I got brave this weekend

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Babies4Susan, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We switched to using the little plastic tumbler open cups (from Ikea) this weekend. I was expecting to deal with spilled milk, but not yet (knock on wood). They did so great! They do drink out of open dixie cups at daycare and have for a while, but I've held onto the sippies at home. I didn't let them walk around with open cups (yikes). I'll reserve some sippies for their water they walk around with all day. But at the table we're doing open cups only from now on.

    They were so cute saying "I drink milk from a big girl cup!" Where did my babies go? And if only they'd say "I go on the potty like a big girl". ;)
  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    YAY for big kid cups!

    Accidental spills became very rare for us after 2.5 but intentional spills... well, that's another story. Sippies are no longer a cure, though, (they take off the lids) so we're in the process of banishing sippies completely. I'll keep a pair for long car rides but the rest are going.

    Best of luck to you with the transition. It's liberating!
  3. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :yahoo: for big kid cups! I think I am an oddie, I always give it to them right away (around 1). But I put barely any drink in so when it spills, I don't have alot to clean up. I love that they are so proud of themselves!
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    That is so great! Good job girls!
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Congrats! We go back and forth with cups ourselves. They are quite capable of drinking out of big kid cups, and seem to prefer open cups if they're really thirsty because they can drink faster. But I still give sippies a lot of the time because I hate dealing with spills. And they seem to like sippies when they're feeling sad -- it's still a comfort thing for them. For now, I'm content to just let them have big kid cups on request. But it sure does make life easier when they can use big kid cups -- no more having to bring sippies with you everywhere you go!
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Mine do a little of both, but we are at Grammy and Grampy's house right now and I'm not taking chances on their newer carpet etc. :)

    Good for you for doing it!!! :banana: WOO HOO!!!
  7. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We started a while ago with 'big boy cups'. For the most part the playing (sticking hands in, blowing bubbles, watching it pour for entertainment) has diminished significantly (usually they only do it out of boredom when they are done eating and I'm not). I still use valved sippies for anything portable and car rides. I also never put more than 2 or 3 inches in the bottom (though my mother is brave enough to give them a cup full and they seem to do fine with that too).
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