I have some short legged kids

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sullivanre, Dec 12, 2008.

  1. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    My boys are big twins. Well, they seem to be slimming out a little since they started crawling, but at their 4 month appt. Mark was in 50% on weight and height, and Eli was in 90% on height and 75% on weight, but their legs are sooo short. As of yesterday, their 3-6 month pants (Carters, Okie Dokie) finally fit lengthwise.

    They wear 6-9 and even some 9-12 months shirts, but those little stubby legs. It didn't matter in the summer when they wore onesies 90% of the time, but their shorts came down to their ankles.

    Right now I just live for mix and match (JC Penny Okie Dokie is the bomb), but those little cute sets they have...forget about it. I have two brands where the tops and bottom seem to fit together. They are called Small Wonders and First Impressions, but I have no idea what store these came from. Does any one know? I can't find them at any of my usual places.

    What's a good brand for short legs? I can mix and match, and I roll their pants up. I've already been doing that for months, but it would be nice to not have to keep rolling up their pants for the next 18 years. :)
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I hear you!!! DS wears 18 months shirts now, but the 18 months pants are almost 2 inches too long... yet the 12 months ones are getting too tight at the waist (he's quite chubby). It's a pain... What works best for now is Old Navy 12-18 months pants, wide enough and shorter than others it seems... You might try the 6-12 months there.

    First impressions is Macy's apparently. I need to check it out! That being said, I do like mix and match better, you don't have to change both pieces if one gets dirty etc.
  3. KellyJ

    KellyJ Well-Known Member

    All 3 of my boys suffered from the short leg syndrome. Fortunately they all grew out of it, but until after the age of 2. I had to do what you are doing or just deal with floppy legs on one peice outfits. All of them always go/went up a size in the waist way before they go up in length and I have to roll pants several times so they won't trip all over them. My twins are just getting to the point where pants fit in length and waist, but shirts are a size larger than pants still. I think it's pretty common. However, I have a friend with the opposite problem. Her son is tall and so skinny and nothing fits him either. I don't know who it is kids clothes actually fit well, but it's not mine! Hope you find some things that work for your boys.

  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We were only ever able to do sets through 12 months. After that, they have always worn one size bigger tops than bottoms. My sister (who has 3 kiddos) refuses to buy sets, hers could never wear them either.
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I can't really answer your question, but I never buy "matched" sets for my twins for just that reason. DH bought these Winnie the Pooh track suits for them at Costco (I wouldn't have bought that in the first place, but whatever, he was excited about it :D ) -- they were supposedly a 12 month size. The girls wore the jackets from about 12-18 months and the pants from 24-36 months.

    On the plus side, I guess we got two years of wear out of those track suits, and I never had to suffer the indignity of seeing them dressed in head-to-toe Winnie the Pooh. ;)

    I think it's harder to find clothes for boys with short legs, because you can't do as much with leggings and capris. My DDs wear leggings at least half the time, and they also wear capris as full-length pants for at least one season, before they become actual capris. We have a terrible time with things like jeans and khakis, though it's getting a little better now that they're 3 -- they have more leg and less pudge.
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    My DD can wear sets :D She's long and thin, so the clothes are usually a bit baggy but length-wise it's fine... Plus she doesn't walk so it's not like she can lose the pants if they're too loose... for now, lol.
  7. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Fran27 @ Dec 12 2008, 11:57 AM) [snapback]1108369[/snapback]
    I hear you!!! DS wears 18 months shirts now, but the 18 months pants are almost 2 inches too long... yet the 12 months ones are getting too tight at the waist (he's quite chubby). It's a pain... What works best for now is Old Navy 12-18 months pants, wide enough and shorter than others it seems... You might try the 6-12 months there.

    First impressions is Macy's apparently. I need to check it out! That being said, I do like mix and match better, you don't have to change both pieces if one gets dirty etc.

    Hey Fran,
    Thanks, for the tip on Macy's. I bought those pants when I was in my pregnancy fog, so I couldn't remember at all where they came from. I get some great deals when Macy's has clearances--those sets were $3 each. I'll go back in January, and see what they have for Fall '09.

    Thank God I don't have the waist problem also. Eli was chubby, but he's slimming out a lot. I got a pair of Old Navy Jeans second hand. I'm gonna check them out tonight. I'm going through all of their pants, and rather than looking at size, I'll look at actual length to see what fits. I ignorantly got rid of several of their 3-6 month sets, and now I only know of 3-4 pairs of pants that fit. I'm sure there are a few they will grow into soon, but I probably have 20+ pairs of pants in their drawers, and I don't have a clue what will really fit.
  8. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    Old Navy, Carters and Osh Kosh make one piece outfits I used to love because my super skinny DD couldn't fit into the waist of what size she needed without them being knickers!

    oh and Small Wonders is KMart brand...
  9. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I prefer to call it "long bodied" and I have seen no evidence that they'll grow out of it. Mine are starting to fit their 3T pants (in length, width is forever an issue) just as their 3T shirts are getting too short.
  10. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(AmynTony @ Dec 12 2008, 07:35 PM) [snapback]1108931[/snapback]
    oh and Small Wonders is KMart brand...

    Thanks Amy.
  11. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(debid @ Dec 13 2008, 12:54 AM) [snapback]1109248[/snapback]
    I prefer to call it "long bodied" and I have seen no evidence that they'll grow out of it. Mine are starting to fit their 3T pants (in length, width is forever an issue) just as their 3T shirts are getting too short.

    LOL! that's what I have going on with Eli--long bodied. It's funny Mark's always been pretty short last time he was like an inch shorter, but their legs were exactly the same length.
  12. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member

    My DH is long bodied. He is 6'3 and I am 5'9 but my legs are about 2 inches longer than his. With our DD she had the same issue, long long body, short little legs. I thought that maybe with the boys it would be different but so far everyone takes after dear old dad. Short legs and long body. Now that DD is 3.5 she is starting to get taller and legs look like they are getting longer. pants are getting shorter. So maybe! (Crossing fingers)

    but yes have to do the same separates thing.
  13. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    I bought some really cute one piece outfits from Zutano and found the legs to run really short - you could try those :D They're pricey but you could check ebay for some EUCs.
  14. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    What is this Zutano? I've never heard of it.
  15. lukesmom325

    lukesmom325 Well-Known Member

    Can't really help too much. . .My b/g twins are 2 months and we have the opposite problem. . .They have really long arms and legs and a short torso, so all the clothes that fit in the waist (they still wear nb) are floods and way too short in the legs. . .It is hard b/c I don't really have the option of getting the next size because they are way TOO big in the waist and fall right off! My son has exremely long arms (has had them since birth and his body is now finally catching up a little with how long his arms are) and I have found that Carter's clothes has longer arms than some of the other brands. . . Well good luck in your hunt for shorter legged clothes!

  16. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine have always been like that and I'm still rolling up their pants at 3 years. Fortunately the cute little outfits don't matter as much when they get older anyway. My girls are in 3T shirts and 2T (or even 18-24 month) pants. And they are exactly average (50th %ile) for height and weight, according to the ped -- so who are these pants made for???
  17. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Ditto Zutano! Their one-piece outfits run wide and short-legged. Expensive, but SO incredibly cute!
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