I hate to do this....but I have a PT question...groan...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kingeomer, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Just about my DD (DS is whole another story for another time and another day far away)...but DD...she is in her big girl panties for all day except during nap time and bedtime.
    We call her pull ups her sleepy time pull ups. However, I am noticing while she does really well with pee in the potty, she will wait to poo when she gets her nap time pull up on. It's been her pattern now for the past two weeks. I'd really like to get her out of the naptime pull up because I would like for her to start to poo in the potty but I wonder...is this a good idea? Should I keep up with the pull up at nap time until she goes poo in the potty a couple of times someday? Or just put a waterproof pad on her mattress, keep her in the undies and keep her potty in the bedroom and see what happens?

    :thanks: for your wise advice and suggestions!
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I personally would do the second idea. Protect the bed and let her nap in panties. If she poos in bed, you can clean it, if not, then hopefully she'll go on the potty. I think allowing her the pull up is an excuse to go poo in there.
  3. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    We are having this same issue with our oldest (more with the nanny than with us on the weekends).

    Anyway, a friend said that she had this issue with her b/g twins. She made "poop" time part of their routine. After lunch (right before naptime), they'd get a couple of books, and sit on the potties to see if any poop wanted to come out. If it didn't, that's okay, but as it became part of the routine, they started to do it, no problem. This works for us on the weekends, but, as I said, not as much for the nanny during the week.
  4. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Has she ever used the potty to poo? If she occasionally poos in the potty (or has in the past) then I might go with leaving her in panties for naptime. However if she has not ever pooed in the potty then I would think that maybe she's not comfortable doing so yet, in which case taking away the naptime pull up could result in her just holding on until bedtime/refusing to go and then you're running the risk of her beoming constipated.
    What I would start doing is changing her in the bathroom when she has pooed in the pull up. If possible tip the poo from the pull up into the toilet then sit her on the toilet to wipe her bottom and let her flush the toilet. Talk with her about how her poo needs to go in the potty now she's wearing her panties (I'm sure you do this anyway, but being in the bathroom and her seeing the poo go in the toilet can help emphasise the point). The other thing you could try, just before nap time, is lining a little potty with a diaper/pull up and seeing if she will poo on that. I know it sounds odd but some children who are unsure about pooing on the potty are reassured by the familiar feeling of the diaper under them and will then go. I like the idea of "poop time" too!

    Good luck!
  5. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    DITTO to this. We did exactly this. DD (DS is a different story all together) was pee trained in 3 days and poo trained by 7 days. I would give it a try! Stick with it for a week and see what happens. Best potty training advice I ever received and it worked! Good luck.
  6. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    Interesting question. My DD poops about 75% of the time in her pullup during naptime. I forgot to put her pullup on for her nap yesterday, and she soaked her bed, but she stayed asleep. (No poop though.) Maybe this is what I need to do.
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :thanks: for your advice and suggestions ladies!
    DD has pooped on the potty 2x...not on purpose, though. She was pretty alarmed when it happened. I am going to get some mattress pads this weekend and give it a whirl next week. Wish me luck!
  8. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    :woohoo: That's a start! Good Luck!! :youcandoit:
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