i hate my neighbors---what would you do?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jessben81, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. jessben81

    jessben81 Well-Known Member

    We have lived in our house for 4 years now. Our next door neighbors were really nice at first and there were 5 people living in the house. They have 5 dogs, which 3 of them live outside ALL THE TIME (right outside our bedroom, I might add). Over the past 4 years, we have always told our neighbors when their dogs were barking constantly (because they don't ever seem to hear them) and driving us crazy and they would take care of it. Ever since the boys were born, we've started noticing more and more just how inconsiderate and rude they are. My boys bedroom is right next to their driveway and they know this. Everyday, all day and all night, there is constant car door slamming, starting and moving cars (literally there is now 10 people living in that house), yelling (there are now 6 children from ages 2-13 and there are now 4 adults that live there), whether it be the kids playing outside or an adult yelling at the kids, my point is that they are extremely loud and they have woken up and kept up my boys several times. We've asked them to try to be quieter after 8 pm because that's when we start putting the boys down, but, that didn't work. I hate to admit it because I said I would never do it, but, about a month ago I called the cops on them because their dogs were barking, howling and crying for at least 2 hours if not more, from 2 am to 4 am when I finally called. On top of all of this, one of the adults that lives there is having problems with her children's father and the police have been over there 3 times so far this year due to him threating her and apparently beating her at a different location. I no longer feel safe living next to these people. What if this crazy guy decides to come and try killing her and her family (it's her parents house and she and one of her sister's live there with them, and all of the little kids are her's and her sisters)? When I say the police have been there, it's at say 3 am. We've tried selling our house. It was on the market for over a year. Believe it or not, we actually live in a pretty nice sub even though it sounds really trashy, thanks to these people and the zoo they have over there. Now that I am pregnant again, I am very hormonal and tired and I'm afraid that one day I am going to lose it on these people because they are so rude. What would you do? We've tried talking to them, nicely I might add and it hasn't worked. I don't think I can deal with this much longer. AHHHHHHHHH!
    Thanks for letting me vent. Any and all advice is welcome.
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :eek: That is a whole lot of stuff going on there! :hug99: I am so sorry that you and your family have to deal with all that noise, police, etc. Unfortunately I have no idea if there is anything you can do but sell or keep calling the cops when their dogs are at it at 2am and MAYBE they will realize it's not right what they are doing? Just wanted to send some hugs and I hope that they stop soon! :hug99:
  3. katnpat

    katnpat Well-Known Member

    Oh that would make me mad too! Your situation really sucks.
    I don't have a lot of advice, but I would keep calling the cops.
    Sorry that you have to deal with all of that!
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I would be steaming mad also! I would keep calling the cops, maybe animal control(since it sounds like the animals aren't being treated well), and how big is the house to have over 10? people living there?? That sounds nuts! :hug99: I am sorry you are dealing with obnoxious neighbors.
  5. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    I guess I would say the same as the other people - keep calling the cops. Are there any regulations in your town as to how many people can live in a house? You may want to look into that. Good luck - and I am sorry that you have to deal with this!
  6. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry to hear that you have to deal with all of this, especially having newborns and being pregnant! I, too, agree with the pp about continuing with the calls to the police. Have you spoken to the other neighbors (i.e. the people living on the other side of this house or behind them)? Maybe they feel the same way and they can be encouraged to call the police, too. I think the more people involved...the better.
  7. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    I agree with everyone else that you should keep calling the cops. That's terrible! Heck, I feel bad when the kiddos are crying in the middle of the night and I think the neighbors can hear them! This family sounds like it should be on an episode of COPS.

    Maybe you could look into the statutes in your area regarding noise control, the number of animals you can have, number of people in a household, heck, even things like curfew and anything you can find and depending on how much of a pain you want to be, just start calling the cops/start court proceedings on this family. Do they own or rent? There's a whole slew of things you can do to, if they rent and not own. But they are driving YOUR property value down, not to mention your poor kids and your own well-being, and there are laws/ordinances to protect you from people like that. Look into them.
  8. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    I would make another effort to move. Life is too short to deal with neighbors like this, and it doesn't sound like calling the cops is solving the problem. With 10 people there, it doesn't sound like they're going anywhere anytime soon.
  9. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    How irritating! I hope things get resolved.
  10. lindylooo

    lindylooo Member

    You poor, poor thing. I had a vile landlord when I was pregnant and I got contractions I was so upset. I think you will have to move, those idiots are not going to change. One thing that might help with the babies is a white noise machine, it will block out some of their noise hopefully. Good luck.
  11. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    I agree...this is horrible. I never had neighbors that bad, but the old ones I did have had parties almost every night. It sucked that I could never open thier windows.

    I would call the cops on them consistently. Maybe even consult a lawyer. It may be illeagal in that city depending on the soze of the house to have that many people living there. Due to Fire hazards and health codes. I would even go to the police station and in detail describe this, that you even tried to move away.

    The only other thing I can think is to stop being nice about it. Explain that you have tried to be neighborly, and can understand that you have pets. Dogs do not belong outside at 2am!!!!!!I dont care how many people you have living there...if you cant control them, kick them out. Im trying to make a nice peacful life here for our kids, and you are the reason its not. You arealso the reason why I cannot sell my home.

    If you talk to a lawyer and there is legal action to be made threaten them with it!!!

    I know how stressful being pregnant with twins is....Im there too. My thoughts are with you and good luck!!!
  12. shellworley

    shellworley Well-Known Member

    I don't have any good advice, just sympathy. We used to have a neighbor that would bring his gang banger friends and their super loud music home at all hours of the night. They thought it was a nightclub. They had a pool table in the garage and party lights hanging up and were constantly playing loud music. We used to call the cops and they would usually break it up. Thank goodness he ended up losing his house and was forced to move. Maybe you will get lucky and that will happen to your neighbors.
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