I updated my ticker/signature today...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kuchar, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    Seeing that big 2 on the new ticker, and seeing the little ticker babies get bigger, was depressing! I updated their picture on the side, too... they look so big!

    This is going WAY too fast! I can't believe they are counting down to their second birthday already!

  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I know what you mean Helen! I get teary when I see how fast they are growing up. :cray: But there are so many positives to it too, now to find a way to focus only on that! ;)

  3. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I do agree. Sometimes I look at them and wonder where my sweet little babies went. And then I see them for the fun, enthusiastic, enjoyable toddlers that they are and love them even more!
  4. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It is sooooooo hard!
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I guess I'm the odd ball, I kind of like seeing my new ticker for my two. :)
  6. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    it really bummed me out..i still remember when it said becca and jake are 4 days old!!!! where has the time gone :(
  7. kimj

    kimj Well-Known Member

    I have mixed feelings. At one end - I still can't believe I have TWO children! and I look at some of their tiny clothing and think OMG! Did they really fit into that! The other end, I just love to watch them grow and learn everyday! I can't wait until they start talking! (but some of the post lately hve been really scaring me about this too :rolleyes: )
  8. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(summerfun @ Feb 22 2008, 01:48 PM) [snapback]635910[/snapback]
    I guess I'm the odd ball, I kind of like seeing my new ticker for my two. :)

    I'm the same way. I couldn't wait to get rid of that first year ticker. BUT...now that's it's gone, I do miss some of the "moments".

    I can't believe how fast THIS year is going.
  9. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I cried.

    I was hoping this new ticker would be slower than the last but it is much faster -
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