I had one of those moments this morning

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jordari, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    Since I did CIO about 5 weeks ago the girls sleep between 10-12 hours (mostly on the 10 side). Tessa almost ALWAYS wakes up at 10 hours on the dot. If i'm lucky (or if DH is in the country), I can give one a bottle, get her back to sleep, then the other will wake and she'll go back to sleep.

    Well, DH isn't here and this morning Danielle woke after 9 hours. I knew by her cry that something was wrong, so i went in. Her diaper had leaked and they're teething like crazy. So i took her to my room, changed her, gave her a bottle, and rocked a little to get her back to sleep mode. Of course T woke up before she was really ready, so i went back, put D down, got T, laid her on the changing table (that i have'n't used in months and changed her while she held her own bottle (LOVE that they can do that!)

    D was crying so i put T back in the crib w/her bottle and picked D up. Held her til T finished then put her down patted her and took T back to my room cause she was doing her babbling thing. I was torn because yesterday we had a HEINOUS non-consecutive napping day (in fact T SKIPPED her morning nap!) and I didnt' want to repeat. ANd of course D napped late, so bedtime was late and per my previous posts i'm trying to address that.

    I knew I "should" just get them up so they'd be in synch and we could nap/sleep early, but - man i'm tired and my back hurt and and and. I heard D fussing for a few minutes, then she went back to sleep. I lay w/T in my bed (I know, i know) and when she clearly was not going back to sleep, I handed her a book. She took it and read, babbling away while I crooned to her, nose buried in her soft hair.

    It's so rare that I have time to truly BE with one of them; it feels like life is an unending series of things to get through: meals, clean up, diapers, dressing, getting ready to get out, getting out managing naps, snacks, meal - oh, did i mention laundry and cleaning off the darn high chair trays??!!!!.

    I try so much to be in the moment, even when struggling to put a diaper on a now WALKING toddler. But - those quiet moments in the morning, her little body snuggled next to mine....so incredibly delicious.

    And yes, some day I'll have a moody teenager on my hands (well, two, at least!) and this will be a distant memory. But it's one of those memories that get imprinted in your cells, I think. It's what I see in the faces of older women as they see my little dolls exploring the world and then coming over to me to bury their heads in my lap.

    OK, I'm getting teary now.....
  2. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    I know just what you mean. sometimes when one of them is up sick or teething in the middle of the night and i hold her and rock her and she settles down and cuddles i think of how precious this moment is and how the older the get the less these moments will be.
  3. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    Aww, how sweet. One on one time is precious...that is why I keep a blog because I would forget little things and I don't want to!
  4. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    It's so rare that I have time to truly BE with one of them; it feels like life is an unending series of things to get through: meals, clean up, diapers, dressing, getting ready to get out, getting out managing naps, snacks, meal - oh, did i mention laundry and cleaning off the darn high chair trays??!!!!.

    Yes! I know just what you mean. It is so easy to get that hamster-wheel feeling as you go through the same motions over and over and over... And it is SO sweet when you can get off that treadmill and just ENJOY your kids. :wub:
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I'm glad you had the good sense to enjoy it and realize what a special moment it was!!! :hug99: :wub: SWEET!!!
  6. jena4

    jena4 Well-Known Member

    Ok, that made my heart hurt. you know that feeling of ...OMG, I can't stand it!
    That is my one goal I try to do each day....live in the moment with each of them even if it is jsut one quick moment. These days will be over before we know it.
  7. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    You said it so beautifully! I too have had those moments with just one of them. They are so rare and beautiful that no matter how tired you are you can't help but relish it. Audrey went through a phase around 18 months when she would have a hard time going to bed at night. Aiden would conk out as soon as he was in his crib but Audrey would cry and cry until I would go in there and get her out. For a few weeks she did this and I would just take her to my room and hold her and rock her for about 30 min. or so until she fell asleep. My nose nuzzled against her sweet smelling head. Like you said " those are the moments that are imprinted in our cells". I can still see it like it was yesterday. Thank you for that beautiful reminder.
  8. mitzy1400

    mitzy1400 Active Member

    Hi Jordari
    I've been trying to PM you but I keep getting a message that your box is full. Maybe you can delete a few messages?
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