I need reassurance or thoughts, etc.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 4EverHis, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. 4EverHis

    4EverHis Well-Known Member

    My twins are terrible eaters and the whole texture thing seems to be a problem. One is not gaining weight, the other one is. The other thing that raised a flag is that they are not saying any words. So, with those two things the Dr. suggested EI. They are coming Thursday. They were born at 35 weeks and I have no history on them since we are an adoptive family. They have hit all of their mile stones up until their year check up and they are now 13 months old.

    My questions are this... Does this mean they have some form of autism? Can this be that they are behind in their speech and with a little help they things will go from there?

    I know there is more that I want to ask but can't think! I am trying to just relax and wait until Thursday but my mind is all over the place.
  2. daniellecic

    daniellecic Well-Known Member

    Chris, i can't stress enough to you! don't jump to conclusions!!! you know your children best, let EI come and evaluate them. then you and your family can make decisions based on actuall facts not just guesses. if something is up then you are doing the right thing to have them eval/ed early and get them any services they need. let us know how everything goes. EI will let you know right then and there if they need services but they won't diagnose. if you are concerned then speak with your Ped about bringing them to a specialist. good luck!!
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree, not to jump to any conclusions at this point, it is too early. Mine were only saying a few, like 3, words at 13 months. They had EI from birth until 18 months when their PT released them. I feel it really helped them get and stay on track. There is nothing wrong with receiving EI services and they help a great bit. I would not worry too much about autism at this point, they are still young. Good luck and getting an EI evaluation means you are being a concerned and loving parent. :)
  4. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I don't have any experience with eating difficulties, but as far as speech goes, mine really weren't saying much until 18 months. An EI eval can only help. Good luck!
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Chris, don't worry!! We hardly had a word at 13 mos! They didn't take off in their speech till 18 mos. If texture is an issue then they could not be strong enough or something to make the words yet. :hug99:

    Try to look at the EI as this. IF there is something to work on (I know a lot of kids in eating therapy from my playgroup), then they are going to get the help they need and if there isn't, then you know for sure. I guess it's better to get on this stuff early. They are really "moldable" at this age. They will learn quickly and you'll learn some cool tips and tricks from the therapist. I know several people from my twins club became really close friends with their therapists, so chances are you will like the person and they will be easy to talk to etc.

    Please just be open and don't worry about not having a history at this point. (Don't think that would give you any clues on something like Autism anyhow). I was adopted and have some family history now, but sorta wish I didn't sometimes! (That probably doesn't make sense, but it's a story for another time).
  6. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I agree with the pp, don't jump to conclusions and stress yourself. :hug99: The evaluation is a good thing, it can only help, not hurt. I have no experience with autism, so I can't help you there. My son had some issues with eating/textures. We didn't get EI for him because our doc did suggest we wait until 18 months before seeking it. He has gotten alot better with it, we're still working, but much improvement since our 12 month visit. Good luck and keep us updated on what happens with the evaulation. :)
  7. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    Early Intervention covers a huge range of behaviors and speech delays, and it's a great program. I commend your doctor for being proactive rather than recommending "just waiting". If there is something your kids need work on, the earlier they get help, the easier it will be to move forward. Here is a great page Tips for Your Child's Developmental Assessment .

    Try not to jump to conclusions. I know it's hard, but good luck!
  8. denali_ice

    denali_ice Well-Known Member

    On the speech. My 35 weekers are just now starting to pick up words. I would say in the past 4-6 weeks they have both really started to take off.

    At there 2 yr appt, I think they barely had the 10 word (or phrase) minimum. A lot of words, they wouldn't say...but would say things like "where it go?" So we knew the ability was there, it just hadn't blossomed yet.
  9. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    I understand how you must be feeling... only my pedi didn't catch anything until my son's 2nd year appointment, and even then suggested we wait for additional evaluations (being just a teensy tiny bit obsesive, I of course started doing all kinds of research and networking and got the EI evaluation process started on my own - um... I'm not as obnoxious as that makes me sound, I promise!). It was the BEST thing I could have done for my child, and has been the most wonderful experience for the both of us. Please don't be afraid (easier for me to say, I know). It's all going to be okay.

  10. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    If you're concerned, then you should get them evaluated but don't let the lack of speech bother you at this age. A lot of kids, boys in particular, start talking late. My boys had no speech at all until they were two years old. They have never needed any kind of therapies and are talking pretty well now (in that three year old bad grammar sort of way).
  11. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Please relax, it does not necessarily have anything to do with autism. There are many reasons why babies can benefit from EI and (if necessary) therapy. Let the evaluator do his/her job before you freak out. Also, lots of babies don't say any words at 12-14 months (my Sarah didn't) and it doesn't even mean they're delayed.
  12. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Wow my kids (and I mean all of them) weren't talking at that age. Brandon is my earliest talker and he still didn't really have more than 2 words (uh oh, and bye bye) until the last month or so. I see a language explosion in his future. As for the rest of the lot they didn't start talking until they were 2. All that said, none of mine had problems going to solid foods and that may actually be where your pedi is mainly concerned. Get the evaluation done and don't worry to much about it until you have actual answers.
  13. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I think 13 mos is too early to be worried about speech. My ds is 19 mos now & just this last week started picking up a few words. Before that, he pretty much just said "no".

    My motto, though, is "better safe than sorry"......basically, it won't hurt anything for EI to come out. We've been in EI now for several months b/c dd has some muscle issues & we're doing physical therapy for her. They're awesome. We just had our 6 mos evaluation yesterday & in going over the paperwork we came across something that I'd been worried about when we 1st started, cerebral palsy. I think someone had mentioned it & I got super freaked out, etc......looking back now, I realize I worried way too soon & for nothing. Still, what else are you to do? We're moms, we worry!

    So my advice would be this.....don't hop onto Google before they come out. That's what I did & was imagining the worst. Hope everything goes well & keep us updated!
  14. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    I contacted EI on my own b/c I wanted to be sure they weren't too delayed (they are behind but it's mostly due to prematurity)..but I wasn't sure until they came in to eval. Neither of my guys are saying words that mean anything yet ( They say mamama and dadada and occasional uh oh but not 100% sure it's purposeful)...and according to the Ei specialists they said to just keep an eye on them and once they are 18 months see if they have made progress but not to worry yet. ( I was mainly concerend about speech) I also have a picky eater..but it's when he picks up food..if he doesn't like the texture he won't put it in his mouth(should have known the occupational therapist mom would have a son that has texture issues) so just see what they have to say and the good thing is they are on their radar so if there is a concern you don't have to wait forever for them to get any services they could potentially need.
  15. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry too much. I deal with EI on a daily basis....my ds has cerebral palsy. EI are very informative and very helpful. They deal with all types of children. Even some with speech delay......But I think it is way to soon to say that about your child. I would just let them evaluate and then it'll ease your mind. Good luck.....keep us informed.
  16. 4EverHis

    4EverHis Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone! I am feeling a little better today. My one friend, who has a child with Asperger's made the comment about that is what they are looking for and it got me a little anxious. She said that the one twin met two of the three criteria and so..... (you know where my mind went there)!

    I will certainly let you all know how it goes!
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