I hate disposables!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Ali M, May 28, 2008.

  1. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I know there are those of you who love disposable diapers and this is obviously not directed at you. For those of you that cloth diaper, you will understand. :)

    We just got back from a week at Disneyland and I bought a pack of disposables to use on Dax since I would't have access to a laundry facility. For shorter trips or places where there is a washer in the building, I just take my cloth diapers but that wasn't an option this time. <_<

    Well, we had two blowouts the first day, one the next day, some leaks throughout the week, and a really really bad rash. These are not issues with cloth diapers! We've had one blowout ever with Dax in cloth, he only leaks if we're out for a long time without changing (bad, I know but this is rare :FIFblush: ), and rashes only occur with a particularly acidic poop and then heal within a couple of days at the absolute most. I use one pair of clothes for him a day and I often needed two during the trip because of disposable diaper issues.

    Dax was being changed every time one of the twins had to go potty (and with 2 four year olds that is a lot) and he still ended up with a really bad rash that hasn't completely healed. I took that chemical, plastic diaper contraption off of him as soon as we got home and got him some nice comfy cloth.

    I used disposables on the twins the first year and used both premium and cheap ones and I had nothing against them because I just didn't know any better. Now I know that they just don't stand up to cloth. Having this much trouble with disposables in one week isn't common but, being a cloth user, I would never, ever go back. There are so many misconceptions about cloth that date back to our grandmother's time but cloth now is so easy to use and so much better than disposables that almost anyone who tries it won't want to put that other stuff back on their baby again.

    Next time we go on a trip I think I might just invest the two hours at a laundromat so that we don't have to deal with disposables and all the extra time they entail!
  2. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I totally feel your pain!

    We took a trip a couple of weeks ago and used disposables for the first time in 9 months -- I started cloth when my boys were 2 months old. WOW. Leaks, blowouts, rashes, stinky diapers... yuck. I couldn't wait to get back to "our" cloth!!!!
  3. shoudeshell

    shoudeshell Well-Known Member

    :bow2: to you for using cloth diapers! I have a friend who does as well, and I tell her the same! I have a weak stomach and a severe gag reflex and the thought of washing cloth diapers just turn my stomach! However, I am so impressed by those that can do it! Thankfully I rarely get blowouts or leaks from the disposables we use. Good Job mommy! I am so impressed by your abilities!
  4. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain!

    My boys were in disposables when we recently took a trip to visit my MIL and their diapers drooped right off their butts and poop leaked out all over their legs. I remember this being an issue with my oldest 2 but it's amazing how quickly you forget once they're in nice cloth diapers that don't droop and contain even the most explosive diarrhea.
  5. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Do you notice the smell, also? I noticed a weird chemical & pee scent that caught me totally off guard the first time I put the boys in sposies. You get used to it but wow it's nasty.

    FWIW, we usually rent a house with laundry facilities when we travel and it's come in handy not only for the diapers but the one time we were gone for a week and ended up with two toddlers with a stomach bug... I cannot imagine what we would have done if not for the washer & dryer there.
  6. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(debid @ May 28 2008, 05:53 PM) [snapback]797603[/snapback]
    Do you notice the smell, also? I noticed a weird chemical & pee scent that caught me totally off guard the first time I put the boys in sposies. You get used to it but wow it's nasty.

    Totally. It's amazing how much worse the pee & poop scent is in a disposable than in cloth. When we switched the girls to cloth, Paul and I were really surprised at how much less the babies "smell" when they poop.
  7. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    Interesting . . . I am (well, mostly was - now just at nighttime) a disposable user, and we've had very few blowouts ever. I had originally planned on using cloth but just didn't think I could manage when we ended up with preemie twins.

    After a lot of research it seemed that there really wasn't a real environmental advantage of one over the other (unless you wash in cold water and air dry, which I wasn't about to do), so it came down to whatever I thought would be easiest. Just goes to show that what's easiest for one person isn't necessarily what's easiest for another.

  8. esaesa

    esaesa Well-Known Member

    Hi, visiting from the first year. Getting ready to start cd. You know how much laundry a twin mama already does! There is so much info out there. I think I'll start with bum genius one size fits all. What did you buy to get your stash going? Any other suggestions?
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