I feel like I favour one twin

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Chicklet, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    Not on purpose and I DO love them both the same BUT Jace is just a funny personality. He's the charmer and will flirt w everyone he meets. During the day he also just does funny cute things whereas Tanner is more of a cuddler and thinker. I am constantly taking pictures of Jace doing "troublesome" or funny things... I end up taking pics of Tanner too b/c I want to have just as many pics of him as I do of Jace but Jace's are just funnier, I don't know how to explain it.

    Please tell me I'm not alone!!
  2. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    I feel similar in way because I find that mine go through stages individually where one will need mommy more and the other one wants nothing to do with me so I end up cuddling with one more and therefore become more attached and then they switch and same happens with the other. I love them both equally but I do think this is very common for twin moms
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with the PP, I think it goes in cycles for both kids. My son will go through phases where he is totally personable, charming and funny and wants to ham it up with the camera...then my DD will go through it and my son will want nothing to do with the camera.
  4. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    I was just thinking about posting this the other day, but did not want the other moms to think I was a bad mom for favoring one over the other. Sanders is just soooo funny and soooo sweet, and Callahan is moodier and not as funny. That sounds awful, but i completely understand how you feel. But I don't feel about it becasse Callahan is favored by her father and grandfather.....so I figure she gets plenty of attention :)
  5. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I can't think of a way to make this sound good, but I just figure that one twin's strength might be that he has an outgoing goofy personality and the other might be better at other things down the road. It's just at this stage, you don't know what those things might be yet as they are too young to have developed any talents. But at some point, you might find you're celebrating Tanner more for his accomplishments in art or music or school whereas Jace might always be your ham, KWIM? Just different kids! It's amazing to me how different twins are.

    I do find that mine go through periods too.. at one point we thought Miles was our serious baby, and then one day he just became a bouncy crazy kid out of nowhere.
  6. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    I'm glad I'm not alone in this feeling! I DO love that Tanner just loves to cuddle w me, being my last babies (and a person who adores babies) I'm enjoying this time w him. We call Jace our "Fat funny kid" since he's a bit bigger than Tanner and just a HAM! This might not be such an amusing trait later in life though. OH and we're totally joking calling him fat, he's a cute little chunker!
  7. Clarebear

    Clarebear New Member

    Don't all parents deal with this... One child is the favourite, or just more compatible with a particular parent? With twins is is just thrown into sharper relief as the comparison is more obvious, the age and development of the relationship happening simultaneously.

    Our dear daughter is really engaged cottons on quickly, understands and responds faster and rarely ever whines. Dear son however is sensitive, tantrums faster and whines daily. However he is beautiful with other kids and grownups and is a total cutie. We cHave to consciously ensure we are even handed, praise both and make equal one on one time with both. Because they are both gorgeous, but some personalitites are easier but as a parent we owe it to them not to get in the way as best we can!!!
  8. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I find that my relationship with all 3 of my kids kind of ebbs and flows. One day/week/month Sullivan is "easier" and funnier and just more enjoyable while Finley is whiney and grumpy. Of course, I tend to feel closer to the child that is allowing me to interact with them more, talk with them, joke with them and just have fun. When one is consuming more of my time for discipline issues or is constantly taking away toys from his brothers, hitting them, or just being "naughty" - I tend to feel more like a disciplinarian and less like a parent on those days. However, just as quickly, the tide will turn and the one who was being a grump will turn into the funny, happy, content one and the other one will be a grump. I figure it all evens out. And each child is different. Different personalities are going to influence the relationship we, as parents, have with our children because our personalities will be more compatible with some of our children's personalities and less compatible with others. It doesn't mean we love them more or less, we just "get" them a bit easier and can relate/interact with less effort. :)
  9. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Same thing here. William is way more serious then Nathaniel. Very intense, and god forbid anyone should take something away from him. He is whinnier, complains more etc. Nathaniel is fast to smile, flirts with everyone, will go to anyone, William cries at all strangers. If you take a toy from him, William does constantly, he just goes and gets another one. He is extremely easy going and rarely cries. There are days where William cries non stop all day. I know exactly where you are coming from.
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