I know we arent supposed to compare...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cohlee, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Because I am really starting to get nervous about Maia.
    My girls are almost 9mo old and she shows NO interest in sippy cup, holding her own bottle (they only have 2-3 a week), self feeding (she will put the puffs/cheerios in her hand and hold them all in her fist), mesh feeder (she wants me to hold it for her) and she doesnt really care for foods with texture, she prefers pureed.
    She also shows NO interest in rolling (she can roll onto her belly but hates it, she 'forgets' how to roll onto her back sometimes), tummy time (she cheats and puts her head down, and if she is holding her head up she's grunting) and she has no desire to crawl or get into a sitting position. She does prefer to sit but I have to put her in the sitting position.

    On the other hand, Sofie is SO CLOSE to crawling, rolls everywhere, holds her own bottle and sippy, loves finger food and the mesh feeder.

    Maia did however start babbling first and she will mimic any facial expression.

    I have their 9mo appt on the 25th but I am getting really nervous that Maia isnt hitting any motor milestones. Its so hard not to compare when you have two!
    Should I be looking into EI? Should I call my pedi and try to get in earlier? Am I freaking out for no reason?
  2. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    Being very new to the twins experience, I can't really help. . . but I will say that I try not to but can't help comparing my singletons to one another at various developmental phases, etc. Deep down, I know they are all different and hit milestones at different rates, but still. It's hard not to compare!
  3. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    :hug99: OK, don't freak out :) I know it's really hard with two, but try to think about if you would be concerned about this or that if she was a singleton. I do think babies tend to focus on one area first - verbal or physical. I hadn't even given my babies sippy cups at that age, but for the rest I'm a bad mommy and didn't write down their "firsts" so I don't remember what ages my kids did those things. I did just do a quick google search and I would say based on what I just read I would talk to the pedi and probably ask for an AI evaluation.

    I think my oldest has/had a gross motor delay. I was never concerned about it(I didn't think this when she was a baby - just looking back), my pedi never was either. Now I see how young H & N can do things, one quick example - simple things like getting on & off kid sized chairs. They did this probably at 12-13 months, Rachel was still asking for help at least a year after that. So this is partly coming from Mommy guilt of not seeing it and not seeking help for her - so I'm not sure if my judgement is being clouded - KWIM. I had never heard of EI until I read about it on TS about a year ago. It was right after Rachels 3rd birthday so she missed the cut off here in Ohio. Anyway - my (long) point is better to proactive and check in to it - but there is a wide range of normal, so please try to not get too upset until you've talked to the pedi/EI.
  4. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Cohlee...my boys are doing everything Maia does. Jake will hold his bottle, but prefers me to do it and they will hold sippy cups so they can chew on them. Neither one is crawling and we just mastered sitting (with my sitting them up) a few weeks ago. Ryan hated tummy time until we started cheering for him when he did it. He still hates it but cries a lot less.

    I don't think it would hurt to ask the Dr. about it, but don't worry yourself too much. Easier said than done. Maybe Maia just wants more mommy time than her sister. She probably enjoys the bonding.
  5. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I certainly see no harm in calling EI, they will let you know if its even necessary. I don't think you need to move your ped appt up, she may be rolling like a mad woman before you go!
    What happens when you put the puffs (finger foods) in her mouth? Does she put ANY in her mouth? What if you set the mesh feeder on her tray and do NOT hold it for her? Maybe after a few days of that she will pick it up!
    Most babies do not like textured purees, so I am not suprised by that.

    Have you tried putting a mirror on the floor to the opposite side that she is facing (but where she can kinda see it) to entice her to roll over?
  6. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Your situation sounds COMPLETELY normal to me. My kids do pretty much all of what you are describing!! Both of them!! I think, unfortunately, in this day we are far too quick to panic. All babies are very different creatures and your kids are totally normal.

    My kids cannot get a cheerio from the try INTO their mouth EVER! I don't worry. Nicolas can't crawl. Pretty much all of that and I had my 9 month appt on Thursday.

    I didn't walk til 14 months!! I didn't get a tooth til 13 months!! My husband got his first tooth at 4 mos.. We are all very individual creatures and it's OKAY to do things slower!! There is no rush.

    It's sooo sad that WE (as mothers) feel that way ALL OF THE TIME!! There are just too many scare tactics put forth by our own docs that it's hard not to worry about every little thing.

    I'm sure you already have your mind made up that you are going to call EI but I would say "don't.. give it a month and I bet it will all work itself out."

    It usually does. Plus, yours were full term!! Nicolas also does the grunting, take breaks with head down bit-- he's got a huge head! Ha! And he's seriously really lazy. Like in the shopping cart- he tries to LAY DOWN. I'm not kidding. It's comical.

    Anyway, I'm right there with you and I'm not worried. My kids (esp Nic) are lazy! I don't blame them. I might like to have someone do everything for me too. Maybe they're just smarter than us!
  7. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Okay I definitely would not worry about the holding a bottle if they only have 2 - 3 per week - most of the time my babies have no interest in holding their bottles either and they get them 4 times each day. What if you try putting the sippy cup in front of her and just leaving it there, what does she do? I also definitely wouldn't worry about the foods with texture versus pureed - as long as she's eating the pureed. My pedi said not to even try to get mine to eat anything with texture til 9 months. (I tried once and they gagged and almost threw up.) I would definitely tell the doctor about the rolling though and see what s/he says....maybe there is a way you could entice her to roll? Maybe she can do it but just doesn't want to? Is there anything wrong with that? I would call your pedi tomorrow though if you're concerned, it doesn't cost anything to call the nurse and ask.
  8. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    No advice, just know you aren't alone, my Drew is very much like your Maia, and it is soooo hard to watch Livi crawl and pull up and get everywhere while Drew gets left behind because has no interest in it at all. I did bring it up with the pedi at our 9 month visit, she wasn't worried at all and said if he wasn't crawling by 12 months than he would be behind.
  9. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(aimeethomp @ Jul 6 2008, 06:19 PM) [snapback]862619[/snapback]
    Okay I definitely would not worry about the holding a bottle if they only have 2 - 3 per week - most of the time my babies have no interest in holding their bottles either and they get them 4 times each day. What if you try putting the sippy cup in front of her and just leaving it there, what does she do? I also definitely wouldn't worry about the foods with texture versus pureed - as long as she's eating the pureed. My pedi said not to even try to get mine to eat anything with texture til 9 months. (I tried once and they gagged and almost threw up.) I would definitely tell the doctor about the rolling though and see what s/he says....maybe there is a way you could entice her to roll? Maybe she can do it but just doesn't want to? Is there anything wrong with that? I would call your pedi tomorrow though if you're concerned, it doesn't cost anything to call the nurse and ask.

    :hug99: I agree with pp. Everything sounds pretty normal. Definitely call the pedi, even just for reassurance.
  10. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Cohlee, :hug99: It's hard not to worry especially when you have the two of them right in front of you. :hug99: I don't think there is any harm in calling your doctor, expressing your concern and getting an earlier appointment. Then your doctor can tell you if EI is in order and lead you in the right direction as to how to get in touch with them.
    As for your concerns, I will share my own personal experience with my two:

    NO interest in sippy cup: My two showed no interest in a sippy cup {holding or drinking out of it} until they were close to one year.

    holding her own bottle: My two didn't hold their own bottle or sippy until they were 13 months! :eek:

    self feeding: My dd started self feeding at 13 months and my ds at 14 months! :eek:

    mesh feeder: they NEVER liked this.

    she doesnt really care for foods with texture, she prefers pureed: They wouldn't eat anything other then stage 2 until 11 months... and didn't go to table foods until they were 17 months! :eek: I worried, of course, but my doctor told me to follow their lead and not to push, so I didn't. :blush:

    She also shows NO interest in rolling: My dd didn't roll for the first time ever until 8ish months. Neither of mine were rollers, still aren't big on it. :rolleyes:

    she has no desire to crawl or get into a sitting position: My two didn't start crawling until 9.5 months. Before this, they didn't get up on all fours like you hear alot of kids do, they just did it in a few days. They went from laying on their belly to crawling, pulling up and cruising and getting into sitting position back to their belly within two weeks. :huh:

    I'm not saying at all that you shouldn't call your pediatrician if you are concerned, I just wanted to show you there are other non-crawling/non-steak eating ;) babies. Hopefully it will make you feel a little bit better. :hug99: And for what it's worth, they are two now and they are very active and healthy toddlers. They are smart and eat just about anything.
  11. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry, but if you are talk to your doctor and have an EI evaluation. It will either put your mind at ease that there is nothing wrong, or catch something if there is and help you help her. :hug99:
  12. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    None of that sounds alarming to me, as most PP's have said. My two STILL don't hold their bottles at almost 13 months -- they can, but they're just lazy. :rolleyes: They don't drink out of sippies because they don't know how to tip their heads back -- I give them straw cups. And, I still hold those for them most of the time. (Nadia didn't start holding a bottle until 14 or 15 months.)

    Karina didn't roll at all until 8ish months, while Kevan started rolling across the room at 4 months, and has been sleeping on his belly since then. But once she started, she caught up pretty quickly. They're both cruising now, but I suspect she will walk first, because she's much more stable on her feet.

    A lot of babies don't like textured food. At 9 months, Karina was a gagger -- she couldn't even eat small bites of banana. I pureed everything. Eventually, very slowly, they started eating more textures, and now they eat anything and everything. (Within reason, considering they don't have any molars, LOL.)

    I suspect Maia is just doing things in her own time....

    All that said, I recently called EI about Kevan -- I've noticed some issues for a long time, but my ped was lax about them, so I waited to call. I'm kicking myself, because I wish I had called after his 9-month appointment -- turns out he's severely delayed in oral motor/speech skills, and I think therapy starting three months ago would have really helped.

    So, if you have a gut feeling that something is "off" -- don't hesitate to call. It certainly can't hurt!
  13. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Cohlee- I just wanted to send :hug99: your way! I would definitely call the pedi if you are worried, it won't hurt to ask. It is definitely hard not to compare when you have two the same age. I'm finding the Sophia is hitting all the milestones before Luke does. I was concerned because Luke would just flop on the ground for tummy time and now he will roll over on to his back.

    Keep us posted on Maia! I will be thinking good thoughts for the both of you!
  14. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    :hug99: your babies are just perfect! my girls have ZERO interest in holding their own bottles, and they get 4 a day every day! well, ivana WILL hold it and feed herself, but briefly, and then she starts to poke at the nipple and turn the bottle upside down, etc... my girls have NO IDEA how to put food into their mouths. they can *barely* pick up a puff with their hands and then marina tries to get it in her mouth once, fails, then tries to shake the puff off her hand. ivana will pick it up, it'll stick to her hand, and she'll search for it not realizing it's right there! lol if it'll make you feel better to call the pedi, then do so, but you never know what she may surprise you with tomorrow! she may hit all those milestones within days of each other!
  15. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I personally don't feel you have any need to worry. It sounds like both babies are within the normal range. Sippy cups and holding their own bottles shouldn't even be an expectation yet - they're just a bonus. My boys didn't start holding their own bottles until 13 months and then we were done with them by 15 months anyway! I know some people who have children who hold their own bottles earlier, but most don't. Sippy cups didn't really take off here until after a year although I introduced them at 5-6 months. Don't worry!

    As for mobility, my boys never really rolled, especially Evan. I know that sounds odd! But they just kind of went straight to crawling at 8 and 9.5 months. They just weren't rollers.
  16. caryanne07

    caryanne07 Well-Known Member

    I quickly scanned the other responses and noticed that most seem to be saying that this is normal and not to be concerned. I'm sorry to tell you this but I very strongly disagree! My Ben (7.5 months) adjusted sounds just like your Maia. I recently had him evaluated and he is nowhere near the curve for his adjusted age. We are starting to work with him and he will see a physio for 1 to 2 times a week.

    A question for you: when she is sitting on someone else's lap facing you, does she resist having her hands out in front of her? That's what my Ben does. He is not comfortable with his hands in front of him. That's why he can't hold his bottle and hates tummy time. He is very uncomfortable with his hands in front. So we've be working on that for now. The physio comes back on Wednesday so hopefully we'll have made a bit of progress with him.

    My advice....call EI this morning and get her on this list for an assessment. This may take a couple of months to get done so you should get your name in now. If you can afford it, I would suggest calling a physio directly and paying for it while you wait for EI. Also, talk to your pedi immediately.

    PM me if you want to chat.

  17. sthomas81

    sthomas81 Well-Known Member

    Your Maia sounds a lot like my Sydney. Sydney is still not rolling over from back to tummy but rolls just fine from tummy to back. She hates tummy time and will cry the second I start putting her on her belly and will roll right over to her back right away. I think Maia sounds like she is doing just fine. The doctor says that she thinks Sydney is just fine and maybe she just doesn't want to do those things right now and she will do them when she is good and ready. I compare my girls all the time even though I know I shouldn't. Karlie is rolling everywhere about to crawl and Sydney can't even roll over. I wouldn't worry but if it is bothering you it doesn't hurt to give your pedi a call. Let us know how it goes.
  18. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Wow! Thanks for all the replies and helping to put my mind at ease. I probably am being a p-noid FTM but I see Sofie constantly trying to do new things and she is the more laid back baby.

    When I give Maia the sippy, mesh feeder, cheerios, etc, I put it in her hand and show her how to do and I will also put some in her mouth so she knows what it is. She is stubborn, she will try to move her hands away as soon as I get them on it so I am holding it. But I only hold it for a minute then she's on her own.

    She will hold her arms out, and she puts one arm up when she wants up.

    I have been forcing her to do tummy time a few times a day again even if it only for like 3-5mins. And I have been showing her that she needs to tuck her arm to roll back onto her back. She does have a strong spine because she can get back into a sitting position if she falls back onto a boppy by doing a 'crunch'! And her hand eye coordination is good because she does pass things between her hands and Sofie does not.

    I think I am just going to spend a little time working on some stuff with her and talking to the pedi at their appt in 2wks.

    Thank you again! You ladies are great!! I was reading all these posts about crawlers, etc and started getting nervous, but I am also sleep deprived. :pardon:

    edited for clarity
  19. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Trust that gut feeling of yours which I'm guessing is saying "everything is ok" . I look at what my girls have learned and I haven't taught them a thing, when they are ready they will do it. My bf with a singleton her daughter just lied on her back never wanted to be on her tummy -- she was 9 months then rolled over and started crusing and then walking. Hardly crawled. Try to spend this time enjoying them and not worrying. (easier said than done)

  20. JenniferZ

    JenniferZ Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cohlee @ Jul 6 2008, 04:05 PM) [snapback]862507[/snapback]
    My girls are almost 9mo old and she shows NO interest in sippy cup, holding her own bottle (they only have 2-3 a week), self feeding (she will put the puffs/cheerios in her hand and hold them all in her fist),

    ...she has no desire to crawl or get into a sitting position. She does prefer to sit but I have to put her in the sitting position.

    Mine are same age and are doing the same thing. DD likes sippy but won't hold, DS not interested at all. Neither will hold bottle. Will eat puffs, put ALOT of them are just held in their fist. No crawling here either, or pulling up. My pedi pedi always told me all babies are different, some reaching milestones months apart. I think there is only a need worry if there is an OBVIOUS problem, ie. poor muscle tone, cognitive problems, etc. Otherwise, don't worry! I know I was worried when I started reading some of TS'ers blogs and saw that 8 month olds were crawling/almost walking and saying real words!

    But just when you start to get worried, they will reach that milestone.
  21. caba

    caba Banned

    I'm trying to remember, but I know for a fact Hailey NEVER held her own bottle. We got rid of bottles at 12 months, and she never held it herself. I think its the "princess" in her. Hailey didn't start crawling until 10.5 months ... Jake more like 11 months ...mine hated the mesh feeders, and even today if I give them chunky baby food they spit it out. We went from Stage 2 foods to regular food because they hated the chunky stuff. And I remember a lot of moms here saying that.

    So much of it sounds normal, but talk to your pedi about your concerns. I also feel like there is no harm in having an evaluation right? Good luck!

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