i really hate the weekends

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ddancerd1, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    because i get to take care of teh babies and watch DH sleep on the couch, or sleep in the bed, or just relax. i understand he works hard all week and is tired, but i'm tired, too, and would like a few hours to just relax and veg on the couch.
    and then when he DOES offer to feed them, he gives up after half the bottle because he can't get them focused enough to finish. so it ends up being more work for me anyway, because i'm feeding them more times in the day to make up for what he didn't feed them cuz he was too lazy to try to get them to take the whole bottle. and when i explain (over and over and OVER) that they CAN and WILL eventually finish their bottles but you have to sing to them and talk to them to keep them focused on you, and that in finishing their bottles in one sitting we are on a nice schedule and doing only 4 bottles a day as opposed to 500 bottles a day, he says, "yeah, i hear you. i understand." THEN WHY DOESN'T HE DO IT?
    and he wonders why i'm cranky. because i have to fix everything. and i'm tired.
  2. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Don't you wish you could walk up to him and shake some sense into him?
  3. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Her Royal Jennyness @ Apr 21 2008, 10:59 AM) [snapback]731500[/snapback]
    :hug99: Don't you wish you could walk up to him and shake some sense into him?

    actually more like punch him in the face while he's snoring away
  4. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    I feel you, but it frustrates me even more is because I work all day everyday and he stays home with the babies. so I get to work, come home be a mom. Then the weekend comes and it doesn't stop there. I get to take on full time baby duties while SO sleeps ALL DAY LONG and I get to clean the messy house and get groceries for the week. What fun I get to have <_<
  5. jkendall

    jkendall Well-Known Member

    I'm with you too. I love my DH. He is great, but he does this to me too. I just fought with him about it yesterday. I watch them pretty much all week (I worked one day and one evening while the nanny watched them, but the rest of the time I watched them). On the weekends, I want him to watch them for a while so I can get out of the house and just take a breather (or take a nap or even cook or something). But, I end up watching the kids the whole time and he goes to the store, on a bike ride, and takes a nap.
  6. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm gonna join ya on this one. Don't get me wrong-my dh is a wonderful father-and he does and will help out. I just wish it was more. I am a SAHM. He is an accountant working for his dad. I have to do all the laundry, dishes, etc. That's fine. But there is SO much to do-and I am only one person. It never fazes dh to even think about folding clothes, etc. But he'll be the first to mention he doesn't have socks. Taking care of the babies is a tough job to do alone. I am by no means complaining-I wouldn't change it for the world-but a little extra help goes a long way.

    My biggest grief is all I would LOVE to do on a weekend is sleep in. Not have to do a feeding by myself. Let dh actually do a feeding alone. But no. Never happens. Oh well. And then-he wants to finish the basement-and does this on the weekends. I thought that was when I got a break? We can never win!

    Did I mention he goes to Vegas in two weeks? And staying a week at the Bellagio???? :mad: (work related-conveniently)
  7. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

  8. jschaad

    jschaad Well-Known Member

    I know i get you totally... My dh is a wonderful father as well. He really helps out wtih playing and playing and playing some more. However when it comes to meal time dear lord grant me the patience while he attempts it. GRR! ;) I want a nap too or to walk out the door and not look back. LOL...
  9. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

  10. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(serranoboys @ Apr 21 2008, 11:59 AM) [snapback]731635[/snapback]
    ...and yes, I whoever said they want to punch their husband in the face when he's sleeping...totally with you.

    *raising hand* that would be me :p i love my DH, but when i see him on the sofa snoring and sleeping while i'm playing with/feeding/changing the babies, i just get so irate
  11. kellytwinmom

    kellytwinmom Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness I could write this post myself! My Dh is a great father and works hard but he comes "home" from his work whereas my job is 24 hours a day.

    I was so mad because I told him that we are in the "rough part" (we are now 7 weeks adjusted). I reminded him that I am going to need more help, maybe more "me time". Sunday is suppose to be family day. We live pretty close to the beach so we were going to take the girls for a little walk. It was a beautiful day.

    What did DH decided to do? SLEEP THE WHOLE FRICKIN DAY! I actually caught him opening his eyes when the girls were crying to be fed and I thought he was going to get up and help em but no, he continued to lay there and fell back asleep.

    I was so mad.

    So, I took the girls out by myself and bought a pair of shoes (I really needed them). I came home and he said, "are you upset with me"?

    Noooooooooooooooo, what would make you think that? I just love watching you sleep for 5 hours while I juggle both girls. Thanks honey!

    He knew he was in the doghouse, washed all of the bottles and I went to bed. I made him do the next two feedings BY HIMSELF to see how it is.

    Lets see if he sleeps that long again :
  12. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ddancerd1 @ Apr 21 2008, 12:04 PM) [snapback]731515[/snapback]
    actually more like punch him in the face while he's snoring away

    :aggressive: this was going to be my suggestion! :vava:

    Seriously, :hug99: I know it's frustrating. I had to have the talk with my hubby when the kids were little too. They don't get it sometimes. I had to tell him that either he take off two days {he is only home on Sundays} and have one relax day for him and one for me, OR he give up his day and let me have some time off too. :hug99: I did have to have this talk with him like 3 times before it sunk in and he started doing what I wanted. ;) It shouldn't have to be like this, but I think they are thinking we are home all day everyday and don't know how much work it really is!

    Good luck sweetie, I hope he starts helping out on the weekends more and giving you a well deserved break! :hug99:
  13. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

  14. sthomas81

    sthomas81 Well-Known Member

    My husband does the same exact thing. If they stop sucking for a just a short time he stops feeding them and puts them down to play. I told him honey you need to make sure they finish the whole bottle. He says they don't want it. I swear he does not get it. What ends up happening is I just take over and finish feeding them.
  15. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    My DH is the same way. He thinks b/c he supports the family financially that that entitles him to something. I am raising the kids for goodness sakes. I take care of the childrens every need. My job is 24/7 too. I dont get breaks.
  16. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    LOL at least your DH's sleep, mine complains he can't nap because the kids are making too much noise--so not only do i have to do everything on my own, i'm also expected to keep 10 month olds SILENT so he can sleep....
  17. Seriously... what is with all these men feeling entitled to a nap ?
    As far as I am concerned, you outgrow naps by the time you are four.
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