I think our twin A has found a 'lovey'... 5 mad scientist alphabet blocks!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by desolation_anonymous, Jul 12, 2010.

  1. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    So when I've been asked about the boys before, someone asked me if they have an attachment to one particular toy, have temper tantrums, etc. over that toy. Up until yesterday, the answer was no... they had lots of toys, and would get upset if what they were playing with was taken away, and had preferences... like a few favorite stuffed animals, prefer to play with trains, but not a FAVORITE toy.

    Until yesterday. I think our twin A has found his 'lovey'... which turns out to be 5 mad scientist blocks. I THINK these are them: http://www.thinkgeek.com/geek-kids/1-3-years/b78f/

    See below my spouse's description:

    "When the boys were about 5 months old I bought a set of ‘Young Mad Scientist Alphabet Blocks”. In truth I bought them because *I* thought they were cool!, but what I told myself, and anyone who asked, was that I hoped the boys would one day appreciate them… yesterday was that day.

    They caught (Twin A's) eye. There, up on the mantle sat five 1 3/8 inch maple blocks with laser engraved letters and geek inspired illustrations. First came the pointing and a bit of fussing. Then came the climbing, and in short order (Twin A) had rescued two of the blocks. With a little help from daddy the other three were also retrieved. (Twin A) held onto, and stacked, and played with those blocks for the rest of the day not letting his brother have even a single block. There was quite a bit of fussing at meals when I would take the blocks and set them up on the counter (no toys at the table when we’re eating), and as soon as he was done with his food (Twin A) would pull his chair over to the counter and use it to climb up and reach his blocks again. Just before dinner I ran out and got 50 more blocks, this time classic styled alphabet blocks. (the ‘classic’ blocks cost about 30 cents apiece, compared to the Mad Scientist blocks which are a bit over five dollars each!) (Twin A) played with those as well, stacking them five or six blocks high before they would tumble, but he never did let the Mad Scientist blocks out of his possession. He even cradled all five of them in his lap while having his evening bottle and took them to bed with him at the end of the day. I’m a bit amazed at how much joy (Twin A) is getting out of five little cubes of wood. I just hope he didn’t give his mom too much trouble when it was time to leave the blocks at home and go to daycare this morning! "

    Well, he did. He cried and threw a temper tantrum when I made him go to daycare and leave the blocks at home. He calmed down when we got to daycare, though.

    So I'm enjoying how much enjoyment twin A is getting out of the blocks, but wondering if other parents have their kids go through this (and how) and does anyone else have a kid whose 'lovey' is not a cuddly toy? Not experiencing the 'lovey' thing before... how do your kids handle theirs?
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  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Haha, that's great!! You have a budding scientist on your hands! :D

    My guys are very fickle and don't fixate on any one thing for more than a day or so. Last month it was Nate and our desk calculator. :rolleyes: But when they want this week's favorite toy, it's almost impossible to pry it from their hands! Sometimes we have to set it on the counter where they can see it while they eat, and sometimes we let them have it in their cribs for naps/bedtime, but only if it is an appropriate toy. I would let my guys have blocks in bed, but I don't want to even think what Nate would do with a calculator if he had 12 unsupervised hours with it! :lol:
  3. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    For the longest time my DD had a water bottle and a old remote as her lovey!
    Love those mad scientist blocks!
  5. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    We've only had one experience with our girls being attached to something. One of my DD had an attachement to a plastic circle hook (meant for hooking toys to the stroller) minus the toy. She would hold on to that thing for dear life and it calmmed her down when she was upset.
    I found it recently and tried to hand it to her...she didn't remember her old friend...she wanted nothing to do with it. I was a bit sad, but glad she has moved on.
  6. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    I have one who has the typical blanky...but the other brings books to bed all the time. It changes every few weeks which is his favorite..but it is always books.
  7. kminott

    kminott Member

    My baby boy Henry has a stuffed monkey lovey. But Charlie (twin A) would fixate on random things for a couple days, spatula's, dvd case, giraffe puzzle piece.... Until a couple of weeks ago. His has finally chosen a lovey, a plastic goofy that is supposed to be for the bath tub! Oh well, at least it's finally something he can take to bed!

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