I feel like I am fading fast!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rhc0607, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    I feel like I'm losing it and fast! DH had a HUGE falling out with his mother and no longer works for the family business, which means right now we are both unemployed. We are both looking for jobs, but since we haven't found anything yet, we are having to move in with my family. I feel like a prisoner in my house, can't take a walk because we live on a somewhat dangerous road and I don't want to just get out because I don't want to waste the gas. The boys have been so whiny the past couple of days and I don't even know what I should be doing with them. I try to read to them and they just want to grab the book or close it. I try to play with them, but they just want to put toys in their mouth and don't really "play" yet. Spencer has a FIT at every meal, he eats a few bites and then just screams until I get him down. I just feel down right now.
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry you guys are going through a rough patch! :hug: I think your boys are sensing that you and DH are on edge, and are probably reacting to your emotional state plus going through the adjustment of moving to a new place. My guys are so much more sensitive to moods than I thought they would be, and still catch me off guard when they pick up on these things. They also pretty much cease to eat when we're traveling or in a new place, which adds to my stress, which then adds to their fussiness!

    Hang in there; I hope it gets better soon! :hug:
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Valerie. It's hard to not let stress show through and my kids pick up on it very easily. I am hoping that things turn around for you and DH soon :hug:
  4. fancybeltran

    fancybeltran Well-Known Member

    I know the feeling it sounds very stressful for both of you and your kids.
    Entertaining during the winter months are always hard to know what to do.
    I cant drive around too much because of gas. I hate buying something because I have second thoughts about it later.
    But I find that entertaining twins are pretty easy.
    You have to find out what THING your twins are into.
    Mine love pots and pans-- I know it is noisy but they go into their twins room which is there bedroom and make as much noise as possible.
    they also love looking outside the windows. I just open it up and let them look at the passing cars
    We live on a busy road also but I still let them crawl around in the yard I know it sounds crazy but I put on long sleeves and long pants and let them crawl they love being outside and just picking things up and "asking" if they can put it in there mouth. I have two older kids so I have a hand full.

    Do you do parks? Do you take them to the Public Library? They usually have toddlers free reading days and you can hang with other mothers and things like that!
    You can also check the paper for free events. I mean make it work for you! You both can network with other people and find work. Most of the SAHM in my area have husband with their own business and they have nothing better to do with time then hang out at local places. So that would be something to look into.
    I hope my brief summary of things I do help.
  5. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    I don't have much advice on the job situation. My DH lost his job when I was 8 months pg with the twins and I wasn't working either at the time. Something will come around; it's just the waiting and finding that's difficult.

    As far the twins and keeping them entertained ... can you go to a consignment shop and "trade" toys so they have something new to play with? New toys always keep them occupied for at least a couple days :laughing: Can you start a mom's group to get them and yourself some interaction with other people??

    Hang in there!! Things will turn around soon! :hug: :hug:
  6. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    You know I'm always here for you! Message me anytime you need to!! *BIG BIG HUGS*
  7. jaclynkoehl

    jaclynkoehl Well-Known Member

    I always have the hardest time with the kids acting like kids when I have something else on my mind or am stressed about something. When I need to take a break I give the kids the junk mail and let them tear it up. They like the noise, texture, and pictures. I can also put them in their highchairs with some paper and crayons and they'll usually work on that a few minutes. Sometimes I'll also just take them to the bath tub and let them play and splash around - I'm there of course but they're at least somewhat contained and entertained. When we're stuck inside I just try to move them around to do different things - play in the living room, color a the table, stack blocks in the bedroom, etc. Seems to help.

    Hope things turn around for you soon and that the whole situation does have a silver lining....
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