I need some MAJOR potty training help

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cael0816, Jul 29, 2007.

  1. cael0816

    cael0816 Well-Known Member

    We potty trained Gavin about a month and 1/2 ago. everything has been going great. we were so shocked at how well he was doing. in the beginning pooping was hard for him to get it but eventually he got it. now he will not poop in the potty. he tells us when he needs to go and whines that his tummy hurts because he needs to go. then we take him to the potty and he Cries and screams saying he doesn't need to go. this will happen several times. then as soon as one of the twins distracts us, he will poop in is underwear and then cry about it. plus he is only pooping every 2 to 3 days where as he used to poop every day. i thought he might be constipated but he doesn't seem to struggle at going.

    i am just so confused because he is still doing great with the peeing. he rarely has accidents. do you have any ideas what is wrong? i just feel helpless. it is so frusturating. thank you for any advice!!!!
  2. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry that you are having poopy problems! I don't really have much advice, other than add in fruit juice, fresh fruits to keep him going more often. When Gabe first trained, he went a few days in between and it hurt him to go poop. Is it painful for Gavin?

    Once we stepped up the fruits/juices, Gabe got to be more regular again. I hope this helps!
  3. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    my sister had major issues with her dd and constipation related to pt... after almost a year on meds for it, she got fed up.... Here's what she did..

    If her dd had not pooped one day, then the next day after every meal her dd had to sit on the potty, with the timer on , for 10 minutes. she could read a book or play with a toy, but she had to sit there regardless. She pumped up her fiber and water drinking... and slowly weaned her off the meds... She ate oatmeal every day...and no starches that weren't also balanced out by fruit or some other fiber. If she knew for sure that she really had to go, like she was really gassy or a bit of brown when she wiped, then she would make her dd sit longer.

    For your ds, perhaps when you know he has to go you can put him on the potty chair in the living room...let him watch some tv to get him to sit longer... I would rub his belly and reassure him that everyone poops on the potty.

    Incidentally, my ds has just recently potty trained for peeing...and he's doing great...but he still waits until naptime to poop! I put him in a diaper at nap b/c obviously he's too young to nap without a diaper. I'm not making too big of a deal out of it yet b/c I don't want him getting constipated... But if he were pooping in his underwear during awake time, then I would start doing what my sister did... and I'd bring that potty chair back to the living room and make him camp out or repeatedly sit until he really has to get it out. Bribery also worked for my sister... she gave her dd a marshmallow everytime she pooped! I'm trying that with my ds, but so far he tells me, "I don wan a special tweat!" :rolleyes:
  4. cael0816

    cael0816 Well-Known Member

    thanks for your help. i was also not going to push potty training since all of ours are so close but our friend has a child about 4 months older than gavin. they are buddies and as soon as joseph was potty trained, Gavin was VERY interested so i figured it was the best chance. he is doing great at the peeing. I can't remember the last time he had an accident with peeing. now, pooping -who knows. I am goign to pump up the juice (he refuses fruit right now) and fiber. I am also going to try the tv thing and the bribery. i'll let you know.

    thank you for all the advice. it is so frusturating how he does so good and then just acts clueless about the pooping. CRAZY!
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