i have to take a bath WITH them

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ddancerd1, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    a few weeks back, i was reaching under the sofa to get a ball that marina rolled under it, and i was reaching, a spider came scurrying out, so of course i screamed, which made both girls scream and cry. to this day marina is still terrified of spiders and bugs. we tried everything... the spider is gone, it's outside, daddy flushed it in the toilet, it's in the closet, etc...
    ANYway, i'm guessing she had a dream that there were bugs in the tub, cuz now she won't get into the tub. so i had to go in to get HER to go in, so i can bathe her. this has been going on for a week, and i'm so over it. i'm just wondering how i can transition it back to her going in the tub by herself (with her sister) without me?
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Dont go in there. :pardon: Let her cry or do whatever. Just give her a quick bath and get her out.
  3. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    That would be great, but she screams bloody murder and shakes when I try to put her in there alone. She is absolutely terrified. I've never seen her so scared :(
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    New Bath Toys/Soaps/Crayons to distract her perhaps? I hope she gets over it soon! :hug:
  5. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    It sounds like you've started the irrational fears phase. My pediatrician's advice was to gently reassure that all is well and that you love them and then continue on with the activity as usual (repeat as needed).

    Our irrational fear was that they wanted me to stay with them while they fell asleep because they were afraid of [insert random and ever-changing "fear"]. It was brutal because I could not bring myself to leave them screaming bloody murder at bedtime. I tried a ton of stuff and nothing really worked other than them growing out of it. FWIW, they didn't become fearful children because I failed to be tough and it didn't last forever (although there were days it felt that way).
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  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Sarah has gone through various phases of really hating the tub. At one point, we had to shower with her -- I wasn't willing to take a bath with her but I said I would go in there with her if she would take a shower instead. The added benefit of that is that it's faster!

    I would just go with it for now and not try to force her through it. In our experience, bath fears last a few weeks or a couple of months and then they get over it. We just try to introduce something new and fun -- new bath toys, a new routine, playing music in the bathroom, whatever -- and at some point they go for it.

    I have also force-bathed a screaming child, and it is so not fun. As the child gets older and stronger, it is also dangerous. So I wouldn't do it unless there is really no other option.
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