i feel so stupid ! please help with the shedules

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mommy2btwins, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. mommy2btwins

    mommy2btwins Well-Known Member

    :angry: hi everyone.. ok here is the story..the girls have been drinking out of sippys for a few months now..but i still gave them bottles.. p.s. now i want to rid the bottles... but i dont know when to give them their milk? b/c they usually drink before nap and bedtime?it seems as if they still cry for like a bottle/sippy u know what i mean? here is their schedule
    730am get up.. either bottle if they are in bed or wait until
    8am with milk and breakfast sippy
    10am sippy nap
    12p lunch..sippy water or juice diluted
    2pm nap sippy or bottle
    3pm sippy snack etc with water
    5pm dinner sippy juice water etc
    7pm bath bottle bed..

    can u revise this so that i can just rid of the bottle..b/c they do drink plenty fom the sippy its not the prob..its just when do i give the damn things!!!! :angry:
  2. marieta

    marieta Well-Known Member

    Can't help, I still give mine bottles. Why do you want to get rid of the bottle?
  3. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    everytime your giving them a bottle during the day give them a sippy instead. I used to give mine a bottle at breakfast and now I give them a sippy of milk at breakfast. Just slowly transition the bottles for sippies. Save the bedtime bottle for last and eventually exchange it for a sippy of milk. I think keeping a rountine is the key to taking them away.......don't take away the bottle of milk just change it to a sippy of milk instead. There are these nuby sippies at walmart.....they are about 2 dollars a piece....that are longer and shaped more like a bottle.....they really helped my son transition. At first he didn't notice that it was a sippy cup. HTH
  4. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    I just threw the bottles away....I explained that big boys dont need bottles....etc. Just give them thier milk when you usually do. I kept 2 bottles (until they were 2) in case of a meltdown....sickness, etc. I used it only when necessary.....Its amazing how quick they adjusted, and I realized that it was more me being afraid to deal with it then them being resistent of the change.

    Here is my schedule (for 2 year olds)

    Wake up..

    Milk in a sippy accompanied by breakfast.
    Play times, etc.

    Mid morning snack is usually around 10. Some fruit or low fat animanl crackers with Juice (half water half juice)

    Lunch at around 12:30 With Milk

    Naptime at 1pm...They can take thier milk with them. I also try and brush thier teeth in the am sometime.

    Wake up is usually around 3-30.

    Snack half juice half water, and maybe some goldfish or something.

    Dinner is around 6pm accompanied by bathtime, and some tv time (they also get a little tv time in the am and in the afternoon).

    Bed is usually between 730-8Pm.
    I also try and make a point to clean thier room (with thier help) and playroom before bed, like a ritual.

    I hope this helps you!!! :hug99:
  5. Tracy623

    Tracy623 Well-Known Member

    We went to 3 meals and 2 snacks at that age. They only got milk with meals in straw cups for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then, they had 2 snacks with water at 10am and 4pm. We just put the bottles away and told them that they had new cups. It was pretty easy!


    QUOTE(mandylouwho @ Apr 14 2007, 05:29 PM) [snapback]219798[/snapback]
    I just threw the bottles away....I explained that big boys dont need bottles....etc. Just give them thier milk when you usually do. I kept 2 bottles (until they were 2) in case of a meltdown....sickness, etc. I used it only when necessary.....Its amazing how quick they adjusted, and I realized that it was more me being afraid to deal with it then them being resistent of the change.

    Here is my schedule (for 2 year olds)

    Wake up..

    Milk in a sippy accompanied by breakfast.
    Play times, etc.

    Mid morning snack is usually around 10. Some fruit or low fat animanl crackers with Juice (half water half juice)

    Lunch at around 12:30 With Milk

    Naptime at 1pm...They can take thier milk with them. I also try and brush thier teeth in the am sometime.

    Wake up is usually around 3-30.

    Snack half juice half water, and maybe some goldfish or something.

    Dinner is around 6pm accompanied by bathtime, and some tv time (they also get a little tv time in the am and in the afternoon).

    Bed is usually between 730-8Pm.
    I also try and make a point to clean thier room (with thier help) and playroom before bed, like a ritual.

    I hope this helps you!!! :hug99:
  6. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    One of my boys set the pace of when we gave up bottles, he had no interest in laying down to drink and would ge frustrated sitting up with the bottle for some reason. So he was not drinking his bottles.

    Now(at almost three but this has been for a long time)

    7 DH usually get them milk and maybe toast.

    8 breakfast

    10 snack w/water or diluted juice, unless they have milk left over from breakfast. ( I have one the LOVES milk and I need to keep track of how much and another that would rather not so I watch to see if he needs dairy/calcium elsewhere)

    12-1230 lunch w/milk

    naps 130

    snack if they do not sleep too long and depending on when they fell to sleep water/juice either way.

    5 dinner w/milk if no snack
    6:30 dinner w/milk if snack

    We just started 3 days in day care so more often now they have snack there and dinner is later.

    You might try putting the juice/water in bottles and milk only in cups, you could also do a small snack w/milk or juice in cups instead of bottles just before the nap

    We also just have water out for them too through out the day.
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are 14 months and this is what we do:

    7:30-wake up
    7:45-breakfast and milk sippy
    9:30-nap (usually until 11-11:30)
    11:30-lunch with milk sippy
    3:45-snack with juice sippy
    5:30-dinner with milk sippy
    7:30-6 oz. bottle of milk

    I also offer a sippy of diluted juice after lunch that usually lasts them until dinner.

    Mine have never needed a bottle or sippy before nap. They do still get a bottle of milk before bedtime though, which I have no problem with right now.

    I would try and just give a sippy of milk everytime you would normally give a bottle. Once they see they are not getting bottles anymore they may not need that milk before a nap. I would try and get them away with needing a milk sippy before naps, a few sips isn't bad though, but you want them to be able to fall asleep by themselves.

    I think it's okay to still give a bottle before bed at their age. I think we gave my oldest a bottle before bed until she was 15 months. My twins were preemies so I have no problems that they still get that one bottle. But I was so glad to give up bottles during the day! Good luck. Trevor was a bit cranky for a week when we gave up daytime bottles, but he got over it. But they both do still love that bedtime bottle.
  8. mbcrox

    mbcrox Well-Known Member

    Wow! Your schedule is almost identical to mine! We are no longer on bottles. I just started giving sippy cups instead. I think it's easier doing this like you are. The older they get, the harder it can sometimes be to take away a bottle. At this age, they are so eager to try new things and so it really wasn't a big deal at all. I too, like someone else said, kept a couple of bottles for emergencies and have used them twice! Again, it was no biggie for the boys to take their cups. Good Luck ~Mary~
  9. bradynathansmom

    bradynathansmom Active Member

    I did did what others did...replaced all bottles with sippy cups! They didn't seem to mind at all...I think I did not long after they turned 1!

    I give them milk in a sippy when they get up....then all day they have their insulated straw cups with water available to them.....I have seperate ones that I take with me when we go out.....sometimes they just have water with lunch, they will get milk if they ask for it....and they will get milk with dinner...but even then,sometimes we skip the milk.....if they don't have milk with dinner then I am sure to give them their yogurt snack later!
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