Uh oh! I have a bad habit of saying "I was like" as a quotative, and I guess Bea picked it up. :blush: She was relaying a story of losing her band-aid at preschool and told me "I looked at my finger and didn't see my band-aid anymore, and I was like 'Where's my band-aid!'" Oops! Bad Grammar Mommy! :lol:
ardon: Sounds about right to me. :laughing: I use that alot too. :blush: Hey, be happy it's that phrase she picked up and not another. :hush:
I decided that it's fine if they use it as a quotative, but not just stuck randomly into sentences: "It was, like, a tomato, and it was, like, all red and stuff." All the quotative are so goofy "I was all," "I was like," "and then I go, and then she goes, and then I go"... <---showing my age :ibiggrin: Besides, how can you possibly be a bad grammar mommy if you know what a quotative is?
That's funny. All I can think of is Crush from Finding Nemo, and one of my favorite lines: First you were all like "whoa", and we were like "whoa", and you were like "whoa..."
Nolan has been saying this and I don't know where it came from. I don't think that I say it (or at least say it very often). His other new thing is "Actually"...about EVERYTHING!
:lol: They DO pick up on everything. I know that I hear all kinds of unique things coming from my kids' mouths, and then I'm like, "wow, I guess I do say it that way more than I realized!" LOL
It's hilarious to hear the things that come out of their mouths. At about 2.5 Aaron started saying "hellOooo" (in that Back to the Future "hello, McFly" way) when somebody didn't acknowledge him or he thought something was moving to slowly. SO so funny when we'd be sitting at a red light and he'd get all impatient saying "hello, let's go!" Too funny.
Mine say that too. They also use "like" as a filler, like, when they can't think of what to say next. I remember, as a teenager, trying to explain to my parents that "I was like" served an important grammatical purpose, because it's not an exact quote. To say "I was like, 'Yikes!'" doesn't mean you literally said "Yikes." They didn't buy it. :laughing:
LOL! That cracked me up! I'm also a "I was all"/"and then I go" offender. I'll have to tell my children this cautionary tale of saying things as a teenager and then still saying them in your late 30's and not being able to stop!
Ha! Mine do that too. Especially Bella. My DH asked me the other day, "And who do you think she gets that from?" And I asked, "Me? Really? Do I say that a lot." He replied "YES!" quite emphatically. Oops. I am going to have to try to stop.
Thats funny. My kids also pick up on EVERYTHING I say. But my 5 yr old just started Kindergarten and hes been coming home with his classmates attitudes and slang. Most of it I do NOT like. And I have to give him an attitude adjustment Everyday. *sigh* ETA: Of course, I too, am an "I was like" sayer. ETA again. . to give an example of my sons 'attitude' from school. He will come home saying Nah, and Yeah instead of Yes an No, and he talks VERY loud and seemingly gets frustrated easily when trying to explain something. The other day he was talking and then said "You wouldnt understand!" ??? Say Wha?? That made me mad. But I guess you woulda had to hear his tone.