I think we're done...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rtj, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. rtj

    rtj Well-Known Member

    So, we made it to 14.5 months of breastfeeding. Much longer than I even hoped :). I have been down to one time a day after dinner for about two months and for a while I just thought I could continue that until next spring (after sick season). But, the girls seems less interested and actually went a whole day and night without nursing the other day and did fine.

    I am a little sadder than I thought I would be- maybe because I know they're my last. I'm ready to have my body back but will miss that sweet moment in the evening.

    To all you moms just starting out- it does get easier! Hang in there!
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member


    You rock!!! Great advice as well!! It does get easier and well worth the effort! Great job hanging in there yourself!
  3. Cjoy

    Cjoy Well-Known Member

    I am with you!! I just finished nursing a month or so ago...we too made it to 14months (my goal was 6months). I was down to 2x/day, then within 2wks, they were just nursing in the morning...then I just gave in. They seemed so interested in the bottle and I didn't want to hold back if they were done...I felt I should follow their lead...they wanted to be big boys, so instead of having to wean them off of me...I had to wean myself off of them. It hit me a few days later that we were done...and it was bittersweet. I do love having my body back, but wondering whose body this is?? I have never been so flabby! My chest is so floppy. I do miss the nice quiet moments with them...but I am thrilled we made it as long as we did. I am also glad I have finally dried up, I was uncomfortable for a couple of weeks. But I am back to normal (well, the new normal)...and finally went shopping for a new bra for this new body...it was a nice treat!

    Great Job! Go treat yourself!
  4. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    What a great post!
    I have 1 who seems to be weaning herself. She fights it and even when she does feed it's minimal. The other is still on 2-3 bf a day. (one through the night.)
    Even though I'm still feeding her sister I do feel sad that T2 seems to be finishing. I think that I too need to wean myself lol!
    In some ways it would be great to finish all together with both girls as I could go away for a few days in JAnuary with dd6) but the twins are definbately the last babies and I don't think I will cope when the day comes. :cry:

    I love the bit about having your body back but not knowing whose body it was! Twins aren't kind to one's body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congratulations!! Job well done. I think weaning, no matter how or when, is a bittersweet time. :hug:
  6. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    My thoughts exactly!!!!!!

    (ESpecially when their your last!!!!
  7. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    I am with you... these are our last babies and I am in no way looking forward to our nursing times to end, but sometimes I would like to have my boobs in my bra all day long!!
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