I need stroller suggestions

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 3timesblessed, Nov 6, 2011.

  1. 3timesblessed

    3timesblessed Well-Known Member

    So I'm sure as you can all relate, going to the store with two toddlers is becoming quite a challenge. I honestly have begun to dread going out with the 3 kids because it is just a huge hassle. Right now we have the Graco Quattro Duo stroller and the thing is just gigantic, I have a Trailblazer and it takes up half of the back trunk. So it becomes a hassle just to get the srtoller in and out of the car. I'm thinking it would make my life so much easier to have a smaller umbrella type stroller that would fold up smaller and is easier to get in and out of the car. We do have single umbrella strollers now and when my hubby is with me we just use those and it is SO much easier. I need something for when I'm by myself I can easily get the stroller and kids out of the car. Any suggestions for a smaller(if that's possible) double umbrella stroller that isn't super expensive either.
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

  3. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I love my Combi Twin Sport which I found on sale online somewhere for like $170 about 1.5 years ago. Our boys are 2.5 now and still love to go on stroller walks and they usually don't mind going in the stroller to a store (but if DH is with me we've started putting them each in a shopping cart). Just yesterday I took the boys to Target by myself with the Combi and used 2 hooks on the stroller handle to hold 2 canvas reusable shopping bags. It works great when I just need a few things. It also comes with cup holders which are very easy to pop on. Though I will say it doesn't handle getting ran over by the van too great :lol: I forgot it was behind the van a few months back and started going in reverse and then realized I hit something, heehee. Then i realized that 2 front stroller wheels were bent (which I was able to call Combi and replace for about $25-$30), and one of the plastic foot rests broke off too. So a Maclaren SBS (made mostly of metal and not plastic) would probably be more durable, but at your LOs age you should look for something inexpensive. Including the Jeep stroller previously posted if you don't need many frills like a cup holder and storage underneath.
  4. mom2gc

    mom2gc Well-Known Member

    I have one of these and it folds up small enough to fit in the boot of any car. Easy to open and close. Mine only has one cup holder that clips onto the middle, but I never use it. I use the side pockets to put their sippy cups in.
  5. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    This is what we had as well. I will warn you, we went through a period of 4 or so months that we couldn't use it because this is what went on during every outing in the SBS: :catfight: but otherwise the stroller was cheap and great...and the fighting would have happened in any SBS.

  6. 3timesblessed

    3timesblessed Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the suggestions, the Jeep stroller looks like just what I'm looking for. Just one question, how long would you say your twins were able to fit comfortably. My girls are about 16 months old now, but I assume we are still going to be using a stroller for the next year at least. Were/are your twins able to fit comfortably past two years old or does it get to crammed for them. Thanks Ladies!
  7. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    We stopped using our Jeep SBS this Spring when they were just over 3. They still fit - a bit cramped,, but ok - we were just done with strollers.
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