I think it is going to be a long night!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by butterfly02, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    DD had been really good, today though she was a bit more fussy and clingy...if I would leave the room she would cry, and she just really wanted cuddles today. We had a nice quite day, and by 7pm she was so tired that she was asleep and put to bed. She woke up at 8, crying...DH goes in and brings her out of the nursery. I take her and go back to the nursery as I am trying hard to get her to sleep on her own.(if she comes out of the nursery at night she thinks it is play time) I get her settled down a bit and I noticed that her breathing is really wheezy, it sounds like a chest cold has moved in, and in full force. My poor sweetie...she is asleep right now, but I can hear her breathing on the monitor and I wish she was not so congested! I slathered her in vicks on her chest, back and feet (she is coughing too), plus I have put the vaporizer in her room, but I think that I am not going to sleep well!!

    I really do not like it when little ones are sick :( I hope she is better quickly, she is to get her 6 month shots on friday! And I really hope that she will not be sharing this with her brother...I will be disinfecting all toys tomorrow...ugh, the joys of colds!
  2. Tripsmommy

    Tripsmommy Well-Known Member

    I guess I'm up right along w/ you... I'm up to my elbows in laundry b/c one of the boys apparently caught a lovely virus from school... :bad: He got our bed, his bed, the hallway, and his brother's bathroom. :bad: So now he is on our bed laying on a giant beach towel, snoring away... I guess I'll have a sub for tomorrow. We aren't going to school. DH is sleeping in the media room... lucky him. the only room that doesn't smell funny... Poor other son is sleeping in their room, I've got the fan going to improve the scene, but yuck! Just hoping all these kiddos get better.
    We've got SAT's (Stanford Acheivement Tests) starting on Friday!...
  3. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Tripsmommy @ Mar 27 2008, 01:37 AM) [snapback]689564[/snapback]
    I guess I'm up right along w/ you... I'm up to my elbows in laundry b/c one of the boys apparently caught a lovely virus from school... :bad: He got our bed, his bed, the hallway, and his brother's bathroom. :bad: So now he is on our bed laying on a giant beach towel, snoring away... I guess I'll have a sub for tomorrow. We aren't going to school. DH is sleeping in the media room... lucky him. the only room that doesn't smell funny... Poor other son is sleeping in their room, I've got the fan going to improve the scene, but yuck! Just hoping all these kiddos get better.
    We've got SAT's (Stanford Acheivement Tests) starting on Friday!...

    I hope that your boys get better really soon! It is awful when they are so sick to their tummy's...I wish them luck on their SAT's
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I hope she gets better soon! :hug99: to both her & mommy!
  5. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member


    I am so sorry your lovey is feeling icky! I hope he doesnt' get it either, it is so hard when they are both sick. I hope that it goes away soon.

    I remember Arjun and Indira catching a cold from DH and it set us back a week with everything. Keep us updated and especially for her 6 month visit on Friday!

  6. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    aww so sorry you are going through this. i guess from hearing everyone talk we all are having sick kids right now. my DH keeps going around the house saying Damn Easter Bunny i know he was full of germs. the easter bunny got them sick. :rolleyes:

    hope you get some sleep tonight. my doc said benadryl is good for stuffy noses yesterday
  7. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    Oh I hope you all slept well :( I hate when little ones are sick.
  8. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    How is she this morning? I have when my girls are sick.. I feel so helpless.
  9. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Hope Kaylee is feeling better real soon. *hugs*

  10. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Hope your son is feeling better soon.

  11. Tripsmommy

    Tripsmommy Well-Known Member

    How is everyone doing? Pete has a fever of 102 now... he's had water and a little jello. I may have to do another sub tomorrow! ugh!
    Hope your baby is having a better day...
  12. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    Well, it has been a long day, and I am sure that it will be an even longer night...sigh...

    Kaylee is still really congested and now has a really awful sounding cough. If she lies down flat she wake within minutes coughing and crying. If I am sitting up and she is lying on me, she sleeps ok that way, but her cough is continually waking her. She had had only little bursts of energy, in which she learned that she can reach up and grab things and can start pulling her self up...she is very determined!! On the bright side, she does not have a fever....phew!

    Wyatt has started coughing and has been clingy so I am sure within the next day or som he will have it.

    I am not sure if they will be able to get there booster shots tomorrow due to being sick, I will have to call tomorrow and find out, and maybe just reschedule them.

    Kaylee has at least been eating some, not as much as normal, but has also had some sugar water so at least I know she wont be getting dehydrated. She has been having wet diapers, but not as many as normal so I am trying to get her to drink/eat more. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day :)

    Thanks everyone!
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