I need help...bedrest

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Britten, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    Had my latest u/s today at the peri. Babies are healthy and growing. But my cervix is back down (2.63cm) and funnels when pressure is applied. They sent me to labor triage to monitor for contractions, but after 30 minutes w/o any they sent me home on bedrest.

    I knew bedrest was probably in my future, but I wasn't prepared for it at only 25 weeks. I have so much left to do to get ready for these babies and I can't imagine not being able to leave my house for the next 3 months.

    I need to know how to survive this...mentally more then anything. I don't have other children and dh works from home so I know I am way better off then most. But right now I feel like I'm not going to be able to get through this without losing my mind.
  2. mhouse

    mhouse Well-Known Member


    you'll get through it- the main thing is taking care of you and baking those babies for as long as possible - i'm sure you're still in shock at the news, but once it settles in you and your dh will be able to figure it out - i'm sure you'll get a ton of great advice from the ladies here...
  3. Merijo

    Merijo Well-Known Member

    Can your hubby set you up with a tv/dvd player, laptop?? Obiously you may already have your laptop!

    Make lists of things for him to get. Look things up on the computer and know where he can go to get them. Read books (not about twins - just ditraction). Sleep. Organize things in your head or on paper. Pick out colors and draw a plan up of baby's room. You will just have to keep hubby busy doing your footwork.

    I have not been in your shoes. I'm so sorry it happened so early but thank goodnes your doctor saw these early warning signs and you have not gone into preterm labor. Maybe there is a chance that your body will adjust to and calm down and you can get moved to modified bedrest or get off?? Keep a stiff upper lip. Hopefully, others in your shoes will have even better ideas.

    Sorry for your frustration.
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    You will get through it. Just remember that keeping those babies in there is your most important job. I spent 15 weeks on bedrest, 4+ of them in the hospital, and it was horrible, I won't lie. But I'd do it all over again and more for my healthy baby girls.

    The baby stuff will come together. Do you have family close who could help? My mom and sister painted their room and put their stuff together. I did all of my registering online and the baby shower was at my house with me laying in the recliner.

    It will really work out. Stick to the bedrest and hang in there. Get whole season of TV shows on DVD, that passes the time.
  5. traci_roo

    traci_roo Well-Known Member

    I have been on bedrest for almost 10 wks so it is possible to survive it. 5 of those weeks were spent in the hospital. The hardest part for me was the first couple of weeks. I keep myself busy watching tv, surfing the internet, and reading.
  6. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    Yes, I've got a laptop w/ wireless internet, a comfy recliner and couch and a 65in tv w/ dvd. And I've got a 3 pound yorkie glued to my side for company.

    I planned on being super-organized in preparation for these babies and I'm frustrated that I can't put the rest of my plans into action now. I absolutely hate being a burden. DH works so hard and I don't want to make things harder on him. It also makes me sad that - as their mom - I can't do some of these things for them.

    Our families are 1000 miles away. They won't be here until after the babies come, which is when we will really need them. I just have to realize this is more of a nusiance then an emergency.

    I am good at notes and lists and dh can just get to things as he is able. The big shopping for the girls is done and I spent yesterday making cute labels for the dresser drawers in their room so anyone who comes to help will know exactly where everything is.

    Maybe just maybe my cervix will re-lengthen, the contractions will stay away and I can do a few things again.

    You never know.
  7. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    I have been on bedrest too and you do survive. At first it is hard, but try to relax and use your time to answer e-mails, surf the net, update journal, read and such. I did not listen entirely and got up more than i was suppose to and went into PTL last week. no i am on 100% bedrest. you will get through it, remember it is best for you and your twins
  8. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry. Bedrest is such a challenge. Have you thought about asking for support from sidelines.org? My email volunteer helped me get through the roughest times- the last 9 weeks of a total of 14.
    Hang in there.
  9. Barbelliott

    Barbelliott Member

    I too, am on bedrest (cervix 1 cm), today marks exactly 6 weeks and I hope and pray I may it 6 more. I am 29 weeks. To tell you the truth, for some reason these weeks have gone so fast. And I"m not going to lie to you, it is more mentally than physically draining. I am on strict bedrest, so only dr's, bathroom and shower every 2/3 days!! Not fun and you do feel like such a nuisance, but you have to realize, you have the most important job ever. And that is baking these babies. Think of like this , you'd rather be stuck in bed 24/7, then putting those dear babies into this world and be in the NICU for months. I promise you will get through this. Join online groups, they are my whole support. I am thankful, my family is next door, .
    Just take of yourself, play on the internet, read, start a journal, etc. I do ALL my shopping on the internet.

    take care,
  10. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Awe, I feel your pain. I was put on bedrest at 27 weeks and then between 27-34 weeks, I spent 4 weeks in the hospital on bedrest. Be lucky you are at home! It's tough to get adjusted too, but it's manageable. Keep your computer handy!! WHen I went on bedrest I started a pregnancy journal. Up until that point I had just really documented my apts. and what was said. After everything was said and done and my girls home from the NICU, I had a 31 page (single-spaced) typed journal! It's fun to go back and read.

    Just remember that this is BEST for those babies! There is still a lot you can do...SHOP for baby stuff online. It's fun getting those packages in the mail!!!

    Also, for a little extra "pick-me-up" there is a web site called Sidelines that is designed specifically for woman who are on bedrest. It's a GREAT tool!! If you sign up on their site, you can choose to be paired up with another mom (via phone or email support) and they will pair you up with someone who had a similar pregnancy with complications and that person will be your email buddy (or phone if you prefer) through the rest of your pregnancy. I had a support person when I was on bedrest and she was awesome! We still keep in contact adn send pics back and forth. She is a twin mom too! Most moms of multiples get paired up with other moms with multiples. Since I had a great pairing on that site, I signed up to volunteer with them after I had my twins. Since that time, I have had 4 referrals who I have been a support person for! It's been great! Just another avenue to let you know there are others who have gone through similar trials and tribulations!
  11. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I felt like a burden on DH too, so one thing I did find was that there was a local market where I could do my grocery shopping online and they'd have it all ready and bagged up for DH just to pick up. He loved this because he absolutely detests shopping. And I loved it because I actually got to pick the food myself.

    There was a market right by his work so he'd just grab it on his way home.

    Also, if you have a Dream Dinners type of place near you, maybe your DH could go make meals and have them in the freezer. My DH would not go, but if yours will their food is great and easy prep.
  12. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member


    We do have a couple of those dinner places around us and dh asked me to call today to get details.

    Thanks for the suggestion!
  13. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    Ok, 1st off, remember that those babies hardly need anything aside from a few onsies, blankets, diapers etc. All you can buy online. They will sleep alot when you get them home (in short spurts) so you be able to finish up their room then.

    I know you are just hitting your nesting stage so that the bedrest is really awful, but you can nest by organizing your photos and albums. You can set up people to help you and DH with frozen meals for post-babies. If you do not take this in hand, you will end up with 15 lasagnas (sp?)and there is only so much of that you can eat.

    You can create lists of chores etc, not so much for you DH to do while you are laid up, but to help you organize your life once you bring babies home. If your like me, you thrive on lists so having them done will help yout to feel like you are getting stuff done in your sleep deprived life. But make sure you break them down into doable small, daily sections.

    Get a home massge, pedicure and manicure to lift your spirits when you are really low.

    Good Luck! [​IMG]

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