I know this has been asked a million times....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by carilberry, Dec 7, 2007.

  1. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    How often did your kids get sick after starting preschool? My oldest is so ready to go to school and I have luckily found a preschool that has openings. I am just scared to death of her getting sick all the time. We have our fair share of colds around here as it is, but I am not ready to deal with constant sickness! I know it will help build up her immune system (and the twins' also).

    Also, how many colds vs stomach bugs? I am not good with puking at all. I thought I was going to die when everyone had it last winter.

    Last question...there is a T, Th class and a MWF class. The T, Th is for 3 & 4 yr olds. The M, W, F is for 4, 5 yr olds. If she went in the older class, she would be the youngest. She is very social and advanced for her age, but would 3 days a week be a little much for the first time she goes to school?

    Any input on your experiences would be great
  2. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    When my girls first started preschool they got a lot of runny noses and a few fevers here and there but nothing where I had to keep them home from school. We only had one throwing up virus and I don't think they got it from school. Most of what the girls got were just little colds.

    As for which class to put her in I would go with whatever she would be in for school. If she is going to be in two years of preschool start her in the 3 & 4 yr old class but if she is only going to be in preschool for one year and then start kindergarden then I would put her in the 4 & 5 yr old class. My girls started two days a week in the 3 yr old class (they turned 4 in Nov) and then this year they are in the 4 yr old class (which would be like your 4 & 5 yr old class) since they won't be starting kindergarden until next year because of when their birthday is.
  3. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    FWIW, my girls started in September and had one cold that I thought was bad enough to keep them home from school one day (Jade felt slightly feverish and they both had runny noses and general stuffiness) -- but actually they seemed fine by the time I came home in the afternoon. And that (total knock on wood moment!) has been it. No stomach bugs (yet?)
  4. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    Mine also started in September, and have not missed a day due to illness yet. They've had some runny noses, but I think that's part of being a kid. Now that we're getting into flu season I'm trying to really impose a handwashing rule (first thing you do when you come home from anywhere) and we'll hope for the best. I think that not starting them until they were 2 1/2 really gave them a chance to build up their immune systems before being in that environment.

  5. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    K&K started preschool when they were one month shy of 4, they are basically the oldest in their class. At this point I prefer it that way and have no complaints. They did two years of preschool and are now in Kindergarten. Through the entire two years each child missed one day of school (not one each year but total, Kayla missed one in Jan 2007 and Kyle missed one in Feb 2006). I have seen no change in their health from when they were with me (can't say home because they were at work with me) to when they started school.
  6. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    Being the big time germaphobe that I am, this was also a fear of mine. So far...so good. Just one cold. So nothing out of the ordinary. Our school is very germ conscious and I think that helps. They make the children wash hands frequently, wipe down snack tables with clorox wipes,etc.

    Our kids started 3 year old preschool this past fall. (they were over 3.5yrs due to their Christmas b-days). The school I choose is also a 2 day/week (tues, thurs) for the 3 yr old classroom and 3 days (M,W,F) for the 4 yrs. It is a good amount...now that it's winter...I kinda wish it was 3 days/week. They really enjoy it. Many of my friends with other 3 yr olds started this fall in 3 day/week programs and one local program is 5 days/week for 3 yr olds. All their kids have adjusted well. I think kids are flexible and adapt. I personally wasn't ready for them to go 5days/week. 2-3 days is a good start IMO for the first year of preschool. So either way.

    I would just check with the teacher to see what learning skills are already covered in the 3yr program vs. 4yrs olds. In our program, the 3 yrs old learn to recognize all letters and numbers and how to spell and write their first name. The 4yr old program builds on that. So it may help to ask about curriculum to see where your daughter best fits. Yet some 3 yr old programs do not focus on academics but rather just social skills...so it may not matter.
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