz

    annieuetz Well-Known Member

    If his bottom is raw/bleeding, I think it is a food allergy. We never had blood with yeast infections but always do with food allergies. My girls are allergic to dairy, wheat, eggs, beef, squash and bananas. They also have a soy intolerance and their bottoms turn red around their anus but it typically doesn't bleed although it did when they were little. I would start with eliminating all dairy. It should start clearing up in a 3-4 days. If you still see problems, I would also eliminate wheat and eggs. Once everything is cleared up reintroduce the foods one at time. Give it a week between each food. If it is an allergy you will see a reaction within the week. My girls not only had red/raw bottoms, but didn't sleep very well, lots of gas, runny noses, cranky, clingy and whiny. When the allergens are eliminated all of those things went away.
  9. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    have you gone to the dr?

    I've known a couple of kids that have the poop smears, and yes, they ARE constipated. That's the only thing that can come out - it almost looks like diarhea, but it isn't. They both were backed up pretty far and have to have miralax for a LONG time to keep them going.
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