I love vinyl!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by maybell, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    well, had to share. I'd already covered the dining room table that we eat at with a thick layer of clear vinyl before we moved my dd to a booster seat to sit at the table a month ago. I put on the floor a thin layer of picnic table covering on the floor... that was a disaster and it got ripped up b/c of the chair legs etc.

    well, yesterday I finally got the 2nd booster seat for my ds and went to Joann's to get another layer of vinyl for the floor. It was $8 a yard or something and I got 3 yards with a 50% coupon so it was only $13 or so... its 5 feet wide and fits at the end of our table under the two chairs that we have for the kids. i was worried that the chairs wouldn't slide on it very well, but it works perfectly! our kids are still pretty messy with their oatmeal and other food items that its nice to just be able to wipe it up. we have wood floors and a rug under the dining room table... the other nice thing about this clear vinyl is that you don't really notice it and you can still see the nice rug under it.

    I kinda feel like those old 70s tv shows where you see the couches covered in vinyl! but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do!

    anyway, had to share. if you do use vinyl, just get a really thick layer for the floor. for the table, I just used a double stick tape to keep it on until I want to take it off a year or two from now.
  2. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    You said you used double stick tape on the table to keep it in place? I would like to do something like this but would be afraid the tape would damage the wood table. hmmmm maybe one of those no slip things - I can just see the boys pulling the entire table cloth off the table which always has stuff on it.
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I actually used sticky velcro... but will never utilize the velcro part, its just what I had... anyway, I wrapped the table and the tape is on the underneath side, so I don't really care if something happens when I take it off... I wanted to protect the top of the table. especially from their teeth, our babies chew on everything, and at one point they were able to get their mouths on the table when in the restaurant high chairs.

    also, I wanted it to be more permanent so they couldn't take it off... maybe it would work for you if you wrapped the table and did it on the underneath side.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :thanks: for the suggestion!
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