i need nap help

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ddancerd1, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    okay, so as you may remember, i changed the cribs to toddler beds a few months back. i then wrapped the superyard around both so they can't go ANYWHERE ELSE. but now they're spending so much time going back and forth from bed to bed. they don't fall asleep till 3pm! here's our schedule...

    out of bed 7am
    nap 12:30pm
    bedtime 8pm

    i put them down for nap at 12:30 and they dont' fall asleep till 3:00!!! i can't have them nap till 4 or 4:30, cuz tehn i'd have to move bedtime to like 10pm!

    sitting in their doorway doesn't help. going in and putting them back to bed 34898766 times doesn't help. they just don't seem tired till about 2:30-ish.... they still NEED their naps, or one of them will end up passing out on the sofa around 4:30 if they don't take one...

    can someone help me?

    so this is all scrambled!
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    What if you pushed nap back to 2pm after you do something really active (to tire them out). Then make sure they are awake by 3:30?
  3. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I agree...pushing it back a bit is what I would try. Since we made the transition a couple of months ago, I have been putting on some relaxing (soft, instrumental music) when I put them down for their nap. I tell them to lay down and listen to the music and they are usually asleep in 20 minutes or so.
  4. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I agree. My boys have been doing the same thing even though they are in cribs... they sing, jump, yell, and play for HOURS before they go down. But, they do eventually go down and still go to bed by 8 or 8:30. Gotta go - they are waking up now.... :)
  5. Mel1012

    Mel1012 Member

    My girls are 2 years and 4 months, and our schedule is like this:

    6:45 - 7:30 Wake up
    3:30 - 4:00 Fall asleep for naps
    5:30 I wake them up if still asleep
    8:30 Night time

    Sometimes (a lot of times actually) I have to sit in their room and keep telling them to be quiet, or lay down, etc. at nap time. They fall asleep pretty easily at night time. But nap times are hard. I refuse to give up on naps this soon!
  6. happyfor2

    happyfor2 Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain! We just went to toddler beds two weeks ago and naptime is the hardest time - by far! First of all our schedule is like this:
    7:00-7:30 wake up
    8:30-9:00 breakfast
    12:00 - lunch
    1:00 - 1:30 - start "trying" naptime!
    2:30-4:00 or 4:30 - naptime
    6:00 Dinner
    7:30-8:00 Baths
    9:00 - Bedtime

    Ok...so what I do at naptime is sit on the floor in between them. I put them in bed and tell them that they are not allowed to get up once I put their music on. It is a lullaby CD that last about 45 minutes. Usually for the first 15-20 minutes they are carrying on...jumping in their beds, tossing their stuffed animals out, talking to one another, etc. I have found that if I remain calm (at first I was yelling and getting myself worked up!) and try just not to react to them then they will eventually lay down and start to go to sleep. Nicholas will usually fall asleep first and Samuel takes a little longer. I have not progressed to sitting outside of their room. I actually am not sure we will get to that point for a long time as they share a room and the temptation to get up and run around is just too great! Hang in there although I know it is extremely hard! I was determined not to give up naps too! I did one day the first week we made the transition and Samuel fell asleep at the dinner table. It was then that I was determined they would sleep - plus I still need the break! Good luck!
  7. AandKtwins

    AandKtwins Well-Known Member

    The only way to get my girls to nap is to split them up. I set up the packnplay in the living room & put one girl in there. It's not ideal, but it's the only thing that works. Sleep is important and they still need their nap!
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