I packed up the bottles last night

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by naomi02, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I've been wanting to wean off the bottles for awhile, but finally realized that I needed to just pack them up & out of the house. So yesterday, I did! I was doing good, too, until I went to bed that night & told dh about it. And then I just dissolved into tears. Poor dh was like, "This is a good thing, so why are you crying??" All I could say was, "They're g-g-growing uuuuuuupppp!!"

    I'm feeling better today. Went to Toys R Us & got a few more sippies. But I still feel sad! So far, the kids don't seem to even notice they're gone.

    It does get better, right?? :(
  2. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Naomi, :hug99: It is hard to say good bye to the "babies." :( But it does get better. Imagine how much nicer it will be to not worry about having to give them bottles in order to transition from one thing to the next. You will get used to sippies and grow to love them. I know how you feel though, we are on our first real week without them. :hug99:
  3. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Naomi, I know how hard this is. Getting rid of bottles is a sign that they are no longer "babies" and it's sad knowing you will never have that time back again other than in pictures and in memory but at least we have those :) The feeling does go away and as they do more and more things it actually gets exciting about how "grown up" they are becoming. We just got rid of highchairs over the weekend and brought out the booster seats which have been sitting under their crib since before they were born. They just looked so grown up sitting at the real table in their booster seats on real chairs :cray: I was like "oh my gosh, look at my big girls sitting in big grown up chairs!" It warmed my heart. They sat there and colored at the table and ate at the table and it was just so awesome. So while I know these stages of moving on can be so hard they come with other such great rewards. Which I'm sure you know ;)
  4. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    It was so hard for me to get rid of that last bottle with my oldest. With the twins, it was a lot easier, but it still wasn't easy. I think I cried, too. We've been bottle free for about a month now, and I am really getting into how easy sippees are compared to bottles and formula. It does get easier. :hug99:
  5. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

  6. jena4

    jena4 Well-Known Member

    I'm right there with you...but i'll admit still have the night time bottle. I dropped the morning one this week so we are still transistioning from that. When do we start sippies with straws? They use the regular sippy cups well already.
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