I fell down!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kellmcguire, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. kellmcguire

    kellmcguire Well-Known Member

    Today I took a spill when I missed the last step on our garage stairs and landed on the concrete on all fours. I scraped my knee and banged my ankle, but I didn't land on my belly or my butt or side or anything -- just my hands and knees, basically. I'm not cramping or in pain or spotting or anything (although now it's hours later and I've got the nighttime heavy-belly feeling), so how worried should I be? I didn't call the doc because I figured I was fine, but now I'm worried the fall was "jarring" and I hurt them somehow!

    I did have normal movement from them this afternoon (I fell this morning). And other than just feeling icky today from allergies, I'm basically fine except for my ankle.

    I'm normally clutzy, but I'm sure being bigger isn't helping things. Has anyone ever taken a rough wipeout like mine while pregnant with twins?

    I should note that I'm 24 weeks along... and feeling pretty big right now!
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    No, I didn't fall while I was pregnant so no experience from me. I'm sure the babies are fine since they are very well insulated in there but I would probably call the doctor just to put my worrisome mind at rest. :hug: How many weeks are you?

    Hey you edited and added how many weeks you are. :lol: You read my mind. :spy:
  3. damonsmummy

    damonsmummy Well-Known Member

    If you are worried then I would phone the doctor. But if nothing feels off and you are getting the same movement and whatnot I am sure they are fine! But phone your doctor to put your mind at ease!
  4. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Scary stuff! :hug:
    Glad that you are OK (with the exception of your ankle) ~ I would defintely mention it to the Dr so that they are aware :good:
    Hope your ankle feels better soon!
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That is scary :hug:
    I fell down the steps on my butt when I was pregnant, I was probably around the same # of weeks you are. I was terrified that I hurt the babies and I did mention it to my OB, who assured me everything was fine. If you are concerned, I would definitely call the OB. Feel better soon!
  6. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry that happened!

    I fell a few times while pregnant. With the twins I tripped going up some steps and took a bad tumble. With Joy, I tripped and broke my toe and a few weeks later tripped again and landed flat on my tummy and looked like a beached whale! (I am the biggest klutz when I am preggos)

    Everytime I called the Dr. and she told me to come in just in case. They did an ultrasound and just checked me over for a few hours to be sure I wasn't contracting. I was fine each time and the babies seemed perfect. They are pretty well insulated in there.

    If you are concerned, please call your Dr. If only just for some peace of mind.
  7. mholmes07

    mholmes07 Well-Known Member

    For something that could potentially have caused harm, I wouldn't waste time asking others about their experiences since a fall could have effected everyone differently. While others could have been ok, you may not be. I would of called right away just to be on the safe side. Like a pp said, their dr had them come in for an ultrasound to be on the safe side.
  8. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I fell when I was expecting Liam and landed on my stomach. I was about 37 weeks at the time. I went in and got monitored for about an hour and they sent me home.

    I would call just to give yourself some peace of mind. :hug: Hope you are not hurting too much today. (I'm a klutz, too...my husband says I can't walk across the street without falling).
  9. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I fell at 25 weeks, the only problem i had was a very bad swollen ankle. I couldn't walk for two days, but I was fine otherwise.

    The babies are well protected, but be sure to check with your doctor.
  10. leahkatebrown

    leahkatebrown Well-Known Member

    I haven't fallen, surprisingly, but around 24 weeks my dog accidentally kicked me pretty hard in the stomach. Then coincidentally (it turned out) I couldn't feel much movement after so I called just to be safe, and they sent me in to get checked out. Everything was fine, like people have said they are well insulated, but it did make me feel WAY better just to be sure.
  11. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: That is scary. I never fell while pregnant either and that was a fear of mine since it was winter. I'd probably call my OB just to make myself feel better.
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