I think I may be pregnant!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by asahlin, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. asahlin

    asahlin Well-Known Member

    The twins are my first children, and thinking about how hard my pregnancy was (not as bad as some, but I hated every min of it) and how awful my birth experience was, I am terrified that if I may be pregnant again I won;t be able to handle it (mostly mentally, I had severe PPD after the twins and was on meds for 1.5 years, eek)

    So, for those of you who have more than one pregancy, how old was your child(ren) before you got pregnant again, and how were your subsequent pregancy/birth experiences.
  2. Svetty

    Svetty Member

    My twins were also my first, with a relatively okay pregnancy, and a c-section after a 25 hour labour.

    I fell pregnant again when the twins were about 16 months and gave birth to my third child two weeks after they turned two.

    I hate to tell you this but my second (singleton) pregnancy was actually WORSE than my twin pregnancy :eek: (I had really bad back pain and consistant nausea and dizziness throughtout) BUT the labour and delivery was soooo much better :good: I had a VBAC which went extremely well.

    I am not telling you this to scare you but to hopefully point out that EVERY pregnancy is different and not to have any expectations going into it. (Oh no, I think I might have talked myself into another one :shok: )
  3. lld74

    lld74 Member

    I had a singleton first and she was 2yrs 3months old when my twins were born. My pregancy with her was uneventful and I enjoyed every minute. Her birth was stressful however and almost ended in a c-section. My OB's way of encouraging me was to yell at me. In contrast I was sick as a dog the first 4 months of the twin pregnancy. We had a lot more medical scares and I was much more uncomfortable. I was induced both times but I had a wonderful birthing experience with my twin sons. My OB's associates delivered my twins and they were both so helpful and appropraitely encouraging. Even after my experiences I would love to be pregnant again if it were to happen (DH is not on board with that). I agree with the PP, every pregancy and delivery is different.

    Good luck!
  4. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I wanted to try for another not long after the twins were born. We waited until they were about 10 months to start trying. When they were 15 months old, I became pregnant with my singleton. The pregnancy was different in that I had two little ones running me ragged while I was carrying him. I was a working mom back then and I don't know if that might have made things a bit easier as I was not chasing the twins all day (especially at the end :) ). My delivery with both pregnancies was difficult. I had an emergency c/s with the twins and had a scheduled c/s with Liam. I ended up having to go under general anesthesia for both.

    Liam was born 3 weeks before the twins turned 2. They came out of daycare 1 month after he was born (kind of got me through those weeks that I couldn't do a lot after my c/s). There were times that it was difficult trying to get out and about with two toddlers and an infant, but luckily we have family close by.

    I have to say, having them so close in age is great. There are so many things that the three of them do together and they all consider each other their "best friends" .
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I had a singleton first and then got pregnant when she was about 18 months old. My first pregnancy was a breeze compared to my second. But my second was also twins. The hardest part for me was not being able to do all sorts of things with my toddler and then going on bedrest.
  6. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    I only have my twins, but wanted to offer hugs and support! :hug:
  7. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I had my singleton first and really wasn't planning on more children for a while. We had an unplanned pregnancy with the twins and my son was 8 when i had the girls. Twin pregnancy was much, much harder than my singleton and way more stressful. I had more complications with the twins...I had none with my singleton...and I had a c-section with the girls, where as I had a vaginal delivery with Luke. Everything was easier with my singleton, except morning sickness which was horrible with Luke, but tolerable with the girls.

    But on the flip side, because I had already had a baby, i knew what to expect and in many ways taking care of the twins was easier because of already having a baby.
  8. shoudeshell

    shoudeshell Well-Known Member

    I've had three pregnancies and each one was different than the others. In all my pregnancies I had no difficulites except for gestational diabetes with the last two, otherwise no problems. However, they were just different. I had different energy levels with all of them. I had morning sickness with all of them, but the more kids I had and the older I was definitely made that sickness worse. However, my last pregnancy was with my twins, so that was very different for me. I've had one natural birth...no drugs, no c-section, and two c-section births. There are 2 years 9 months between my first two children, and 4-1/2 years between my second child and my twins.
  9. asahlin

    asahlin Well-Known Member

    thanks for the stories ya'll.

    It's always comforting to know others experiences. :friends:
  10. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    After the twins I didn't plan on having any more children--though my husband wanted another. This pregnancy was unplanned and at first it took a lot of getting used to for me.
    My girls are 5, so their physcial care is not as taxing. They have been fully potty trained for quite some time, can mostly shower themselves--I put the shampoo in their hands and I check that the water temp remains right, they dress themselves and even help with the dishes and other small tasks around the house.
    Like you, my twin pregnancy wasn't overtly complicated, but I hated it. I really really thought I was one of those women who didn't do pregnancy well.
    But surprise surprise, while I wouldn't say I've enjoyed being pregnant this time, it certainly was a breeze compared to my twin pregnancy--even taking into account I'm five years older now. I was very tired during my first trimester and did have morning sickness and a lot of acid reflux. But once I entered the second trimester I would almost forget that I was pregnant. Now in the third trimester my biggest complaint is that I've been feeling the fact that I started this pregnancy out of shape. I'm having a hard time remaining active, I tire very quickly, and I have major restless legs. But other than that all is well.
    I can't comment on the birth as it hasn't happened yet, but I will be having a c/s and I've had a couple unsuccessfull attempts at spinal blocks so I will probably be put under again for this c/s as well.
  11. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    I've had 5 pregnancies, that were ALL different. From hyperemisis to not even knowing I was pregnant until the 14th week!

    The twins were my first live birth. It wasn't much difficult as it was all I knew. I was on modified bedrest from 22 weeks for PTL (couldn't work but wan't restricted to bed all day) I had to have a c-section due to my first being footling breach. That recovery was difficult to say the least, but at the time I thought it was 'normal'. I had a pretty bad infection at my incision site that almost required rehospitalization, both DH and I came down with a nasty flu that had me puking my guts out less than a week post-op. I felt like my insides were falling out and I couldn't stand up straight..

    In contrast, my son, whom I got pregnant with when the girls were just 9 months old, was such a breeze it wasn't even funny. I barely knew I was pregnant! Of course this was the one I didn't find out until the 14th week also! I worked out every day, was still running at 7 months, and really had no problem chasing after the girls either. I just thought being pregnant with one as opposed to two was SUPER simple and easy. Everyone who DIDN'T have twins thought I was crazy for feeling so good at the end of my pregnancy with my son. I had a repeat c-section with him (by choice) and it went WONDERFULLY. I was off pain-meds the first day, walking around within 2 hours.... The nursing staff thought I was superwoman. LoL! However, he had to stay in the NICU due to retained fluid on the lungs - THAT was a different experience as the twins had no NICU time. But as far as me and my recovery... BEAUTIFUL. 5 days after his birth we were back home and I was in the backyard mowing the lawn! LOL The neighbor DEFINETLY thought I was crazy....

    My backpain took a good while to go away after my son was born, and I finally figured out it was from my stomach muscles seperating. So while I've done what I can to fix THAT problem (short of surgery, not a lot TO do) I've learned to live with it and work around it. I take a LOT of motrin also to help deal with it. Some days is worse than others, but I've noticed with the extra 5 lbs of holiday weight, the pain has gotten A LOT worse, so definetly losing weight and keeping on the exercise regime has helped with that tremendously.

    So yea, every pregnancy is different. My singleton was way better than the twins, but others have a different story. Just take the punches and roll with 'em, that's all you can do.

    BTW, I LOVE that my kids are all only 18 months apart! Now that the baby is walking and more mobile, they are the BEST OF FREIENDS. Couldn't really ask for more. Stressful in the beginning?? YEP, not gonna lie. Expensive? Yea, diapers for 3 gets expensive but I worked around that and found ways to get them just about free (really, $10 for a case of 144 diapers) You just adapt and overcome.
  12. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I only have the twins, but I wanted to wish you luck and best wishes. :grouphug:
  13. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I, too, only have my twins... but I wanted to offer support. My pregnancy was a tough one and I can totally sympathize with the myriad of emotions you must be experiencing right now. :hug: We're here for you!
  14. asahlin

    asahlin Well-Known Member

    thanks ya'll :)
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