I need help with potty training

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinsnowwhat, Mar 9, 2012.

  1. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    So I have a few issues – we have moved 3 times in the last 2 months so we haven’t had the time to focus on getting Warren potty trained. We are planning on moving one last time in about 6 weeks and I would REALLY like to have Warren well on his way to being potty trained. They will also be going back to daycare/preschool in May. Although this time instead of a home based environment it will be a more structured classroom environment. So in a nutshell a lot of changes and some more to come. So I kind of feel like we have a small window of time to try and get him potty trained.
    So today I have Warren in underwear and have been trying to get him to go on the potty so far no luck although he is telling me after he has gone which is better than when we tried last September with both of them.
    Gavin so far has been more of an issue. Although he is fully potty trained now he is running to the bathroom all the time and wanting the same treats and attention that Warren is getting. Not quite sure how to deal with this – I have tried talking to him and asking him to help his brother and did give him a half of a cookie for going on the potty. I am also trying to work with him on getting onto and off the big potty by himself so that was my plan for his rewards today. But so far he is acting out and being a major pill today more than anything. I know it would be ideal to do this with DH here but until we move we are both working flexible schedules so that we can cover the childcare so there are no full days that we are both home with the kids.
    Any tidbits of advice of how manage this given our circumstances and Gavin who seems to be acting out for attention and cookies :)
  2. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    I like your idea of setting separate goals for the boys and offering praise and attention and other incentives like cookies when each is working on his own goal. This should mean that Gavin also gets attention and cookies but is moving to the next step of independence.

    What I also did with my (younger) LOs when one was potty training and the other was not yet interested was to let the other one help and offer praise for that, for example allow them to get a piece of toilet paper and give it to their sibling to wipe, get the stool to climb up to the wash basin, get a fresh pair of undies after an accident. Maybe Gavin would feel important that way: "can you be a big boy and help me by getting xyz for Warren?", "Can you please show Warren how to ...?"

    GL, it is hard PTing when you are mostly alone with the children.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with June. My DD potty trained before my DS and he really could have cared less at the time about the rewards she was getting. But when he started to PT (we used the 3 day PT program with him), she did not like the attention or the rewards he was getting. I do remember one day, her telling me she had to go, I had to put my water down and in those couple of seconds she was staring at me, smiling and peeing herself on the floor. I do believe that was for attention. So we made a big deal about telling her that she has to help show her brother how to use the potty and she was able to give him the rewards when we did it. We also worked on her at the time to transition from the little potty to the big potty.
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