I HATE when they bump their head

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ahmerl, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I was holding Lily, rocking her back and forth singing rock a bye baby tonight right before bed. She was loving it, but obviously Jack was waiting at my feet begging for his turn. For some reason DH was sitting on the couch tuned into the latest Tina Fey impersonation of Sarah Palin.

    Anyway, as soon as I set Lily down to pick up Jack I thought to myself "don't do this, she is going to freak out and hang onto you and probably fall and hurt herself." In a split second of poor parenting decision making I went ahead and picked up Jack anyway. Sure enough, as soon as I picked Jack up Lily attached herself to my legs and somehow managed to fall and land on her back/head. She landed on our tile floor and hit the back of her head smack on the floor. It happened so fast but I am pretty sure she hit her bum first and then her head whipped back. DH jumped off the couch and yelled "what the hell was that??". He said it was really loud sounding and that scared me. By then I had picked Lily up and she cried for a few minutes and seemed okay. Then I had to take Jack upstairs and do our bedtime thing while DH did the bedtime thing with Lily.

    My point is I HATE WHEN THEY FALL RIGHT BEFORE BED. No time to periodically (paranoidly) check the dialation of her eyes. No time to see if she is acting herself. It drives me nuts. Now I will be up all night checking on her and worrying that she has really hurt herself.
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    IF she did not lose consciousness, she should be fine! I would check on her before bed and if you get up to tinkle in the night. Just brush her hair out of her face and see if she reacts normally (I usually have cold hands, so that elicits a bit of a movement).

    Maybe a bit of Tylenol before bed. :hug: I know it's so scary and upsetting!!
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I'm right there with you. :hug: When that has happened here, I keep them up for an hour or so past bedtime (if they will let me) to monitor them for just a bit. And like Diane, I go in and make sure they stir if I touch them. :hug:
  4. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    I know what you mean! I end up putting them in bed with me!

    Try to have a good night.
  5. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I hate that too. I would probably take them to bed with me too but I definitely see where you are coming from. :hug:
  6. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    How scary. How did everything go last night?
  7. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(TeeandGee @ Oct 7 2008, 12:01 PM) [snapback]1015162[/snapback]
    How scary. How did everything go last night?

    Everything was fine. We have a video monitor and LIly is a bit of a mover while she sleeps. She was tossing and turning like usual last night and I could see it on the video monitor so I just checked her before bed and once in the middle of the night and all was well!

    Thanks for asking!
  8. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Sarah© @ Oct 7 2008, 02:22 AM) [snapback]1014873[/snapback]
    I hate that too. I would probably take them to bed with me too but I definitely see where you are coming from. :hug:

    I so wish that I could lay either Jack or Lily in my bed. They just have never been ones to lie ther and go to sleep. They want to play or just plain old will not sit still.
  9. SnowCraig

    SnowCraig Well-Known Member

    I can handle it much better if I can see the injury. Parker has now fallen twice and cut his lip with his teeth. The blood does not freak me out as much as I thought it would. At least I know what it is and where it is coming from. Head bumps are worse because you don't know what's going on in there.

    One night, in the course of an evening when Parker was first learning to walk, he fell three times...once off the back step onto the driveway, once off the couch, and once into the coffee table. He got a bruise on his forehead from the coffee-table fall, but otherwise seemed normal. After the last fall, I said to my husband..."for his own safety and my sanity, we have to put this boy to bed." We watched him while we did our bedtime routine...he was fine...and I needed a stiff drink once everyone was settled!

    I can't wait until they are more stable on their feet and don't fall so often...it's giving me gray hairs!!

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