I have a gigantic baby

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Becca34, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    So, Karina was 4.5 pounds at birth....two days ago, she was almost 21 pounds, and 30.5 inches tall! How crazy is that? Kevan is almost 19 pounds, and 29.5 inches tall.

    My little preemies are both bigger than their full-term big sister was at this age. In fact, Karina is wearing clothes (some a little snuggly) that Nadia was wearing at 16 months....she looks positively huge compared to her very skinny (albeit super tall) big sis. Look:


    I am really loving this age. Kevan is army crawling really fast -- it's hilarious to see him double-time it when he spies something he wants, like oh, a doorstop (must remove those!). He's a mischievous little guy, and manages to find trouble daily. And, he grins at us when we tell him no. Can't wait to see what his toddler years will be like, LOL.

    Karina is sooo close to regular crawling -- I expect it any day now. She likes to babble, and often "talks" to us as if she's having a real conversation. She's a total drama queen like her big sister, and will complain loudly for about 10 seconds if she bumps her head, etc. (Whereas Kevan doesn't even notice if he falls over, etc. -- he just keeps going.)

    I feel so blessed to have two amazing, happy babies -- I'm trying to soak up every minute, because I know how fast it goes....my older one was a sweet little baby just yesterday, it seems.

    Thanks for reading! I'll leave you with some pictures:

    Cheeks and toes that I could just eat up

    Look where I am, mom!

    Huge baby

    The same outfit on my older one at 16 months

    (Sorry, I just can't get over how BIG she is...)
  2. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    I have a big baby too! At her 9 month check-up she was 21 pounds and 29 inches....5 pounds heavier and an inch taller than her twin sister! There was only a 5 ounce difference in their weights when they were born at 36 weeks!

    I am asked all the time if they are twins. One lady actually raised her eyebrows and said "Really?" like she didn't believe me!
  3. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Big and healthy-they are all precious! Thanks for sharing!
  4. ceb023

    ceb023 Well-Known Member

    All of your kiddos are beautiful! And I agree with you... those cheeks are tooo cute!
  5. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    So adorable! I love the sisters picture! Thanks for sharing!

    FYI: my sister was brought home from the hospital at 12lbs! She's always been taller than me and was such a chunky monkey as a baby, but that makes them that much cuter!
  6. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    Beautiful babies :wub: .
  7. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    They're beautiful! All three of them. I'm glad to hear how much you're enjoying your little ones :D
  8. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    YAY for big babies!! :a_smil09: I also think Nadia looks like Snow White! :blush:

    MYSTICH Well-Known Member

    They are so darn cute :)
  10. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    They are SO adorable!!

    She is beautiful!! :wub:
  11. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Yay for big babies!!! My kids were all born relatively big but also stay big. My oldest is still 95% (39lbs and 40 1/2 inches at age 3; she was 22lbs at 9 months). The twins were also in that range (21lbs7oz and 23lbs). My belief is that some kids are just supposed to be big and others not, independant of their birth weight. KWIM?
  12. Raneysmama

    Raneysmama Well-Known Member

    Sounds like your babies are growing great! All three are sooo adorable!
  13. ksugal

    ksugal Well-Known Member

    Way to go, babies and momma!
  14. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    What beautiful babies!!!!!!

    Way to go momma
  15. DarciH

    DarciH Well-Known Member

    I totally understand how you feel - our b/g twins are now 8-1/2 mo's (born at 37 weeks on 6/29) and are huge. They are both now right at 26 lbs and almost 31" in length. Ava was born at 7.12 and Max at 6.12. She always outpaced him until their 6-month checkup in January where he finally caught up w/ her (he was exactly 23 lbs, she 23.10). They were both in the 99th percentile for their weight and height...ugh, I can imagine our future grocery bills, lol
  16. Vero

    Vero Well-Known Member

    Big healthy babies! HOORAY! :a_smil09:
  17. laurajrad

    laurajrad Well-Known Member

    They're gorgeous!
  18. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Thank you guys, for your sweet comments!

    BTW -- I hope this didn't come off as bragging -- it occurred to me after I posted this that I may have irritated those of you with petite babies, which was not at all what I meant. Rather, I worry that I'll have one tall slim girl, and one big beefy one -- and, I breastfed Nadia for almost 10 months, while these guys have only gotten 50% EBM, so I have it in the back of my head that I've condemned them to obesity....

    I know that's stupid, and that people come in all sizes (and my DH is 6'4" and 270, so this isn't exactly a shocker). But, it's so easy to find stuff to worry about.... :rolleyes:
  19. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    you have beautiful kids!
  20. Tracy-mom to twin boys

    Tracy-mom to twin boys Well-Known Member

    Your children are Beautiful!!!!! Nothing wrong with them being bigger- like you said some people are just made to be bigger. My boys were peanuts and are still peanuts!!!!! They turn 6 tomorrow and are pretty small for their age. Griffin weighs a whopping 35lbs and Alex tips the scales at 37lbs and is a little taller than Griffin. Griffin is only in the 5th% for height and just made it onto the growth curve for weight but probably isn't even meeting it now. My hubby and I are not really big people and the boys started out little so I don't stress over it. I used to get upset when people would say- they're how old? Oh-they look younger because they're so small. But now I look at it this way- that just gives me more time to pick them up and cuddle them :p
    I love the pix-they are adorable-enjoy them!!!!!

    Mom to Griffin & Alex :itwins_boys:
  21. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    Awww! They are all so beautiful! And my goodness, those eyelashes!
  22. Aprilisdisney

    Aprilisdisney Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=10pt]Wow ~ I really can't believe that they're 9 months already ;)

    They are so stinkin cute! LOVE the picture of their cheeks and toesies! They are adorable!

    All babies are different ~ My oldest two were bigger babies (ususally in the 95th percentile) Peyton is in the 50th percentile and Alexis is still holding in the 10th percentile. We have their 9 month appt. this afternoon ~ so I'll update later :)

    Happy 9 months babies!!

    April :)
  23. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Your kids are precious! Thanks for sharing!! :D
  24. Grandma2TwinBoys

    Grandma2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    My own two children were big babies as well, not that big at birth but chunked up very quickly and were always off the charts in both height and weight. I can't remember weights but I know they each wore 24 months size before their first birthday in many outfits!

    DD figured her own kids would be that way as well, but her guys at 11 months old are just tiny little things, they are below the 5% on the charts on weight but even lower on height. They're still wearing 9 month size clothes -- and their feet are so little! I bought them a bunch of Gymboree socks on sale recently; I bought size 12-18 months and they swallow their tiny feet! Most people assume they're about 6-7 months old now, so they're certainly lagging behind.

    They weighed 6lb 8oz and 6lb 13oz at birth so not that small for twins. DD constantly obsesses about it but the doc keeps telling her that as long as their weight is in line with their height she shouldn't worry. They may just be smaller than average adults.

    Thanks for sharing the pictures ... all three of your kiddos are absolutely beautiful!
  25. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Oh, they are SO cute! They have the most gorgeous skin and hair. Is Nadia always that good with her baby sibs? I can just picture her giving Karina makeovers in years to come.

    And WOW, they are big! You must be pumping heavy cream and eggnog for them, not milk! :D
  26. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    Oh Becca, They're GORGEOUS!! I can't believe how huge they are!!! LOL And someonde else said Snow White, but i think Nadia looks like princess Jasmine from Aladdin--Maybe it's the outfit, i dunno. I love the cheeks and lashes!

    Anywho, they are beautiful, congratulations!

  27. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Woohoo for preemies catching up!!! All three of your kiddos are so adorable!
  28. nepolm

    nepolm Well-Known Member

    Gorgeous, healthy babies :D !
  29. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    OMG They are so cute!! All 3 of them!! So sweet!
  30. caba

    caba Banned

    Beautiful children!

    But I got ya beat! At 9 months, my son was 24.3 lbs and 31 inches! I love my huge bubba! haha ... his sis was a peanut at a full 6lbs less than him. She was 18lbs, 30.5 inches. Me and DH are tall, so I'm hoping they will be as well!

    Glad to hear about their great checkups!
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