I need help...Please

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Angie26, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    So many of you may know that I have been having problems with Kaylee staying in her crib and was going to convert her crib to the toddler bed, but it doesn't have a rail. So for now we have left her in her crib. Tonight she has escaped several times. I put her to bed at 8 and right now she is still awake. Guess where I found her.........In Kelby's crib with him, not once, but 2x's now within a matter of 5 fricken minutes. He was sound asleep and she was jumping in his bed. :eek: I spanked her and put her back in bed and guess what she did.....SHE LAUGHED AT ME!! I then sat in her room and everytime she thought about getting up I would tell her to lay down. WHAT DO I DO.....Crib tents are not an option. Anyone else children climb in the other's crib with them. :umm:

    I am also out of smokes and have been since 6:00 p.m. DH went to see the guys at 6 and I just called him and told him to get home so that he can be on Kaylee patrol. =@
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I don't know Angie. That's a tough spot you are in!! Sounds like she wants to play and get your attention. Does she have a doll or toys or something in her crib that would help divert her attention long enough to foget that she wants to climb out? Probably does, but that's all I can think of. I'm sorry you are having trouble with her! :hug99: :hug99:
  3. Twinmagic

    Twinmagic New Member

    Hi, it sounds like you are about to lose it. I am sorry it has been such a bad night for you. What I usually do is go wash my face and ask God to give me strength and patience to deal with my girls. It's hard, I understand where you are coming from. Something that has helped me really get through to my girls is getting information online about why they do the things they do. I was amazed at how much I really was misunderstanding about their behavior. If you need to PM me feel free. Just don't act in anger you'll just hate yourself later for it and it doesn't help the situation. I hope I was of some help. I haven't slept in days with the baby up most of the night so I may not be writing what you need or want to hear. Just know I totally understand!!!

    Maribel :hug99:
  4. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    Since you are also one who spanks, I would say, Keep spanking. I would sit outside the door and tell her if you hear her get up, then you will discipline. Then take her out of the bedroom, into your room maybe, and tell her how many swats she is getting and why. Because she is disobeying mommy and getting out of bed. Then pray with her and give her a hug. Then put her back down. If she refuses to lie down, put your hand on her back and repeat over and over, put your head all the way down, until she gives up. If she fights you on this one, stand there with the spoon or whatever you use to spank, and give her one more swat on the bottom for disobeying. You will know when she has given up. I hope you find the strength you need to get thru this one. I also say PP has a great idea to go into the bathroom and wash your face and pray before you face it again. I usually drink a cup of hot tea.
  5. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    Okay maybe I need to clarify. I wasn't that upset with her just more annoyed that she thought it was so funny. I caught myself laughing at her at one point and knew that wasn't helping. I just melt though when I tell her that she is going to get a swat the next time she gets up and she is smiling at me and then gave me a kiss. By no means tonight was I so upset with her that I would have done anything wrong. I was just more frusturated that she was trying to wake Kelby up and not staying in her bed, not to mention that she started the new thing of crawling in his bed. I think tomorrow night I will sit outside her door and catch her immediatley when she gets up. I told DH tonight that they need separate rooms, but that is not feasible because our extra bedroom is in the basement. I am fine and I had a cigarette. I need to get a little rougher with her so that maybe she will know that momma is serious.

    Thank you all for your support and help. I am so sorry that I keep posting on this. Did any of you switch them from a crib to just a twin size bed? I know this won't solve the getting out of bed deal, but it would be safer.
  6. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    I haven't had to deal with this with either of my twins yet. If you switch to the toddler bed, even without a rail, she should be safe. I do know someone who skipped the toddler beds with her dd's and had no problems with falling out of bed, but I think she started with a mattress on the floor before she made it a normal bed. Good luck with whatever you do. They can certainly be a challenge at this age.
  7. CapeBretoner_123

    CapeBretoner_123 Well-Known Member

    Just keep trying. It can take a while for her to understand the 'new bed rules" After 3 times make no eye contact. No matter how hard it gets never let them see you upset. She wants attention...don't give it to her. Pick her up and put her back in her own bed...first time tell her to stay. Good luck. Took us a bit but it works.
  8. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I don't have too much advice b/c knock on wood, we haven't started this phase at our house. WHEW!!! However, when they are ready for "real" beds....I think we are just going to go the twin mattresses and put them on the floor and then buy frames and stuff as they get older. I fear the real bed stage...I don't think that my AWESOME sleepers will ever go to bed at that point. I will have to clear their room of anything and everything for a decent nap. Hehehe!

    Best of luck...I hope you figure out something that works for you.
  9. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    If she won't stay in her crib, she won't stay in a toddler/twin bed. Your frustration will continue.
    1. Reconsider the crib tent - why isn't it an option?
    2. Supernanny method of repeatedly putting her back without speaking to her, ie give her no interaction or reward for misbehaving.
    3. Separate them into separate rooms so that she has no one to intereact with at bedtime.
  10. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to say that we moved my DD out of her crib and into a regular twin bed around that age. We bought a side rail at Toys R Us though, as this bed is higher off the ground than your average twin bed. We never had any problems with the transition except the first night. She had a hard time going to bed that first night, but not a problem since then. However, every child is different, and my DD has a room of her own.
  11. Anne-J

    Anne-J Well-Known Member

    When my DD was that age, she did more or less the same thing. Soon it became very frustrating. Once we moved her to a toddler bed at 2yrs, she didn't give us a problem at all. She took to it really well. Surprisingly my DS took a while to get used to the bed, and he's the better sleeper. Just goes to show. :)

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