I know it won't be the first time..........

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by shelbyolivia, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. shelbyolivia

    shelbyolivia Well-Known Member

    but for God's sake! This morning after breakfast Shelby came to me & said "Sissy, cereal" & pointed to her nose! Yup, she had 2 rice crispies up there, she "claims" sissy did it but I doubt it. So I call pedi who says they can see us in an hour. Mind you it's like 9 am & no one is dressed or anything. So I get everyone together, mean while Shelby is sneezing like crazy & I'm watching to see if any cereal comes out, off we go..... Dr said it either went up her nose & down her throat or up her nose & into her sinuses, not likely since she sneezed 50 times after it happened. Thank God dr's office is wonderful to us, everyone said that is not the last time for stuff like that. They had cookies from the nurses & we went home. They will never have rice crispies again!!
  2. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    Oh man, sorry I had a giggle picturing that happening. My girls never did that but I have friends kids who did and yup it happened more than once. Silly girl glad she is ok though.
  3. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    We had to get "playdough" out of her nose the other day (luckily just one side so held one nostril and got her to blow eventually it came out tmi). She woz trying to make her sister laugh by "looking like a piggy" how playdough does that I don't know. We also had a bead in there a few months ago.

    Hope all goes well at the Pedi!!

    amanda (jessica and jorja 3)
  4. Kittie

    Kittie Member

    Yeah, I had to pull peas, carrots, and raisens out of my son's ( on separate occasions) nose. [​IMG] The carrot was the hardest one to get out as it took both me and DH to get it out.

    We watch him a bit more closelty now.
  5. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Oh no, I'm sorry to chuckle just a bit when you were explaining how you were "told" about it! Mine are big tattle tales right now too! I haven't had that experience with my girls yet. However, when I was little, I took a bandaid off my finger and shoved it up my nose which ended up with an ER visit b/c it was too far up there to even see!
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    What an ordeal! I'm glad it's all ok!!

    Ali put a KIX up her nose the other day! I couldn't believe it! It was pushing her nostril out (couldn't go up thank goodness) and after putting warm water in there I finally managed to suction it out! She was pretty terrified, so I am hoping she won't do it again!
  7. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] I'm glad that she's ok. When mine were little Kaitlyn got the tip of a crayon in her nose. Fortunately, we were able to remove it on our own though.
  8. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    OMG. That is too funny. I'm glad she's ok. I'm sure at some point I will be sharing a similar story.
  9. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    How funny! Sorry! I still remember when my cousin put Barbie's golf ball up her nose and my father had to fish it out (he's a doctor). Last year my nephew put a bean up his nose during craft time at preschool! It must be a popular activity for toddlers - shoving things in their noses!
  10. frain2005

    frain2005 Well-Known Member

    When my sister was little she used to put EVERYTING up her nose it was like a compulsion! She was at the DR, all the time getting something removed. From cereal, to littles craft pom poms. The doctors would just laugh when we walked through the door, and ask what she was sniffing now... [​IMG]! Glad you got it out, and she is okay!
  11. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Oh man! Too funny! Although like Trish said, I totally see something like that happening in our house at some point too! [​IMG]
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