I feel like I'm waiting for something to go wrong...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by momto3under3, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. momto3under3

    momto3under3 Active Member

    So I'm 20 weeks today, w/ di/di twin girls. I've read so many scary stories that I feel like I'm waiting for something to go wrong! My body HATES pregnancy... I'm still experiencing morning sickness, but finally getting my appetite back, and am starting to get energy back, but, when i do things too fast like bending over to pick things off the floor I wind up needing to sit for a while and get my breath back. Other than feeling like I did when I was well into the 3rd trimester whenever I try to do something (pick up things off the floor, pick up my 21 month old) I'm not feeling much differently than my singleton pregnancy. I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop...

    I don't want to deal with bedrest, don't want to be told I can't pick my son up... but everyday I feel like I'm waiting to hear just that! I rest a LOT! Cleaning and even cooking anything other than quickie meals has taken a back seat to resting. I'm keeping my feet up, but still playing with my son, trying to stay as stress free as possible to keep my blood pressure perfect, but still the fear is in the back of my head constantly!

    Can anyone relate?
  2. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    Yup I can totally relate!! I had the same thing happen to me and then when I finally stopped waiting and when I least expected it then I had the boys early :( I guess things eased up for me after 24wks because I knew that there would at least be a chance but after 30wks I felt a lot better or at least for a while. I think its perfectly normal and really you can only do your best and hope for the best. I know lots of people on here had good pregnancies up till term. Best of luck :)
  3. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    Hi Kelly!

    I know what you mean, I never really had any anxieties with my singletons, but with the twins pregnancy, as soon as we found out, doctors were saying the words "twins are high-risk pregnancies", I heard all the horrible, scary, heart-breaking stories too, and I was so scared that something bad would happen. I can't really say that those fears ever went away until they were born and safe in my arms. But every week, with every appointement I had relief for a while, when they really started moving as well, it really helped. I too wanted to avoid bedrest as much as possible, so i took the doctors orders and did the bare minimum and put my feet up a lot, my older two wound up watching a lot of tv, but it was only temporary and worth it, rather than playing their rough and tumble games, we read a lot of books, played a lot of puzzles, I also napped with them, then my DH would take them to the park, for bike rides when he'd come home. Also, try to drink as much water as possible, when you think you can't drink anymore, just drink a bit more, lol, it really helped.
    I am sorry you are having a rough time of it, but you are already half way there[​IMG] , I know it is hard, but keep up the good work, you are doing great.
  4. ali k

    ali k Well-Known Member

    I was petrified during my entire pregnancy with worries of what might happen- bedrest, pre-term labor, c-section, NICU time. None of those things happened to me. I wish I had been able to enjoy my twin pregnancy, because in all reality even if one (or more) of those things happened we would have dealt with it as it came & it would've been ok. So- take care of yourself, rest, try to relax & enjoy this time.
  5. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    I can definitely relate. I've had that fear since the day I found out I was pregnant, in part because I had a M/C just a couple of months before we conceived the twins. However, I have to say....don't stress. Stress will only make it worse on you! I have by no means had a perfect pregnancy. I lost 18 lbs my first trimester and was hospitalized twice for hyperemesis. I have pregnancy induced hypertension that I take daily meds for (which just reminded me I haven't taken it yet this AM and need to! lol) and I also found out about a month ago that I have gestational diabetes. However...even with all of that going on and feeling like I can never breathe...my doctor has never threatened bedrest or told me not to pick up my kiddo or any of that. My son just turned 3. And I know I shouldn't be lifting him, but he's my son. And he needs me sometimes.

    The best advice I can offer is to just keep doing what you're doing. Try not to stress and worry, I know that's easier said than done. :)
  6. genagoodrow

    genagoodrow Well-Known Member

    Yes!!! I had a totally healthy and "easy" pregnancy, and a family history of fairly straightforward pregnancy and birth, but I was still worried. Just like you said, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    Take it easy, be gentle on yourself, and do lots of positive reading. Twin pregnancies (and newborns) are not always as tough as we hear. Think positive, you're doing a great job!
  7. Adrastia

    Adrastia New Member

    I'm new here to the site, and have been going through the forums to find something I can relate to, and I can definitely relate to this.

    I too feel like I'm just waiting for something to happen. Which is kind of strange territory for me.
    Everything looks great at my visits, and other than the morning sickness, and getting tired easily, I have been doing very well. I have experienced some belly bloat to the point that sometimes it causes me to be short of breath, and some swelling of my extremities, but nothing too bad. My husband and I conceived our twins through a fertility specialist, after having several miscarriages, and I'm currently 10 wks. along. But sometimes it feels like I have this little guy sitting in the back of my brain asking "what if?". Like I'm subconsciously waiting for something bad to happen. I guess that's a normal reaction after having so many losses.

    I'm also dreading the possibility of being put on bed rest. I'm not sure if I could keep my sanity intact, if I were put on bed rest. I've been taking it VERY easy, and it's already driving me nuts.
    I think for me, it's the not knowing what's going to happen next. My first pregnancy was a singleton, and other than having gestational diabetes, it was a breeze. Now, I'm expecting twins, and it's a whole new ball park which I think is the overwhelming part of it all.

    But, lastly, I think the most important part is trying to enjoy your pregnancy as much as possible. Which I think is all we can try to do.
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