Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MusicalAli, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    What a miserable experience. I'm trying hard not to show them my annoyance. They just don't get it. They have NEVER made it to the potty. Matt tells me he's "listening" to himself to see if he needs to pee, which basically means he goes in his pants and then tells me. It's actually kind of cute to see him put his hand to his ear and everything. LOL. Anyway, they won't go when I suggest it (I don't say "do you have to" just variations of "let's go!"). I'm thinking of giving up. I have them in undies when I'm home with them (which I'm constantly washing) but everyone else does pull-ups. Do you think they are just not ready or we need to just bite the bullet with undies only.
  2. ChanceKathleen

    ChanceKathleen Well-Known Member

    I'm having potty trouble with my 2yr old (almost 3). Grrr! It really is aggravating. I think we just have to take them to the potty more often. I try to take my DS every 30min or hour..but it's so hard when there is more to do than just take them to the potty. Don't give up! We'll be thankful when our kids are all potty trained...it just takes work! Good luck!

    oh but that..listening...hilarious.
  3. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    Don't give up (I know easier said than done). I bit the bullet and went to underwear for my son. I declared it "potty training bootcamp" and we were in full-time underwear. The first few days were horrible but it got better. It has been almost 2 months now (I started right before they turned 3) and he is in underwear fulltime and rarely has accidents (hopefully, I have not doomed myself). :eek:
  4. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    i hate it too. i think cameron is finally there. we had a few false starts with him - he was naked trained but would have accidents (and not care or tell me) if he was in clothes. he finally started telling me he had to go while wearing a diaper (he would tell me when he had to go if he was naked but not if in underwear/pants) about a month ago - that's when we started our true transition. for a while i let him decide if he wanted underwear or diapers, and then when i felt like he was really getting it i just did all underwear. it was much more gradual than with alisha. anyway - my 2 cents is to wait until they are ready to initiate - it's just such a PITA - why fight the battle if they don't want to do it? for cameron it became very emotional too (crying when i made him go potty) and i did NOT want that.

    good luck - this is really the worst thing since infanthood for us!
  5. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I would stop for a few weeks...here was our experience, Around the 3rd week of July I decided I am home with them all day I will do training pants maybe if they feel the pee and poop in their pants that will give them incentive to go plus I am here to keep an eye and throw them on the potty. I went out the week before bought enough training pants and vinyl covers to last an entire day (about 8 pair each). 7 days went by and I was still in the same spot with them as I was in pullups they had no reaction to it they would sit on the potty but never go just let it out just like they had a diaper/pullup on I was definately getting nowhere. We were going on vacation the next week so I stopped, figured I am not going to be washing loads of undies on vacation and plus the bathroom will be right there in the hotel room maybe I can encourage them to use it but went back to pullups.

    This past Saturday I had a wedding left at 5 DH said I am going to try PT'ing them I said yeah ok by 8pm that night they went pee on the potty 5 times combined and since that day have been in only undies during the day with the exception of nap and bedtime with very few accidents, actually only one is having accidents on occasion. Pooping is proving to be another battle because they are holding it, also my one son is basically pee trained the other is holding both pee and poop until naptime/bedtime when he gets a pullup on but has been peeing at least once during the day on the potty.
    Point being, if they just seem at a standstill I would stop for a week or two. I mean, I got fed up and was like this is absolutely pointless they just don't get it all it did was cause me to have a load of dirty undies at the end of the day. We wound up stopping for about a month and if DH didn't attempt on Saturday I didn't intend on picking back up until Sept. GL... It's a big 'ol pain in the rump!
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    :hug: I'm sorry. It is frustrating. I'm in the deep of things too! It's been going better than expected, but still very frustrating!
  7. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Seriously, why don't any of the books you read when you are pregnant tell you how bad the PT'ing phase SUCKS! I dreaded it SO bad with the twins. I didn't even attempt training them until right after their 3rd birthday. I had NO desire to even get into it. Luckily, it went pretty smoothly...but I'm knocking on wood as I type that b/c Reagan's had an accident almost every day this week (after 6-7 weeks of NO accidents). UGH! It's seriously one of the most frustrating things. If I had to choose, I would go back and do the infant stage all over again!

    If I were you, I would either wait a few more week, like pp suggested and then maybe they will forget about it for the time being and then something will click like, "Hey, I want to do that!" Or, I would go with just underwear. I HATE Pull-ups! I sometimes wish that they never existed. Mine still wear them at nap and bedtime b/c they are NEVER dry after they wake up...but they are in undies all other times. Someteims after their nap, I'll get caught up with getting snacks, Olivia fed, taking everyone out to play, etc. and forget to have them put their undies back on (or course, they don't remind me) and they will come up to me and say, "Mommy, I peed....it ok, I have a pull-up on." It's like they think a Pull-Up gives them the OK to do what they want in it. So annoying! I trained my girls in just undies on the days we were home 100% of the time. We've NEVER had a poop accident and most of the pee accidents have been on the bathroom floor smack dab in front of the freakin' potty!

    UGH, hang in there and try not to let that frustration show no matter HOW hard you want to scream and yell and duct tape a permanent diaper to their butts and just totally give up (ummm...yep, I've felt that way too).

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