I have never been pregnant this long before!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by PurpleNurple, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. PurpleNurple

    PurpleNurple Well-Known Member

    I have reached 37 weeks! I had the twins by planned CS due to them being breech at 36 w 6 d...so now I have reached the point where I have never been pregnant this long!

    Still taking 4mg (ish) Zofran daily (well, I ran out yesterday and didn't call in a refill - so I didn't get to take my pill till 5:30pm this evening!! But I did ok...)

    I am measuring between 34&35 weeks at my last apt (36w5d)and at 166 lbs (down 2 lbs, don't know why...) Baby has dropped and is quite low down, my midwife is pleased. I am having lots of BH. Don't know if I am dilated or anything. I could tell that he dropped a bit about a week and a half ago...never experienced that with the twins AT ALL...wow. I feel like my bottom is going to drop out!

    My back is KILLING ME...Serious sciatica makes it nearly impossible to get up from a sitting position or move my legs around very much. My butt muscles feel sore and tender like I've been doing glut exercises or something - it hurts so bad! I was hit with a sciatic nerve attack on Wed when I was driving to pick up my husband at work, with the kids. It was so bad, I was praying I didn't have to hit the breaks, because it was torture to move my feet. By the time I got to the church, I was in tears and gripping the wheel so hard. It was terrible.
    Ha, yesterday I was pretty active though - had to have a fire inspection done at the 3 story apt complex I have been managing for my mom - so I went up and down 3 HUGE flights of stairs probably 5 times in the morning, then we went to the Mall to do some shopping, then took the twins and my sister and nephew swimming in Brantford...lovely warm pool...so nice. Oh, and I also ran in the pouring rain while doing stuff at the apartment! LOL... Maybe that is why I have been SO wiped out today.

    I have been (2 times) doing a teeny tiny bit of pumping of colostrum. I am not leaking as much as I was a month or so ago when I expressed some for my son's pink eye. That is how it was with the twins - by the time they were born, I couldn't even get a drop out with an electric pump and it took 3 days for it to come in again! I seem to produce more a month before delivery than the weeks leading up to and the days after. And expressing isn't doing anything in terms of starting labor - because I'm only going for a few minutes, in small spurts, every couple days. I think I have 1 or 2 TBS worth frozen. Likely don't need much more. It's just better than having to give formula to boost sugars or to fill an empty tummy if my milk is delayed.

    And it's helping to get my boobs ready - I forgot that it hurts for a while....

    Finally caught my belly moving on camera. Little sucker has been camera shy for months! As soon as the camera would turn on, he'd stop moving! Hahaha!

    And I have belly pictures up on my blog, www.tuckers2plus2.blogspot.com

    Counting down the days!!!
  2. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    Congrats on doing such a great job! Hang in there!! Can't wait to hear of baby's arrival.
  3. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I had sciatica for some of my pregnancies...it is sooo not fun. The only thing that would bring some relief would be to get on all fours and do some back rounding/hip flexing moves. But it usually only brought relief during the actual exercises!

    As far as the milk thing... it is totally normal for milk to take up to 3 days to come in. Mine has always been this way. But the amazing thing is that babies don't really need anything for the first 2-3 days, just colostrum. Their digestive systems actually do better with a little priming with colostrum than they do when moms immediately give them formula. If you ever watch a baby, the first 24 hours they aren't hungry at all. They might want to nurse, but it's instinctive, not due to immediate hunger. In fact, many formula babies wind up spitting up a lot the first few days because their bodies can't handle the formula. This is why they start with such small amounts of formula even for a baby who is 7lbs or better at birth...they go with the CCs and not the ounces! Don't worry about the milk. Just keep nursing the baby as much as you can, your milk will come in, and before you know it you'll have gobs of it. Trust me... I had very slow milk for all of my babies...never produced enough for my first baby or my twins (but I did have enough for one baby by the twins...) but for baby #4 and 5 I finally figured out the secret. It's just to nurse pretty much non-stop for the first 2 weeks... It's why moms in developing nations strap their babies to themselves!! We're just too impatient over here in the west to get a little of our independence back, so it drive us nuts to not get a break from the baby for a few hours. My secret is to nurse as much as I can, until I feel like I'm going to go nuts, and then hand the baby off to dh for 20 minutes so I can get a shower or a short nap, and then start all over again. The insanity only lasts 2 weeks, and then it gradually gets much, much better.
  4. kyplanmom

    kyplanmom Well-Known Member

    Such a milestone! I am 39 1/2 weeks and carried the boys until 37 1/2 weeks so I am right there with you.

    Congratulations and keep on a cooking that baby!
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