I have had enough!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Twinnylou, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    All my 2 seem to do at the moment is fight, whinge, cry, eat, whinge when they are eating and then fight some more. They constantly have bruises or sctratches where one of them has attacked another. I took them out on Saturday and Jack decided to have a full blown tantrum ( you know the ones where they fall on the floor scream and shout and kick their legs) but of course that wasnt enough he then launched himself at Sophie and scratched her. It was in front of nearly the whole villiage i live in as it was Gala day ( its like a big fair that every one goes too) At this moment in time i have just had to seperate them as Jack was trying to jump on Sophie!! They are not bad kids ( though they sound like it!!) but everytime we go out Jack has to have tantrums or whinge or hit Sophie which of course she does it back. People must look at me and think what a bad mum. When they do cry my partner shouts at them which makes them worse. It causes arguments between us as i hate him shouting. Theres no need. I feel my self getting annoyed at him as soon as he comes in the door as i know what is coming. Dont get me wrong i do love them to bits but i am on my last tether with their fighting. They are driving me mental!!!

    Thanks for letting me vent!! I needed that lol
  2. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry to hear everything that you're going through. We are going through a similar stage right now, too. Our children are almost 2 years and 1 month, too...so it must be the age! ;) The advice that we were given when they whine and throw tantrums is to stay as calm as possible. It's usually because they want some attention. The more attention you give them and more time you spend with them while they do this...the more they will do it. Thus we calmly say to them to stop their behavior and if they do not, then they have a time out or they get some reward/privilege (i.e. snack, favorite toy, etc.) taken away from them. Other times (like if we're in a public place) and they don't want to follow directions (like leave the store) we give them a warning and if that doesn't work...we start to walk away. As soon as they realize that we mean business, they quickly follow suit. As for the two of them fighting, we have separated them in the past. We put a gate dividing their playroom in half and put one child on each side of the gate. At first they liked playing by themselves, but after a while they wanted to play together again. We told them that they needed to be nice to each other or else the gate goes back up. We've done this a few times and it's worked. I know this is a difficult stage that we're going through and I think we just have to be very patient. I know it's not easy, but I really think that they are testing their boundaries right now. They are curious to see what works and what doesn't and exactly how far they can go. Hang in there and know that you're not alone! :hug99:
  3. stephe

    stephe Well-Known Member

    We are going through that too! It has been driving Dh and I crazy the past 2 weeks. We are also 2yrs1month. I hope it passes soon.
  4. twins225

    twins225 Well-Known Member

    mine are 3 (both girls) and they still fight like cats and dogs. we are now going through scratching! but mine are so hot and cold that after they have finished fighting...two minutes later they are hugging eachother??? i have been struggling with bad behavior since mine were 18 months old. mine are pretty good kids too, and i think the parents always think they are worse than what everyone else seems to think. the tantrums still happen, but i see them lightening up a bit. the last 6 months have been pretty rough for us, since our accident (you can find it below). but we are slowly coming out of it.

    from what i hear, behavior starts to get a little better after they are 4...will we make it that far?????

    good luck
  5. rachinoc

    rachinoc Active Member

    We are at 2 years 2 months and I am about to join you in the looney bin! The constant screaming and fighting is just so draining. No advice here.... just letting you know you are not the only one going through this :huh:
  6. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    I feel the same way about my two at times. Sometimes I just have to ignore it and carry on. Most of the time they will stop the crying and whining when they see it is not effective.
  7. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    We're going through the same stage, too. This past weekend we split them up....dh took ds for the day & I took dd. I think it helped to give them some time apart & also some one on one time with mommy & daddy.
  8. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    Um, I have 3 under 4 and that is what I am dealing with all the time...with all of them. Add in the yelling and loud growling from my big boy and I am exhausted all day. No quick phase, this one...
  9. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through this and I see my two girls starting this behavior here and there. In fact, I've been catching them having actual WRESTLING matches when one makes the other angry! Picture two 18 month olds smooshing each other's faces...

    I'm trying to get in there early and stop it before it gets ahead of me, but remembering back to my younger days with one older and one younger brother, there wasn't much my mother could have done. And we were good kids too. But children are children and they just cannot control their emotions. I hope this is a phase he's going through and that he behaves for you. And I know how you feel when it happens in front of a crowd of strangers....mortifying to say the least.

    Also, I just wanted to add that when I read your subject line and saw the word "whinge" I said to myself, I bet she's from Scotland. My mother was born there. ALthough she came here to the U.S. as a teen and lost her accent (burr), my grandmother never did. She would yell at my brothers and I when we were moaning and groaning "stop your whingin' " She passed away a few years ago and I miss her so much. Anyway, I say it sometimes now to my girls. It helps me remember her. Just thought I'd pass that along.... :D
  10. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    Hmm, interesting, we are also 2 years 1 month.

    The whining can also be SCREAMING!

    I am heading over to the loony bin, too. :crazy:

    Mine have speech delays, too, so they can't tell me what they are mad/whining about. Of course, if they could, they still may not get what they want. Humph.

    I type this from bed with my head just cocked to the side on the pillow. It was a long day.

    Serenity now.
  11. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain! My girls have not been napping well for the last week. They are not teething so I can't figure what is up, they have been extra cranky & whiney - making me cranky & whiney too :blush:

    Hey... I think we need a flailing-on-the-floor temper tantrum "smiley"
  12. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    They dont speak very much either so i think they get a little frustrated too. I love the word whinge!! Definetly describes my 2 well!! Thank you all for responding i was certainly having a crappy day yesterday and you all made me feel better Thanks! x
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