I tried participate in an outdoor playgroup

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Stellaluna, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. Stellaluna

    Stellaluna Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=14pt]Ok, so lately I have been getting more active in local Mom groups and other child friendly activities in my area.

    I joined a group of Mom's who get together for different outings and playdates at each other's home.
    Today the group met at a local beach area.
    All the other Mom's had one child. And they were able to stand or sit around and chit chat. I tried to join in the conversation, but it was IMPOSSIBLE with two children wanting to do two different things constantly. Ryan wanted to sit and eat while Colin wanted to go in the water, then they both wanted me to spin them around in the water, then one wanted to walk around and hold my hand while the other wanted to eat some more and then if we did just stand there I could not let my focus wander for even a second with two children near the water.....so paying attention to another Mom was not even possible.

    There was just no way I was able to spend any time talking with any of the other Moms. And they all seemed to have it so easy with one child they held while talking or one child who played in the sand while they talked or one child who sat and ate while they talked......I felt like the odd one there. :( :unsure:

    I just don't know if I need to wait until they are older or if there are any tips those of you that do this can share. I want them to be around other children (and me around other adults!) but not at the risk of their safety and/or my sanity!
  2. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    Wow, that sounds so different from our mom's group. Usually, we're ALL running in different directions, yelling at kids to come back, breaking up fights and pulling books/cars/pacifiers/teethers/other toys out of diaper bags. I don't think any of us ever finish a complete sentence! One of the girls had to chase her almost 2 year old around the other side of the building (we were at the outdoor area of a coffee shop)! Wanna join us? :lol:

    Your boys are at a pretty tough age. Are there any kids in the group that are around the same age? I don't know what the "rules" are, but maybe you could see if any of their parents are interested in a playdate at a local park or somewhere you didn't feel like you had to constantly chase after them?
  3. coconutdancing

    coconutdancing Well-Known Member

    My girls are a little younger, but we have gone on sevral play dates at all diffrent ages. Some days I can talk to other mom's a little, but I am always by myself looking after both. In my twins group most of the mom's have another adult or an older sibbling with them to help, but since I don't have family or friends here it's just me, as hubby works a lot and dosen't really like to get out when he's not. I chalk it up to at least the gilrs have fun and most of the other parents are understanding thet you arn't being rude by not joining in on conversations becuse your situation is diffrent. I will tell you that some days are better than others and once your kids start learning the boundries and rules at the diffrent locations then it shouldn't be so bad. Although the beach isn't the most ideal for being able to look away once in a while, so you may just not be able to talk much thire, but like a park or others houses might be a better opertunity to get to know the other mothers more. I simpatize with you and I know how you feel and I wish their was more ways for you to get more involved with others and also keep your little ones safe. I have learned though that just staying at home because you can't be like the other siglton mothers will just hold you and your kids back more. I look at it as time to bond with my kids and letting them bond with others, more than me being able to bond with the other mom's.

    Good luck
  4. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I always found that when the girls were younger. All my singleton moms would be standing their chatting becoz they were only watching one, meanwhile I woz running around all over the place trying to keep track of two. Sometimes its easier to belong to twin groups becoz of this. I used to feel antisocial becoz I wouldn't get a chance to chat, but wot can you do.

  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That is why I don't do outdoor playgroups, just too difficult. I did go to the park a few times with our local multiples group at the beginning of the summer, but brought my 6 year old along to help.
  6. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    Oh boy, I know what you mean. I've found a lot of moms who have only one child, or 2 children of different ages just don't understand this. One of my good friends who's kids are 2 years apart doesn't understand why I can't take the boys to the park by myself. I tried to explain that in about 2 seconds flat, one kid has run off the playground at top speed, headed toward the lake while the other one has gone in the exact opposite direction. The playground is full of strangers, it's not entirely fenced in, and I don't feel comfortable turning my back for a second on one of the boys. When you have one older child, at least he/she can listen to directions while you chase the younger one around. But with 2 two year olds, it's utter choas.

    Maybe try to find a playgroup or toddler class that meets indoors??

  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Our playgroup is all MOMS and so they all know how it is and we all look out for each other's kids, but that will come in time with the other group. Offer to host at your house and that might help. I hosted this week and we all were up and down checking on our kids at some point, but we actually sat and had conversations!!! I'm enjoying it more as I get out and do it more.

    Good luck!! I would keep trying - maybe they'll start helping you a bit (in letting you know that one has gone the other way or telling the other one to stay put for a min. etc.) I know it's hard and frustrating :hug99:
  8. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I totally agree with Diane. When I get together in our regular playgroup, all the moms have one child and it is SOOOO different than when I go to my twins club's playgroups. "It takes a village," and man does my club GET THAT! Everyone helps everyone, even if you don't know the moms or kids. They understand how difficult it can be and everyone looks out for each other.

    Don't give up. I too have a hard time at the beach by myself. Maybe next time at a differnt location will be easier! (And what is it with food outside--Hannah just wants to eat!? Forget playing!!!)
  9. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Yes, it can be really hard to do outdoor playgroups with twins! The MOMS Club I joined does have a few other twin moms, and moms with two close in age, so everyone tends to look out for each others' kids and all the moms have no problem with another mom rounding up their child. However, I do tend to lean towards the indoor activities. Our group has a variety of different pladates scheduled to make sure everyone can participate in something.
    I am still not brave enough to manage a large playground by myself. They both like to do different things and I can't be in two places at once.
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