I think one of the babies has dropped...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by MamanMag, Sep 6, 2010.

  1. MamanMag

    MamanMag Well-Known Member


    Today I went to the bathroom a lot more than I used to and I have the impression that one of the babies has already dropped... I don't have any signs of PTL (other than occasional BH) but I was just wondering if this could be normal as it is a twin pregnancy. I've had 3 full term pregnancies before and none with baby dropping so soon so now I'm a little worried... I have an appointment with my peri in a week.

    Thanks for your help!
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would think it's early for one of the babies to drop, but I'm no expert. :unsure: If you really feel one has I would call your OB and let them know, I think I would want to be seen sooner than your peri appt. in a week. Keep us posted. :hug:
  3. jessietrio

    jessietrio Well-Known Member

    Hi there...just wondering how you are doing and if your OB had any encouraging words (or exam)??

    My weeks 22-27 were just LOADED with BH, uterine tightening and major sciatic pinching. It was like my uterus and pelvis were not expanding as quickly as the babies were growing (I think I posted a few times about this). Around 23 and 25 weeks I had a manual cervix check and the OB could feel Baby A's head pushing right up to/on my cervix/bladder area but no dropping or engaging (the baby would bob away with light pressure).

    I was warned that the sciatic and tightening would most likely last for the duration of the pregnancy...and to call between appointments if anything felt 'off'. However, around week 29 it all just 'lifted'! YaY! Baby A's head is now always pushed against my bladder, but it does not cause BH, tightening or sciatic pain...she is just super, super low in the pelvis.

    Hope all is well! :hug:
  4. lizzbeech

    lizzbeech Guest

    Just wanted to say Hope all is well and keep us posted... Hugs
  5. MamanMag

    MamanMag Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone for your kind words and experience :grouphug: !

    Today was a better day, not so much pressure on my bladder and I did the count of BH for one hour as "Dr" Luke prescribes in her book and I was at 3 for an hour. So not too bad...

    I guess yesterday I did too much around the house and I really have to slow down, I have to remind myself that this is not a singleton pregnancy like I'm used to... Now my DH will be home for a few days and I will be able to rest more so he can take care of the girls a little bit :woo:

    I will definately call my OB if I still feel that something is off but today is a good day :D

    I will keep you posted if anything changes. But hopefully the babies will stay put for another 12-14 weeks (we can always pray for that right?)

    Thanks again for your support, this is HUGE!!!
  6. MamanMag

    MamanMag Well-Known Member

    A little update...

    I went for my check up and I'm very happy to report that all is good, cervix is still long and closed, babies are where they should be :) I'm going back next Monday for U/S for the growth... I'm still waiting my results for the Glucose test, keeping my fingers crossed!!!

    Thanks again to all of you for your support!!!
  7. DblStuffOreo

    DblStuffOreo Well-Known Member

    Although you have had two kids and know what the dropping feels like, it may just be that with twins they are reaching lower areas sooner as they find places to grow. My twin A was really low. When we got our NST's, I had to be fully reclined and the monitor for A was basically down my pants on my left hip - that's how low she was. The nurses marveled at how low she was and how well my cervix held up. In fact, I can't say I ever felt the girls "drop." And I was always waddling to the bathroom. So, hopefully you're experiencing the same thing. Good luck.
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