I shouldn't laugh

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Aeliza, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I'm so bad. I really shouldn't laugh when Kiefer has a tantrum. It's just so darn cute!!! When somethign happens and he gets angry, he just stamps his feet about flapping his arms up and down and sometimes gives out this funny cry. He's mad. I shouldn't laugh, and generally I don't, but sometimes I can't help it. I try to hide it, and DH warns me to stop. I never laugh hard cause I just don't want to hurt his feelings or not let him know I'm taking him seriously, but he's just so darn cute the way he runs around mad like that. I do feel bad he's feeling angry about something. It's often because Cameron stole something from him or he lost out on playing with a toy. To him, it is serious and he probably feels kind of left out or jipped. Cameron will collapse to the ground and hit the floor a few times when he's mad. I think that's adorable but not as funny. Mostly because his cries are very normal and just plain out of anger. It's rare for Kiefer to hit the floor, he usually runs and stamps about like I had described before. Sometimes, Kiefer works his crying up to the angry cry. I know he's about to have a tantrum so I am able to at least attempt to distract him from it. Usually it works and he does not go in to a full blown tantrum. I just feel so bad that I find it cute. I feel like it should be serious and I should not be chuckling with this. Am I a mean mom for thinking his tantrums are funny and cute? :FIFblush:
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't think you are mean for finding them funny and cute...I wish I could say the same for when mine have a tantrum, mine are not cute when they do that.
  3. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    No - I completely understand. I have to hide my smiles all the time. My DS just started kind of growling when he doesn't like what I say. I asked what he was doing (figured he was being smart). He sweetly said, "I'm dinosaur, Mommy". He cracks me up - I know it's his way of excusing his reaction to his own frustration.
  4. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Same with DS... some of his tantrums are hilarious. DD... not so much.
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Hah, I feel the same way! Jack is a "drama queen" and gets so melodramatic that it's just frustrating. But Nate turns into what we call "Nate-hole" or "psycho toddler-bot". When he gets mad or frustrated he gets manic, running around flapping his arms, flopping around, and doing this weird cry that I can't even describe; he puts his chin on his chest and squawks so his whole head bobs up and down. I can't help laughing! Also, Nate has tantrums a lot less than Jack, so it's cuter for some reason.

    I don't know if it's a horrible thing, but I do it too. I figure it's better to have a sense of humor about it than to get upset yourself! :pardon:
  6. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Same in this house! Amber is a shrieker, sits there screams for forever and then she'll stop to take a breath and check your still listening.. so hard not to laugh! Ruby only tantrums right before naptime when i'm putting her in her sleepsack - she is all arms and legs too and doesn't scream she huffs and puffs lol a minature hissyfi! i give her her lovey and she is out like a light. Too cute to be a tantrum - maybe were just not there yet :laughing:
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