I remember when I was excited to go to the doctor

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fran27, May 28, 2009.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    What was I thinking??? I had to go alone today and it was awful. DS is sick, fever and sore throat, so he was very fussy, and DD as usual screamed as soon as her butt touched the examination table. And of course they hated the shots. So they mostly cried and screamed the whole time. Really not looking forward to the next one, especially as we will have moved by then and we need to find a pediatrician...

    DS put on a whole 2 ounces in the last 3 months. He's 21lb 12oz and 31 inches now. He's going down the weight chart but he's still quite chubby so it's probably a good thing... lol. DD is catching up at 19lb 9oz and 30.5 inches. A long peanut. It's really annoying because she needs 18 months clothes for length now but she's just swimming in them... pants are either short or loose, and she even gets out of her 12-18 month sleep sack, I don't really know what to do about that. Yikes.

    Now to hope DS will get better soon and they don't both get extra cranky today...
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry your appointment was difficult. As for your long peanut, since the weather is getting warmer hopefully she can live in dresses this summer so it doesn't matter if they are a little long. Also Osh Kosh has adjustable waist pants. We got a couple pair at Target and they are great. Hope your DS feels better soon. :hug:
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: sorry you had a rough time at your appointment. Hope your son feels better soon.
  4. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Our pedi told us that 15 months is the hardest appointment, and after ours, I believe her! Hopefully 18 months will be better!
  5. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Sorry you had such a tough appointment! I completely sympathize. It is so hard to take them alone.

    Other than your poor DS, it sounds like they are healthy and growing well, which is great! :clapping:

    Hope the side effects of the shots are minimal.
  6. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I absolutely dread dr. appointments! Even the ones for myself they get freaked out, though not nearly as badly. I have asked my dr. to meet us in the waiting room for the next appointment so I can talk to her before they begin screaming. I don't care about the privacy, I'd just like to talk to the dr.! I also have to go alone and it's getting much harder now that they are bigger and its harder to hold them both. I've heard it's just a phase though, so hopefully it will get better. I'm going to get a play doctor kit so we can practice with the stethoscope on dolls/bears before we go in next.
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am sorry that you had a rough doctor's appointment! I hope your DS feels better soon :hug:
    I usually dread going to the pediatrician because I am so tired of the shots and now the kids know what happen when they get there so as soon as they see Dr. Patel, their first instinct is to :escape:
    Megan, your doctor kit idea is a good one. I might just steal that one!
  8. eatcelery

    eatcelery Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Fran27 @ May 28 2009, 10:28 AM) [snapback]1331146[/snapback]
    DD is catching up at 19lb 9oz and 30.5 inches. A long peanut. It's really annoying because she needs 18 months clothes for length now but she's just swimming in them... pants are either short or loose, and she even gets out of her 12-18 month sleep sack, I don't really know what to do about that. Yikes.

    Both of my kids cannot really wear pants.. they are always at their ankles or removed completely. Waist they are 9 or 12 mos size but length even 18 mos is starting to get short! I only bought shortalls, dresses, and one piece outfits for the summer. Next winter they will only be wearing overalls. My outlet mall had a gymboree outlet not a regular store where I got Rose a whole bunch of very girly overalls for next winter for $6 or $7 each. Osh Kosh you can get matching pink striped and blue striped overalls for your b/g twins. I think we paid $10 each or less for them! I bought them in the next few sizes. I did buy a pair of the adjustable waste pants from Gymboree for Daniel for next year but I think overalls are soo much cuter.

    Oh another tip my SIL gave me but I'm too lazy to do. With a few loopy stitches on each side of the waist take in the pants/shorts to fit. You probably would get 2 years out of Lisa's summer outfits if you bought 24 mos and did that..lol.

    I hope Chris is feeling better soon and not driving you too nuts. Wow his growth really did slow wayyy down! It really sux when you have to do the doctor alone. We'll be going next month. Did they get vaccines? If so which? I have no clue what to expect next month.
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