I know I've not been around much. . . but I sure could use help!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kaysyd, Oct 10, 2007.

  1. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    THe girls- who knows what is going on? Somedays they take a good 2 hour nap, somedays they take 1 1/2 if that. I am consistent with naps and bed time. But they aren't being consistent at all. Sunday night- they went down easily. Monday night- Syd was up crying until 10! Then last night, they went down easily, and then tonight- Syd's still up crying. She took little nap today- yesterday a good nap. I can't find rhyme or reason. One night last week, she was up from 2 until 6!!! wide awake!!! We thought it was teeth- because it does look like she has one coming in but it's rare I can peak in her mouth. We gave her motrin at night for 3 nights just to take the edge off it is was her teeth. But we cannot draw any trends with this WHATSOEVER!!!

    I tried to look at naps compared to their bedtime. Bedtime is around 8:30. Naps are at 1 and last until 2:30 or 3. They have to have a nap- they cannot function without one. There is no association- or I can't draw one. Yesterday- both took a GREAT nap of over 2 hours- and went down without a sound last night. Today- not so good of nap for Syd- last one down. They were wound up too! I'm even looking at foods- we do dinner at 5:30-6 and snack before bed. I'm confused! And I'm tired!!!! Part of the reason I haven't been on here is because I have absolutely NO ME time anymore lately. Would like to come and post to others issues as well but can't.
  2. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Hey Kay,

    Nice to know that you are all ok (except for the matter at hand). I just wanted you to know that I could have totally written your post. I am going through the same exact thing. We have been so consistent about putting them to bed at the same time but their morning wake up times vary from day to day to day. Yesterday my girls slept until 6:45am today Arwen was up at 5:30am and Lorien at 7:15am. They wake up ANYWHERE from 5:30-7. I try to be consistent with when I put them down for naps but unfortunately, it totally depends on what time they woke up that day. Same thing as you with naps. They will often sleep for an hour and a half but then some days they will sleep for 2.5-3 hours :huh: On the days that we have activities in the morning, I always assume that they will have a good long nap but it is only 1.5hrs. Then on the days we nothing but stay in the house all day, they sleep longer??? I am just as frustrated as you are and while I have no solutions to this problem for either you or myself I just want you to know that you are not alone in your frustration and lack of sleep and Me time. My dd was screaming and crying in her crib tonight until 9:30 (we usually put them to bed at 8) with dh and I taking turns rocking her. We were unable to eat dinner together and now it's time for me to go to bed. It has been one long day and I am on the verge of tears at times. I hope this is just another one of those "phases" but my girls have ALWAYS had sleep issues. Heck, Lorien didn't even start sleeping through the night until she was 14 months and even still she will wake now and then in the middle of the night and talk to herself for anywhere from 5 min to an hour and then eventually pass out again.
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    What happens if you try to put them down earlier? And what time do they wake up in the morning?

    We also get naps that are anywhere from 1 to 2.5 hours (usually 1.5-2 at daycare, and 2-2.5 at home), but I don't worry about naps so much, as long as they only have a couple of "bad nap days" per week. It doesn't seem to affect them that much. But they go to bed at 6:30-7 (usually asleep by 7-8, depending on how chatty they are), and wake at 6-6:30. So on average they get about 13 hours of sleep a day.

    I can't put mine to bed any earlier (because of when we get home from work), but I've heard that as a suggestion when they are having trouble falling or staying asleep. Based on the past few days, it looks like yours go down easier at bedtime when they took a good nap -- so on days when they took a bad nap, they could be having trouble falling asleep at bedtime because they are overtired. Can you put them to bed earlier just on those days?
  4. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Minette- I'm trying to think how many hours they sleep on a daily basis- about 12 to 13 if we are lucky. We try to put them down between 8 and 8:30 and they get up around 7. Then naptime is at 1 unless they awaken passed 8 in the morning- then it's like 1:30. I've thought about getting them down earlier- but on those nights - it seems like they are in high gear at the time I would need to put them down- and that is how they were last night. Their sleep definitely hasn't been "restful" and is definitely an interrupted sleep- ?? Our house is the same every night- or naptime- quiet with white noise. Temperature is controlled and they have friend in their crib (their lovies, animals, etc) to keep them company.

    I will have to try to put them down even earlier I think on days we have a poor nap. Thanks so much for your help.
    I'm at my end here. And in January, I start a part-time college teaching job- and am going to need some more sleep (even when my girls sleep, I don't- now why is that? LOL)
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I was going to also suggest putting them down a little earlier. Our kids wake between 8-8:30 , we do nap from 1-3 and their bedtime is 8. They also get a burst of energy right before we put them to bed, they run around giggling, but as soon as we put them in their beds they usually are asleep fairly quickly.
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