I feel stupid....24 month vs. 2T?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bmatlock, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. bmatlock

    bmatlock Well-Known Member

    i've been buying my boys 24month clothes and have seen the 2T, 3T, etc. clothes at the stores. my husband asked when we're supposed to move up to the 2T clothes and i stupidly said, 'when they're 2 years old'....but that's 24 months, so what's the difference? does 2T come AFTER 24 months? or is 2T generally for 2 year olds, 3T for 3 year olds, etc....
    i'm still a rookie!
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    What I've read (I think) is that 24 months has more room in the rear (for the diaper) than 2T, which may fit a child wearing underpants.

    However, I treated them exactly the same. There's so much variation in sizes anyway, whatever difference there might be between 24m and 2T is pretty irrelevant. (At around age 2, my DDs were wearing some things in size 12m and others in 3T!)
  3. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    I've compared them and sometimes I find the 2T pants are a bit longer, like it gives them more room to grow into the pants I guess.
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I also don't think you'll find 2T onesies... those are 24 mo. so I think that goes along with the diaper vs. underwear idea.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also have noticed that 2T pants are longer then 24 months. My two have no waist, so they still just barely fit in 2T :faint:
  6. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I worked for a children's store briefly and they did explain to me that 24 mos allows for babes still in diapers and 2T caters to the potty trained. There was not that much of a difference though I didn't think.
  7. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i thought that's what it must be. i'm in trouble though because the girls are outgrowing the waists of 24 month clothes because of the bulk from their cloth diapers, but absolutely don't fit into 2T waists, and barely into 3T. i haven't tried anything bigger because the length of the 3T stuff is already ridiculous on them. since they have knock down, screaming, terror fits if i even mention peeing on the potty, i expect we won't be PTing any time soon - which begs the question, what should i dress them in?! :unknw:
  8. bmatlock

    bmatlock Well-Known Member

    wow! i never even thought about the diaper vs. potty training thing! thanks for all the posts!
  9. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    2T is larger for most brands in my experience.
  10. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    Maybe stretch pants and baby doll tops or dresses? Until the get through the bulky diaper stage? I comend you for going cloth with twins- I wish I could figure that out- but I would probably end up throwing them away instead of dealing with the poo.
  11. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    Thank you for posting this! I had no clue either! I thought it was a trick! Yes- sizing is hard- my girls fit into anything from 3-6 mths (a few button tank tops) to 24 months/2T
  12. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    I asked the lady at the Carter's store once and she said for every size 2T, 3T, 4T, etc. to add an inch in the length of the arm and torso area. So from 24m to 2T add an inch, 2T to 3T add in inch and so on. Now that's for shirts ... I still haven't figured out pants because in some styles my boys can still fit in 18 month. I would imagine it's something of the same. I just wish more companies would make pants w/ an extendable waist type of thing.
  13. angelf

    angelf Well-Known Member

    I believe it's the length too. Later on, you'll notice there is a 5T and a regular 5. I've been told that 5T and 5 are the same waist size but 5T is a bit shorter. For future reference. :)
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