I'm waiting to hear back from the doc and I'll most likly be taking DD in. Yesterday and today she has hardly peed at all. She just doesn't seem to need to go and every time she sits on the potty there's nothing. I'm sure she's in pain as she is drinking normally. Anyone have a UTI in their toddler? Anything I can do to help while I wait for the doc? The funny thing is I took her in last week for an ear infection and she's been on antibiotics for the last week. I would have thought that would knock out this too.
There is a product called d-mannose. An essential sugar found in cranberries and other foods. I have the supplement in my house all the time. I use it for myself and my sister has used it on her son. And it works wonders. I suppose you can pick it up at a health food store or some place like that. Read up about it online. It is one of my favorite supplements ever. And you can use it even if you are on antibiotics.
Thanks for the tips. I picked up some cranberry juice, we'll see if she'll drink it. I'll look into d-mannose. We're still not sure if it's a UTI or not. I'm so upset with our clinic I could just spit! It's a long story: We went in Friday because she's been in pain. I decided to take her to another doc so I could get her in several hours earlier than her doc could see her. This doc thought the problem was due to her being so constipated and put her on fiber therapy to see if it cleared everything up. She didn't even examine her body. Well I trusted her diagnosis. After all, she's the doctor.... So all weekend DD is on fiber and only has 2 BMs (in 3 days), but the urinary problem doesn't change. She still won't/can't pee and only does so when she can't possible hold it any longer. It's painful and she just cries until it's over. Sun night I decided to take her in on monday and tried to do a urine catch so we didn't have to do it at the doc. But it wasn't clean enough so they sent us home with some wipes and a sterile cup. I finally got it done and took it in this afternoon. After a "dip" test they didn't find any infection!!!!! But her doc said the culture could show an infection. Meanwhile she told me to give her some sitz baths and if I wanted we could start anti-biotic just in case. So that's where we're at now. Needless to say, I think I'll just wait for our regular doc next time. I thought I would be getting DD some relief sooner on Friday and it turned out to be the longest road for her! SIGH------------ I'm about at my breaking point now.... Thanks for reading if you made it this far!
My DD had a UTI a few months ago caused by the continual poopy accidents in her panties. It took us a few days to figure out what was going on. I have a history of UTIs and noticed the signs. After the pedi put her on antibiotics, it cleared up pretty quick and we haven't had problems since.